What about the real-time price trends for bitcoins? The current virtual currency is the price changes in the market. Users can quickly learn about bitcoins' price movements in one day and in the near future through the daily price trends. This little editor brings with it the latest real-time price trends for bitcoins, and some want to know more about the latest price information on bitcoins.
How's the real-time price trend for bitcoin?
Bitcoinday price:
$31,372.24H最高: 31,760.1
High $31,372.24H: 31,760.1
24H最低: 30,261.9 历史最高: 69,273.1 历史最低: 0.0495
24H Low: 30,261.9 History High: 69,273.1 History Low: 0.0495
24H成交量: 46.2万 24H成交额: 144.3亿 发行总量: 2100万 市值: 6079亿
Total number of issues: 21 million Market value: 60.79 billion
24H成交额: 144.3亿 发行总量: 2100万 市值: 6079亿24H换手率: 2.37%
Total number of issues: 21 million Market value: 60.79 billion 24H exchange rate: 2.37 per cent
24H波幅: 4.95% 流通数量: 1936万 市值占比: 48.59%
24H: 4.95% circulation: 19.36 million market value: 48.59%
昨开: 30,506.2昨收: --流通率: 92.20%完全稀释后市值 6594亿
Yesterday: 30,506.2 per cent - circulation rate: 92.20 per cent market value after total dilution: 6,59.4 billion
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