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《民间故事》2019年11月(下)刊, ISSN:1005-3948   摘要:当前的云教学网络学习平台中,存在教学管理难度大、考核方式灵活性差,各种教学活动行为的评分难以衡量等问题,为此,本文提出一种基于区块链技术的云教...



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《民间故事》2019年11月(下)刊, ISSN:1005-3948



Summary: In the current cloud learning platform of the , there are problems of difficult teaching management, less flexible methods of evaluation, and less measurable behaviour of various teaching activities. To this end, a cloud learning end-system platform based on block-chain technology is proposed. The system adapts to the cloud platform's various teaching environments by using the design idea of “a section of the course, brain is arithmetic, Token is supported” and a mechanism that combines the characteristics of the block-chain; the system provides a framework for cloud-learning platform based on the Proof-of-authity (Proof-a) consensus of the Taiwan Alliance, using local databases to store instructional information in the distribution of block chains and smart contracts to achieve cloud platform interactive functions.


keyword: cloud learning terminal platform; block chain; design and realization; smart contract

1. 概述

1. < strong > Overview


The terminal cloud learning platform for block chain technology, i.e., from the point of view of distributed technology storage, intelligent contracting to reduce artificial interference in teaching and learning processes, and to reduce the difficulty of managing cloud teaching activities. Current cloud platforms appear as rain and rain, but there are problems of poor flexibility and difficulty in testing compared to underline teaching management .


[2] in order to enhance the credibility of the learning platform learning process by reducing the human intervention process in the learning platform [2] , on the one hand, replacing the traditional database with a block chain to store data in a distributed and unalterable way, and to build trust in information data in the learning process; and, on the other hand, using a smart contract, the intellectualization of teaching activities, the management of teaching, the reduction of the human intervention process and the autonomy of the teaching environment as a whole.

2. 区块链

2. block chain


2.1 concept of block chains


The block chain technology originates from the ground-breaking paper, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, published in 2008 by a scholar called “Middle-to-Hear.” The block chain technology is a completely new distributional infrastructure and computational paradigm that uses block chain data structures to validate and store data, use distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, use cryptography to secure data transmission and access, and use smart contracts made up of automated script codes for programming and operating data.


2.2 concept of block chains


The block chain is a chained data structure made up of blocks in an orderly chain of blocks , consisting of block heads, version numbers, front block Hash, Merkle root, time stamp, etc. The block head is the current block's Hash value; the time of the current block's creation is time stamped; the Merkle root is the memory of the block, with each leaf node storing the contents of the current block, and each leaf node is gradually passed up to the father's node and up to the Merkle root, thereby determining the location of the altered node.


Figure 1: Structure of the block chain


2.3 > is achieved on the basis of the Taiya Alliance chain and the PAA Consensus mechanism


Block chains are classified by degree of openness and can be divided into public, private, and union chains. Public chains are open, with information on all block chains open; private chains are private, with information on block chains only open to internal; union chains are open to coalition members before public and private chains. The building of cloud-based learning terminal platforms through a coalition chain is a guarantee that teaching data will circulate only among members of the alliance, i.e. confidentially, and will also provide expansionability in the future.

区块链共识机制主要分为几类:POW(Proof-of-work)即工作量证明机制、POS(Proof-of-stake)即权益证明机制、Dpos(Delegated-proof-of-stake)即委托权益证明机制、POA(Proof-of- authotity)即权威证明机制。这几类共识机制根据不同的应用场景被使用各类应用中。通过对以上几类机制的分析,云教学终端管理系统采用了以太坊的POA共识机制,通过选举出信任节点进行打包交易以及完成出块任务。

The block chain consensus mechanism is divided into several categories: the Proof-of-work, the Workload Certification Mechanism, the Proof-of-stake, the Pro-Protection Mechanism, the Delegated-proof-of-stake, the Commission Certification Mechanism, and the Proof-of-Authority, the Authority Certification Mechanism. These types of consensus mechanisms are used in various applications based on different applications.

2.4 POA机制的联盟链特点

2.4 POA the coalition chain characteristics of the mechanism


The POA-based coalition chain is integrated with cloud-based learning platforms if it is centralized, information is inexorable, trusted, data retrospective and data-distributed, so as to ensure confidence in classroom teaching and learning processes and to reduce artificial interference in teaching management processes.


(1) , if centralized . On the basis of the distributional properties of the block chain, data from the teaching and learning processes are stored in the form of block chain books at nodes ; and secondly, through the POA Consensus mechanism, transactional packages from nodes to the entire block chain network ensure the automated storage of data generated from the classroom to the block chain network to reduce the human intervention data process.


(2) information cannot be tampered with . The corresponding network data generated by these acts will be stored in the corresponding Hash chain and, once stored, will not be tampered with [6]


(3) can trust . A coalition chain based on the PAA Consensus mechanism can operate only if two-thirds of the entire trust node is allowed to operate if one of the confidence nodes is to operate. Once it is discovered that the data has been tampered with and can be traced back to the originator of the data, identification guarantees trustability in the entire network of block nodes.


Figure 2: Structure of the PAA Consensus Mechanism

3. 基于区块链云教学终端平台设计模型

3. Design model based on block chain cloud teaching terminal platform

3.1 系统采用一课程一节点,脑力即算力,以Token为辅的设计思想,让整个教学、学习过程可追溯、可信任,提供动态自主性教学管理

3.1 applies a section of the course, brain is arithmetic, accompanied by Token design ideas, allowing the whole teaching, learning process to be retrospective and trusted, and providing dynamic and autonomous teaching management .


