
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:41 评论:0
区块链至今为止经历了 3个阶段。发展到现在,根据不同的划分标准,可以将区块链分为不同的类别。The block chain has so far gone through three phases....



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区块链至今为止经历了 3个阶段。发展到现在,根据不同的划分标准,可以将区块链分为不同的类别。

The block chain has so far gone through three phases. It has evolved to the point where it can be divided into different categories according to different classification criteria.


3 phases of the block chain


With regard to the three phases of the block chain, the book Decrypting the block chain: Building the next generation of the credit-based Internet contains a number of concepts:


Block chain 1.0: programmable currency


The formation of block-chain technology accompanied by the creation of bitcoins, whose original applications were concentrated entirely in digital currencies. Bitcoin first brought the block chain into the public eye, and then produced “false” digital currencies such as Letco, Ethers, Dogcoins, etc. The emergence of programmable currencies made it possible to move values directly over the Internet. The block chain constituted a completely new, decentralized digital payment system, which traded money anywhere, paid across borders without obstacles, and decentralized systems that operated low-costly, all made the system attractive. The emergence of such an emerging digital currency was a powerful blow to the ship’s financial system.


Block chain 2.0: programmable finance


Thanks to the influence of digital money, one has begun to extend the application of block chain technology to other areas of finance. Based on the feature that block chain technology can be programmed, attempts have been made to incorporate the concept of “smart contracts” into block chains, creating programmable finance. With the support of the contractual system, block chain applications have begun to expand from a single currency to other areas of finance involving contractual functions.


Block chain 3.0: programmable society


With the further development of block chain technology, its “decentralization” function and its “data-proofing” function are gradually being taken into account in other areas. It is being recognized that the application of block chain applications may not only be limited to the financial sphere, but also extend to any area of need. So, outside the financial sphere, block chain technologies are being applied to other areas, such as notarization, arbitration, auditing, domain names, logistics, medical, mail, forensics, voting, etc., and have been extended to society as a whole. At this stage of application, people have tried to use block chains to subvert the bottom protocols of the Internet and have tried to apply block chain technologies to the network of goods, so that society as a whole can enter the age of smart Internet and form a programmed society.


Four Classifications of Block Chains


1. Based on network coverage


Depending on the scope of the network, it can be divided into public, private and union chains.


(1) Public chain


The so-called " publicity ", which is open to all, can be used by anyone at will, without privileges, without identification, etc., not only can be used at will, but all the data that occur are freely accessible and fully open and transparent.


Bitcoin is a public chain network system, and when you use the bitcoin system, you simply have to download the corresponding software client, create wallet addresses, transfer transactions, mining operations, etc., and these functions are freely available.


Public chain systems, because they are completely unmanaged by third parties, rely on a set of pre-arranged rules that ensure that each participant is able to initiate reliable transactions in a network environment of mistrust. Usually, systems that require public participation and that maximize data openness and transparency apply to public chains, such as digital money systems, crowd-sourcing systems, financial transactions systems, etc.


Here it should be noted that, in a public chain environment, the number of nodes is irregular, the number of nodes online is uncontrollable, and even whether the node is a malicious node is not guaranteed. When we talk about the general workflow of the block chain, we mention the question of how to know that data is recognized by most nodes in this context. In a public chain environment, there is no good solution to this problem.


(2) Private Chains


Private chains are a concept relative to public chains. Private chains are defined as systems that are not open to the outside world, but simply systems used within the organization, such as paper management, account auditing, supply chain management, etc., or governance management systems. Private chains are often used with registration requirements, i.e. they need to submit identity certification and a system of competency management.

在私有链环境中,节点数量和节点的状态通常是可控的,因此在私有链环境中一般不需要通过竞争的方式来筛选区块数据的打包者,可以采用更加节能环保的方式,比如在上述共识机制的介绍中提到的PoS(Proof of Stake,权益证明)、DPoS(Delegate Proof of Stake,委托权益证明)、PBFT(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance,实用拜占庭容错算法)等。

In the private chain environment, where the number of nodes and the state of nodes are usually manageable, it is generally not necessary to screen packagers of block data in a competitive manner, and more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly ways can be used, such as the PoS (Proof of Starke, certificate of interest), the DPOS (Delegate Proof of Starke, certificate of trust rights), the PBFT (Pactical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, functional Byzantine error algorithms) mentioned in the introduction to the consensus mechanism.


(3) Alliance chains


The network of the chain of alliances is between public and private chains, usually in environments where there are multiple members, such as payment settlements between banks, logistics between enterprises, etc., often involving members with different competencies, as in the case of private chains, where the chain of alliances is generally set up with identification and competence, and the number of nodes is often determined and is appropriate for the conduct of business or inter-agency affairs. The chain of alliances does not necessarily have to be fully regulated, such as government systems, and some data can be made publicly available and partially open.


