Today, BTC rose rapidly at 7.30 a.m., breaking $6,100, and then fell down to $607.00.00. The mainstream currency rose. BTC reported $6074.99 and 24h by 3.32 per cent. 1. The total market value of the global digital currency market was $18,86.36 billion, with a 24-hour turnover of $46,017.92. 2. BTC now has a global average of $6066.92. The currency is provisionally reported $6068.09.09; OKEx is provisionally reported $6070.10; the currency is tentatively reported $6074.99.3. The dominant currency is shown as follows: ETH is reported provisionally $172.00; XRP is reported provisionally $0.29; BCH is reported provisionally $291.27; LTC is reported as $75.43; ETC is reported provisionally $5.74; EOS is reported provisionally $ The market value of the business is reported as $6070.
Bittrex Global CFO/COO Stephen:在加密货币世界,代币持有人可以和项目方进行更多互动:10月27日至28日,火币“无限未来——2020年区块链大航海时代”行业峰会暨火币集团七周年线上峰会正式举行。
Bittrex Global CFO/COO Stephen: In an encrypt currency world, currency holders can interact more with project participants: from 27 to 28 October, the "Infinite Future - The Age of the Block Chains 2020" Industry Summit and the 7th Anniversary Summit of the Coal Group were officially held.
在峰会“如何判定项目价值,市场价值和应对市场风险”圆桌讨论中,Bittrex Global CFO/COO Stephen Stonberg分享观点:加密货币领域有一个独特的创新之处,就是项目的用户通常是代币的持有人,代币持有人可以和项目方进行很多互动。但是,对比传统互联网,像Facebook、Twitter、Google等这些通过股市风投和大股东等传统渠道获得融资的尔科技巨头,这类传统大互联网企业经常被曝出监控和盗取用户数据的丑闻,作为普通用户的我们是无法约束这些大公司的行为的,因为他们对企业没有实际控制权,也就无需对这些普通用户负责。但是在去中心化领域,上述问题就会少得多。[2020/10/28]
In the summit round-table discussion on “How to determine project value, market value, and counter market risk,” Bittrex Global CFO/COO Stephen Stonberg shared the view that there is a unique innovation in the area of encryption money where the users of the project are usually holders of tokens, who can interact much with the project side. However, compared to traditional Internet such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, which is financed through traditional sources such as stock market swings and major shareholders, these traditional large Internet enterprises are often exposed to scandals of monitoring and stealing user data, and we, as ordinary users, are unable to regulate the behaviour of these large companies because they have no real control over the business and are not accountable to them.
动态 | 英国退欧或将给加密货币世界带来混乱影响:随着明年春季英国退欧的临近,英国退欧后的不确定性正日益影响商业和投资决策。有关英国退欧的大部分媒体报道都聚焦于它将对伦敦一度占据主导地位的金融服务业产生的影响。越来越明显的是,英国退欧将对伦敦金融城(City of London)以外的地方产生巨大影响,加密货币世界正准备迎接英国退欧带来的混乱影响。[2018/10/5]
Much of the media coverage of the British retreat is focused on its impact on the financial services that were once dominant in London. It is becoming increasingly clear that the British retreat will have a huge impact outside the City of London, and that the world of encrypt currencies is preparing to face the chaotic effects of the British retreat.[2018/10/5]
人物 | 币世界合伙人、内容负责人冯军离职:今日有消息称,《币世界》合伙人、内容主编冯军已经离职。金色财经向冯军本人求证,得以确认其于6月27日离职,目前尚未有下一步打算。币世界CEO谭晨辉在发给全员的邮件中写道:“在我们公司刚开始的时候,我们确定了用快讯作为我们事业的切入点,冯军老师带领内容团队,付出了极大的心血和努力,创造了中国币圈的币世界奇迹,我们也因此凭借这个媒体属性,崛起为中国币圈的领军公司。”冯军先后供职于南方都市报、腾讯网,于2017年9月合伙创办币世界,负责整个内容线,被业内称为“区块链快讯第一人”。[2018/6/28]
In an e-mail sent to the entire staff, “At the beginning of our company, we set out to use the Quick Message as an entry point for our cause, and the content team, led by Mr. Feng, has worked hard and hard to create a currency miracle in the Chinese currency world, and we have therefore emerged as a leading company in the Chinese currency world by virtue of this media identity.” The Queen's army has been placed in the South Metropolitan newspaper, Quinternet, in September 2017, in partnership to create the currency world, and has been called “the first person in the chain”.[2018/6/28]
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