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If the metaspace is really the next generation of web3.0, the desired metacosystem is a fully centralized metacosystem, no longer dominated by these technocratic giants, but the metacocosystem is still in its infancy, and no one knows which direction the metacosystem will take after five years or ten years, either to decentralize it or to maintain the current pattern of centralization around the technocratic giants.


invests in the virtual assets of the universe


recently has a virtual piece of land, which is held in a virtual currency valued at $2.4 million in the Decentraland game, creating a track record of virtual land transactions, a virtual world of more than 90,000 plots, each of which is a unique non-homogenous currency, the NFT that we have recently heard of, which requires a virtual currency, MANA, that needs to be purchased in Decentraland, which is built in the Taiwann, in the Etheum block chain, and is managed in the model of DAO, a distributed self-governing organization, so it is a virtual world entirely decentralized, with the Meta version of the Decentraland game being released in 2017, with the lowest amount of $20 available at that time, after more than a year of booming NFT concepts, the best land in the game is now worth more than $100,000 .

去年的六月,伦敦的苏富比拍卖行在Decentraland游戏中购买了一块土地,并且按照自己在伦敦总部的样子建造了一个虚拟世界的同款总部,用于展示和销售NFT艺术品,不久之后纽约的投资公司Republic Realm花了大约913万美金,一次性的购入了259块土地计划开发一个虚拟的购物中心与现实世界类似,随着更多的用户入驻Decentraland,更多的土地会被买走,开发成为商店、娱乐场所甚至广告牌,这些土地也可以拿来建造自己的住所。可以想象,这些土地的价格可能就会随着人口的增加而不断的攀升,除了这些土地的NFT可以作为资产、买卖和投资,其实还有穿在身上的衣服、眼镜和其他的各种配饰的NFT,甚至是一个独一无二的用户名,也可以作为NFT都被用户拿来在Decentraland中交易、收藏和投资。

In June of last year, the Sufubi auction house in London purchased a piece of land in the Decentraland game and built a virtual world headquarters, like its headquarters in London, to showcase and sell NFT works of art. Shortly thereafter, the New York investment company Republic Realm spent approximately $9.13 million, buying 259 plots to develop a virtual shopping centre similar to the real world. As more users enter Decentraland, more land will be bought, developed into shops, entertainment sites, and even billboards, and these lands can be used to build their own dwellings. As you can imagine, the prices of these lands may increase as the population increases, except for NFT, which can be used as assets, sales and investments, but also as NFT, which is wearing clothes, glasses and other accessories, even a unique user name, and can be used as NFT for trading, collection and investment in Decentraland.


If you succeed in selling your NFT assets, whether land or clothing, you can easily transfer the MANA digital currency you acquired to the digital currency exchange and convert it into a dollar or other mainstream currency, so you can make a switch from virtual to real world value in the virtual world.



If you're not interested in going deep into a virtual world like Decentraland, there's a simpler way to go directly to buy its distributed virtual currency, MANA, and on the day Facebook announces the change of name Meta to the dollar universe, MANA prices go from less than one dollar to more than five dollars, five times higher. If you believe in the future development potential of a metropolis like Decentraland, but don't want to choose the land or other NFT assets in the game, go to the digital currency exchange to buy some of the Mana's virtual currency from the future growth of the Decentraland game.


invests in digital currency on the bottom platform of the universe

Decentraland其实只是众多基于区块链元宇宙游戏中的一个,其他比较有名的还有The Sandbox,这个游戏和Decentraland类似,都是运行在以太坊基于智能合约的区块链之上的。这些元宇宙之间其实都是相互竞争的关系,所以没有人知道三年五年或十年之后这些元宇宙,哪一个元宇宙最大,哪一个元宇宙甚至会完全消失,所以与其你去投资这些元宇宙内部他们的NFT土地和其他的资产或者去购买这些元宇宙自己发行的货币,不如直接投资这些元宇宙底层的区块链平台,也就是以太坊的数字货币,这样不管以后哪个游戏火了或者被淘汰了,以太坊作为目前元宇宙底层用的最多的区块链平台都会存在,并且继续的成长,即使整个元宇宙的概念是个泡沫,所有的元宇宙都消失了,那么以太坊大概率的还是会继续的存在,因为它在其他的领域,比如Defi就是分布式的金融等行业,还有非常广泛的应用。以太坊虽然是智能合约区块链的头牌,但他也有自己的竞争对手,比如说Cardano、Polkadot和 Solana,所以为了继续降低你的风险,你可以选择再把投资到以太坊的数字货币分散到其他智能合约区块链的货币上。

And instead of investing in their NFT land and other assets within the universe or in buying the currency issued by the universe itself, the game and the Decentraland are running on the grids based on smart contracts in Ether, which are all competing relationships between them, so no one knows which meta-cosmos is the largest and which meta-cosmos is going to disappear altogether after three years or ten years, so instead of investing in these meta-cosmos’s NFT land and other assets or in buying the currency issued by the cosmos itself, it is better to invest directly in the grid platforms at the bottom of the meta-cos, i.e., the digital currency at the end of the universe, which is either a fire at the end of the game or has been eliminated, which is the largest grid platform used at the bottom of the meta-cosm, and continues to grow, even though the concept of the meta-cos is a bubble, all the meta-coss are going on the market, which you can use in other areas, such as Defi, which is the distributed industry, which has a very wide application, but also has a very wide application, although he has the head of his own policy, which he has been able to his own.



After listening to the three investment methods above, if you don't think it's your food or it's too complicated, then the last one is that ordinary stock investors understand, that's to invest directly in the shares of these companies. Coinbase is the digital money exchange that is now listed in NASDAQ, and the dollar money they issue can be traded on Coinbase, and Coinbase, as one of the largest digital money exchanges, will be a boost to Coinbase's stock prices as a result of the rise of the block chain universe. But if you're more inclined to invest in the shares of traditional technology companies, you could actually consider an ETF fund called Meta, like an ordinary American stock, which you can buy through any dollar trading software.


The Meta Fund is a dedicated meta-cosm concept that includes more than 40 technology companies in the field of the meta-cosm, in the United States, Asia and Europe, which are involved in the meta-cosm industry in the fields of chips, games, terminals, hardware, business applications, game making, shopping, social networking, and are therefore a very broad portfolio of investment in the meta-cosm.


The article originally originated from a public platform called “Megaspace Business Information”, and is not authorized to prohibit reproduction.




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