bitcoin and most of the bounties have fallen and want to retest the potential support position.
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缺乏决定性的催化剂和美元指数 (DXY) 的强势使得风险资产的复苏受到抑制。比特币仍然停留在一个狭窄的范围内,寻找那个难以捉摸的突破。比特币在该范围内花费的时间越长,最终突破的可能性就越大。
The lack of decisive catalysts and the strength of the dollar index (DXY) inhibits the recovery of risky assets. Bitcoin is still in a narrow range, looking for that elusive breakthrough. The longer Bitcoin spends in that range, the greater the likelihood of a final break. /spanbr?
加密货币的短期不确定性似乎并没有改变机构投资者的长期观点。纽约梅隆银行首席执行官 Robin Vince 表示,该银行委托进行的一项调查显示,91% 的机构投资者热衷于在未来几年投资某种类型的代币化资产。
The short-term uncertainty of encrypted currency does not seem to change the long-term perspective of institutional investors. Robin Vince, Chief Executive Officer, Melone Bank, New York, said that a survey commissioned by the bank showed that 91% of institutional investors were keen to invest in some type of monetized asset in the coming years.
尽管有些人认为机构进入加密领域的速度很慢,但 Coinbase 高级顾问 John D'Agostino 却不这么认为。D'Agostino 在接受 SALT 采访时表示,“机构惯性是非常真实的事情”,但就数字资产而言,机构采用“进展非常非常快”。
Senior Advisor John D'Agostino, Coinbase, does not think so, despite the fact that some people think the agency is moving slowly into encryption. D'Agostino, in an interview with SALT, said, “Institutional inertia is a very real thing”, but in the case of digital assets, the institution uses “very fast”.
多头需要捍卫哪些重要支撑位才能避免比特币崩盘并选择山寨币?让我们研究一下前 10 种加密货币的图表以找出答案。
What are the important support points that need to be defended in order to avoid a bitcoin crash and to select a mountain coin? Let's look at the charts of the top 10 encrypted currencies to find out.
空头在 10 月 17 日和 18 日成功捍卫了 50 天简单移动平均线(SMA)(19,659 美元)。未能清除这一障碍可能会诱使激进的多头获利,空头开始空头头寸,从而拉低了价格在 10 月 18 日回落至 20 天指数移动平均线 (EMA) (19,384 美元) 以下。
The empty head successfully defended the 50-day simple moving average line (SMA) on October 17 and 18 (US$ 19,659). Failure to remove this obstacle may induce radical multi-head profits and empty head positions, thus lowering the price down to the 20-day average moving index (EMA) on October 18th (US$ 19,384).
卖家将再次尝试挑战 18,843 美元的直接支撑位。如果该水平跌破,抛售可能会回升,BTC/USDT 货币对可能跌至 18,125 美元至 17,622 美元之间的关键支撑区域。预计空头将竭尽全力捍卫该区域,因为跌破该区域可能会开始下一轮下跌趋势。
the seller will try again to challenge the direct support position of $18,843. If the level falls, the sale may recover, and the BTC/USDT currency may fall to a critical support area between $18,125 and $17,622.
强势的第一个迹象将是突破并收于下降趋势线上方,这可能会吸引进一步的买盘并将价格推高至 20,500 美元。多头必须克服这一障碍,才能发出可能的短期趋势变化信号。然后该货币对可能会攀升至下一个阻力位 22,800 美元。
The first sign of strength will be to break and take over the downward trend line, which may attract further purchases and push prices up to $20,500. Many of these obstacles must be overcome in order to send a possible signal of change in the short term. Then the currency may rise to the next level of resistance of $22,800.
以太在 10 月 17 日重新进入对称三角形格局,但多头无法维持复苏。价格在 10 月 18 日下跌,空头正试图将价格拉至 1,263 美元。
Ether re-entered the symmetric triangle on October 17, but many failed to sustain the recovery. Prices fell on October 18, and empty heads are trying to pull prices to $1,263.
逐渐下降的 20 日均线(1,320 美元)和 RSI 处于负值区域表明空头处于边际优势。如果价格跌破 1,263 美元,则 ETH/USDT 对可能跌至 1,190 美元。
a declining 20-day mean line ($1,320) and RSI in negative areas indicates a marginal advantage. If prices fall by $1,263, ETH/USDT may fall to $1,190.
相反,如果价格从当前水平或 1,263 美元的支撑位回升,则表明较低的水平正在吸引买家。然后,多头将试图将价格推高至三角形阻力线上方。
Conversely, if the price rebounds from the current level or the supporting position of $1,263, the lower level is attracting buyers. Then, the multiple headers try to push the price above the Triangular Resist Line.
if they try to do so, the currency will likely rise to the downward trend line of the downward route. Breaking through this resistance may indicate the end of the downward trend.