The number and status of nodes, as in the case of private chains, is controlled, and is often a consensus mechanism for more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly environments, as the chain of alliances is generally used among well-defined institutions.


2. Based on the deployment environment


(1) Main chain


The main chain, i.e. the real block chain system deployed in the production environment, has many internal test versions of the software before it is officially released, which are used to identify some of the possible Bugs and are used for internal presentations to facilitate the viewing of the effects until the official version is released. The main chain, or the network of blocks made up of the official client end, can be described as a genuine extension of the chain, and the functions are designed to be relatively perfect. Moreover, in some cases, the block chain system may lead to a fork for various reasons, such as the temporary small fork in the mine, at which time the longest of the original chain is referred to as the main chain.


(2) Test chain


This is a well-understood network of blocks that developers provide for test purposes for ease of use, such as the Bitcoin test chain, the Etheria test chain, and so on. Of course, it is not necessary for block chain developers to provide the test chain, or for users to build their own testing network. There can be some differences between the functional design in the testing chain and the main chain in the production environment, such as mining using workload proof algorithms in the main chain, where conversions can be made more readily available to test use.


3. Depending on the type of connection


(1) Single chains


Block chain systems that can operate independently can be called “single chains” such as the Bitcoin main chain, the test chain, the Ether master chain, the test chain, the chain of tests, the coalition chain built by Fabric in the Super-Account project, etc. These block chain systems have complete modules and self-contained systems. Note that for some software systems, such as those based on the Ethera crowd system or the financial guarantee system, these are only smart contractual applications, not a stand-alone block chain system, and the application needs to operate independently of the block chain system.


(2) Side chains


Side chains are cross-chain technologies of a block chain system, a concept that is largely initiated by the Bitcoin side. As technology develops, more and more block chain systems have emerged, with the exception of Bitcoin, each having its own advantages, and how to combine different chains to connect the information islands, and complement each other? The side chain is one of those technologies.


In bitcoin, the Bitcoin system is designed primarily to achieve digitally encrypted currencies, and business logic is entrenched, so it does not apply to other functions, such as financial intelligence contracts, small quick payments, etc.. Bitcoin is the largest public block chain currently in use, with considerable advantages in terms of reliability, decentralized guarantees, etc. How can the Bitcoin network be used to run other block chains? It is possible to consider a new block chain system above the existing bitcoin block chain, which can have many of the features that Bitcoin does not have, such as private transactions, quick payments, smart contracts, signature coverage, etc., and can interact with the Bitcoin main block chain, which, simply speaking, is a new block chain based on anchoring bitcoins.


Through this simple map, we can see that the block chain system and the side chain system themselves are independent chain systems that can interact with data according to a certain agreement, so that the side chain can function as an extension of the main chain function, many of which are not readily available in the main chain can be achieved in the side chain, which then interacts with the primary chain data to enhance its reliability.


(3) Links


Today, our lives can be said to be almost inseparable from the Internet, with only interconnections and so much energy.


The same is true of block chains, which are now emerging with digital money, smart contracts, financial transaction platforms, public chains, alliances, and so on. So many chains, coloured, functional, brain-brained, and new and innovative applications. So, what kind of chemical response do these chains have if they are interconnected? Unlike traditional software, they are unique in their applications, such as data integrity, proof of integrity, automatic network consensus, smart contracts, etc., that can be programmed from the initial digital currency to the future, and that they not only change the way life is provided, but also promote changes in the social governance structure. If each chain is a nerve, it is like a nervous system.


Moreover, from a technical point of view, the interconnectivity of block chain systems can complement each other, each with its strengths and weaknesses, and each with functional complementarities and even mutual validation can greatly enhance the reliability and performance of the systems.


4. By scope of application


By application range: the basic chain, the industry chain. In other words, the currency is the consensus, the chain is the ecology. In the division of the block chain, by ecological application, it can be divided into the following two types:


(1) Base chain


Typical cases: ETH, EOS


Features: The basic chain, understood in a few metres, is the provision of bottom-level and common types of development protocols and tools that facilitate the rapid development by developers of a block chain of various DAPPs, usually dominated by a public chain.


If we compare reality to reality, we often say that the basic chain is the operating system. Strictly speaking, it may not be accurate, and the underlying chain location may be different, such as the ETH and EOS may be more like the operating system, whereas the home and NULS are more like custom protocols.


(2) The industry chain


Typical cases: BTM, GXS, SEER


Characteristics: There does not seem to be a uniform definition of the industry’s chain, with a few metres feeling that the underlying protocols and tools at the bottom are not as basic as the basic chain, and are specifically tailored to certain industries. If you turn the basic chain into a universal public chain, you can interpret the industry chain as a dedicated public chain.


The industry chain is similar to certain industry standards in our daily lives, such as the BTM being an asset-type public chain, the GXS being a data-based public chain, and SEER being a predictive public-sector chain.


There should also be a third classification by application range: the application chain. But it's always better to call the application chain the DAPP, and it's not comparable to the chain.




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