(1) node of the course


If all cloud curriculum data are placed in the entire block chain, the difficulty of storing them will become very difficult as more and more types of data, such as curricula, students, teachers, etc., become more available, and the entire data will be difficult to manage. All of the proposed nodes for each course, i.e., the data generated by all teaching activities under the curriculum follow the naming rule of “harmonized prefix + identification + Hash” and the data are stored separately through local storage systems. The difficulty of the block chain with respect to the storage of dispersed, swollen data and management is reduced by the difficulty of [7]/a>.


(2) brain is arithmetic


In the teaching environment of the entire cloud, it is difficult to evaluate behaviour, whether teaching or learning, and there is no real indicator of whether or not a certain behaviour has been completed. For example, students view web videos, and as teachers have no means of knowing at all times whether each student has seen the video, making it difficult to rate the behaviour of the student. So a brain-wise or arithmetic approach is proposed, based on the cloud platform under the block chain, the system will mark each user (e.g., age + class + + name) and, when the user is watching the video, the system will ask questions that have been watched, and the student will answer them. This process will transform the student's brain into arithmetic and package the transaction information into the entire network of blocks.

(3) Token为辅

(3) Token is supported by


In a cloud-based environment, behaviour in the course of teaching activities is difficult to convert directly to credits. Token-backed mechanisms are proposed to link the behaviour of teaching activities with token. Under this platform, all actions or actions of users are expressed in the form of token. For example, token is automatically awarded to users who open videos and watch completed videos. The system gives totoken an incentive to answer questions in the course of completing the video. Token, as an aided mechanism, implements a whole series of token teaching activities, and, finally, token-token and credits are linked in proportion to a given student's score in the course. Second, Token can be seen as an incentive to exchange certain prizes free of charge through token, which has the character of stimulating students.


3.2 system architecture


A credible traceability system architecture for ginger products based on block chains consists mainly of a data collection layer, storage layer, application layer, and interactive layer.


The structure of the cloud-based learning terminal system, based on block chains, consists mainly of storage layers, application layers, interactive layers and POA network nodes, as shown in figure 3.


(1) storage layer

存储层由区块链的分布式存储和本地集中式存储共同组成,分别存储结构化数据和非结构化数据。基于区块链下的云教学各个教学活动的参与者,有着自己特定的身份表示,根据区块链上的存储Hash定位到本地数据的Hash,从而确保数据的不可伪造性,保证数据 存储安全;通过与本地数据库相结合,更加方便进行对数据的规范管理与灵活使用。

The storage layer consists of distributed and centralized local storage of block chains, where structured and unstructured data are stored separately. The participants in each teaching activity based on cloud under the block chain have their own specific identification, location of the Hash on the block chain to local data, thus ensuring that the data is not forged and that the data are stored securely; and the regulatory management and flexible use of the data is made easier through integration with local databases.


(2) should use the floor


The application layer provides services to cloud platform users. Throughout the course of teaching activities, teaching management, users continuously upload data from the participants’ teaching, learning, management and other behavioral processes through various smart contract interfaces to the block chain network and local databases in the form of calls to the smart contract interface.


(3) interactive layer


The interface consists mainly of Web applications, micro-message, micro-message, etc., to provide interfaces between the system and the different use platforms and to make it more user-friendly.

(4) POA网络节点

(4) POA network node


The POA network nodes are at the heart of the system, with a consensus mechanism membership consisting of multiple trust nodes, mainly packaged transactional information generated through smart contracts, stored data in the transaction information in a block chain network and broadcasted to all other POA network nodes to complete the entire network data consistency.


Figure 3: POA Consensus Network Group

3.3 模型应用过程遇到的问题以及解决措施

3.3 problems encountered in the application of models and measures taken to address them

3.3.1 token生产

3.3.1 tokenfor production


Token generation in block chain cloud teaching, token generation in the form of Taiwan code, with the following code:


Figure 4: Token Generation Code


3.3.2 storage content and data format


Key pairs of data are stored in the cloud education block chain system, which is based on block chains. By using courses as nodes, the system has been made up of course codes, class IDs, school numbers, names, etc., using interactive data messages from course teaching activities, etc., as a form of cloud education data storage using JSON formatting styles, value information, as follows:

4. 总结与展望

4. > summing up and looking forward


On the basis of a study comparing the inadequacy of the current cloud pedagogic platform model, the design of the cloud pedagogy platform model is based on a combination of architecture based on the POA (Proof-of-authity) consensus mechanism and the ease with which the pedagogic contracts are used. The use of some of the functions in the system is made possible by the end of the example of viewing video by the platform users. The system has a secure reliability of stored data, data integrity, data traceability, abstraction of the entire cloud pedagogic process, operating the entire pedagogic pedagogic platform in a brain-based or arithmetic mode.


The aim of this paper is to provide a more rational and reliable new design and solutions for the contemporary cloud teaching environment. There is still room for further refinement of the whole block chain learning system.




[1] The exploration and practice of the SPBTC teaching model based on the cloud class - with the example of a practical course in middle-level storage [J]. Zhao Jian. Modern Vocational Education 2019 (33)


[2] Xu Tao. Current state of development of block chain plus education and its applied value study [J]. Journal of Distance Education, 2017, 35 (2) 19-28.

[3]基于区块链的农产品柔性可信溯源系统研究[J] , 2019

[3] Study of a credible traceability system for agricultural products based on block chains [J], 2019

[4] Rooksby, John. "Trustless Education? A Blockchain System for University Grades." [Z]


[5] Building of a teaching resource platform supported by the Education Cloud Service [J]. Child Wave, Bae Seung-yu. Modernization of education 2019 (95)


[6] Kim Yi Fu. Block chains + needs analysis and technical framework for education [J]. Electrified education in China, 2017 (9).


[7] Yang today, Li Xin, Wu Qing, et al.... Models and Practical Challenges for the Application of Block Chain Technologies in the Field of Education [J]. Modern Distance Education Research, 2017 (2) 34-45.




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