虽然 BNB?过去几天一直在 258 美元和 300 美元之间盘整,空头正试图通过捍卫移动平均线来占据上风。
though BNB? The past few days have been rounding up between $258 and $300, and empty heads are trying to capture the wind by defending the moving average.
卖家现在将尝试将价格拉至该区间的支撑位 258 美元。在短时间内反复重新测试支撑位往往会削弱它。如果这个水平让位,BNB/USDT 货币对可能会跌至下一个支撑位 216 美元。逐渐下降的 20 日均线(275 美元)和接近 45 的相对强弱指数(RSI)表明空头略有优势。
the seller will now try to pull the price to the support position of the area at $258. Retesting the support position over a short period of time tends to weaken it. If this level is allowed, the BNB/USDT currency may fall to the next support position at $216. The declining 20-day average ($275) and the relatively strong and weak index (RSI) close to 45 indicate a slight advantage.
与此假设相反,如果价格上涨并突破移动平均线,则该货币对可能会延长其在该范围内的停留时间并升至上方阻力位 300 美元。
Contrary to this assumption, if the price rises and breaks the moving average, the currency is likely to prolong its stay in that range and rise to the upper resistance of $300.
瑞波币?于 10 月 17 日恢复并收于 20 天均线(0.47 美元)上方,但多头无法利用这一优势。这表明空头正在反弹中抛售。
Riboco? recovered on October 17 above the 20-megaline line (0.47 US$), but many were unable to take advantage of this advantage. This suggests that the empty head is being thrown back.
价格在 10 月 18 日大幅下跌并跌破 20 日均线。卖盘加剧,XRP/USDT 对跌至三角形的支撑线。这是近期需要注意的一个重要水平,因为跌破该水平可能会使该货币对跌至 0.41 美元。
the price fell sharply and fell off the 20-day mean line on October 18. >
从好的方面来看,强势的第一个迹象将是突破并收于 0.49 美元上方。然后,多头将试图将价格推高至阻力线和 0.56 美元之间的上方区域。突破并收于该区域上方可能表明恢复上升趋势。
The first sign of strength in good terms will be a breakthrough and a gain of 0.49 above. Then many will try to push prices up to the upper area between the drag line and $0.56 above. Breaking and gathering above the region may indicate a return to the upward trend.
In a strong trend, relief rebounds usually last for a period of one to three days, and this is Caldano .
(Cardano)发生的情况。价格在 10 月 18 日的两天回升后下跌,表明空头在每次小幅反弹时都在抛售。
. Prices fall after two days of recovery on October 18, indicating that empty head is being sold at every small rebound.
空头将试图利用他们的优势,将 ADA/USDT 对下沉至下降楔形的支撑线。如果这种支撑也破裂,抛售可能会加速,该货币对可能跌至 0.30 美元。
The empty head will try to take advantage of their advantage to sink ADA/USDT down to the scaffold support line. If this support also breaks, the sale may accelerate and the currency may fall to 0.30 dollars.
如果多头想要避免崩盘,他们将不得不迅速将价格推高至 20 天均线(0.39 美元)上方。然后该货币对可能升至楔形的阻力线。突破该水平可能表明潜在的趋势变化。
If you want to avoid a collapse, they will have to quickly push the price up to the 20-day mean line (0.39 dollars). Then the currency will rise to the drag line of the sculpt. Breaking this level may indicate a potential trend change.
多头无法将价格推至下降趋势线,因为空头在 10 月 18 日停止了 20 天均线(31.40 美元)的复苏。索拉纳已回落至 30 美元至 29.42 美元之间的强支撑区域。
the price could not be pushed to the downward trend line because the recovery of the 20-megaline (31.40) stopped on October 18. Solana has fallen to a strong support area between $30 and $29.42.
如果价格从当前水平反弹,多头将再次尝试将 SOL/USDT 货币对推向下降趋势线。买家必须克服这一障碍才能为可能反弹至 35.50 美元打开大门。
If the price rebounds from the current level, multiple attempts will be made to push the SOL/USDT currency against the downward trend line again. Buyers must overcome this barrier in order to open the door for a possible rebound to $35.50.
但是,空头可能有其他计划。他们将努力将价格压低至 29.42 美元以下,并挑战 10 月 13 日创下的盘中低点 27.87 美元。这一水平可能会吸引多头的强劲买盘,但如果空头设法突破支撑,下一站可能是 26 美元。
, however, there may be other plans. They will try to keep the price down to less than $29.42 and challenge the low of the plate created on October 13 by 27.87. This level may attract a large number of powerful offers, but the next stop may be $26 if the empty head tries to support it.
狗狗币于 10 月 18 日突破 20 日均线 (0.06 美元),但在 50 日均线 (0.06 美元) 遭到强烈反对。这表明市场情绪仍然消极,交易员在小幅反弹中抛售。
Doggies broke the 20-day mean line on October 18 (US$0.06), but were strongly opposed to the 50-day mean line (US$0.06). This suggests that market sentiment remains negative, and traders sell it in a small rebound.
空头将试图将价格压低至 0.06 美元附近的支撑位。多头曾两次成功守住这一水平;因此,他们将再次尝试重复他们的表演。
The empty head will try to keep the price down to a support position near $0.06. Many times have managed to hold this level; so they will try to repeat their performance again.
如果价格从支撑位反弹,该货币对可能再次升至移动平均线。买家必须克服这一障碍才能反弹至 0.07 美元。
If the price rebounds from the supporting position, the currency may rise again to the moving mean line. Buyers must overcome this barrier in order to rebound to 0.07 dollars.
相反,如果价格跌破支撑位,DOGE/USDT 货币对可能跌至 0.05 美元附近的 6 月低点。预计多头将全力捍卫这一水平。
Conversely, if prices fall in support position, the DOGE/USDT currency may fall to a low of 6 months near $ 0.05. It is expected that many will fully defend this level.
买家未能推送 Polkadot在 10 月 17 日和 18 日高于 20 日均线(6.27 美元),表明空头正在大力捍卫这一水平。
buyers failed to push Polkadot above the 20-day mean line on October 17 and 18 (US$ 6.27), indicating that empty head is actively defending this level.
卖家将试图通过将价格拉低至关键支撑位 6 美元以下来进一步巩固他们的优势。如果他们成功,抛售可能会加速,DOT/USDT 对可能跌至 5.68 美元。如果这个水平也破裂,下一站可能是 5.36 美元。
the sellers will try to further consolidate their advantage by lowering the price to a key support position below $6. If they succeed, the sale may accelerate, and the DOT/USDT may drop to $5.68. If this level breaks, the next stop may be $5.36.
或者,如果价格从 6 美元强力反弹,则表明多头正在逢低积累。然后,买家将再次尝试清除 20 天 EMA 的开销障碍,并将价格推向 6.64 美元。
or, if the price rebounds from $6 strong, it indicates that a lot of things are going down. Then the buyer will try again to remove the 20-day EMA barrier and push the price to $6.64.
多边形于 10 月 17 日突破并收于下降趋势线上方。这表明近期开始持续复苏。
Polygon broke and fell above the downward trend line on October 17. This suggests a sustained recovery in the near future.
MATIC / USDT 货币对可能上涨至 0.94 美元,空头可能会采取强有力的防御措施。如果价格从该水平下跌但从 20 日均线(0.81 美元)反弹,则表明市场情绪已转为积极,交易者正在逢低买入。这可能会改善反弹至 1.05 美元的前景。
MATIC/USDT currency may take strong defensive measures if prices fall from that level but rebound from the 20-day mean line (0.81).
或者,如果价格下跌并跌破移动平均线,则表明最近的突破可能是一个牛市陷阱。然后该货币对可能跌至 0.69 美元。
or, if prices fall and break the moving average, the recent breakthrough may be a cattle market trap. Then the currency may fall to 0.69 dollars.
柴犬在 20 日均线(0.000011 美元)附近复苏失败,价格已跌至 0.000010 美元的强劲支撑位。
The wooddog failed to recover near the 20th mean line ($0.0000011), and the price has fallen to a strong support position of $0.00010.
向下倾斜的移动平均线和低于 37 的 RSI 表明空头占上风。如果价格跌破 0.000010 美元,SHIB/USDT 对可能跌至 0.000009 美元,然后跌至 0.000007 美元的关键支撑位。
the moving average line inclined downwards and RSI below 37 indicates that if the price falls by 0.000010, the SHIB/USDT will fall to 0.00009 and then to 0.00007's key support position. span>
如果多头想要阻止该货币对走低,他们将不得不迅速将价格推高至 20 天均线上方。然后该货币对可能升至 50 天 SMA(0.000011 美元),然后升至 0.000014 美元。
If there's more to stop the currency from falling down, they will have to quickly push the price up to the 20-day mean line. Then the currency may rise to 50 days of SMA ($0.000111) and then to $0.00014.
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