Many people mistakenly believe that mining or buying is the only way to get bitcoin. Indeed, in the early stages of Bitcoin, mining is a dominant way of obtaining, but with the increase in technological thresholds and costs, mining is no longer the preferred option for most people.
But is there any way to get bitcoin free of charge? Is bitcoin free without investment or mining? The answer is yes. Next is to introduce you to 10 ways to get bitcoin free of charge, so that you can hold bitcoin at zero cost.
1. Coinbase Earn项目
Coinbase Earn Project
美国的加密货币交易平台Coinbase推出了一项名为“Coinbase Earn”的计划。只需观看一些关于区块链和比特币的相关视频,并回答几个问题,即可换取各种不同的加密货币。这种方式有点像“薅羊毛”,一般可以获得数百美元的虚拟货币。不过,你需要先注册成为Coinbase的用户才能参与。
Coinbase, an encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, has launched a project called Coinbase Earn. A few videos about block chains and bitcoin are needed, and answers to a few questions, are exchanged for different kinds of encrypted currencies.
1. 利用已有的比特币进行借贷
1. Use of available bitcoin for borrowing
如果你已经拥有一部分比特币,可以通过将它们以一定利率出借给他人来赚取利息。这种模式就像是开设了一个小型银行,只不过贷款的对象是个人而非企业。由于市场上缺乏监管,因此利率通常远高于传统银行,这就意味着潜在的收益较高。但同时也要承担借款人无法还款的风险。为了避免这种情况,可以选择通过一些第三方P2P借贷平台进行操作,例如:Blockfi、Nexo、BtcJam 和 Bitbond 等。
If you already have some bitcoins, you can earn interest by lending them to others at a certain interest rate. This model is like opening a small bank, except that the loan is for individuals rather than businesses.
1. 注册、下载APP赚取比特币
1. Registering, downloading AP to earn Bitcoin
It is believed that you all have access to some net-earning platforms that simply need to register an account on the platform and then perform simple tasks, such as registering an application, downloading applications, etc., to generate a few cents of money. The way you get bitcoin is similar. This method is relatively simple, but not much bitcoins are generated and takes more time.
1. 参与观看广告任务
1. Participation in advertising missions
Some websites encourage users to browse ads or click on ads, and, as an incentive, they provide them with bitcoins. Such sites are also mission-specific platforms, and users need to go to other sites to browse or click on ads. The current popular launch platform is Ads4BTC, which allows users to choose to watch ads for five seconds, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds, and then earn bitcoins as a reward.
然而,这种途径的收益并不高。据 Ads4BTC 提供的价格信息显示,即使你全天都在浏览广告,所赚取的金额也不会超过10美元。因此,对于大多数人来说,这不是一个理想的赚钱方式,除非你有自动浏览广告的作弊机器。
According to the price information provided by Ads4BTC, even if you were browsing advertising all day, you wouldn't earn more than $10. So, for most people, this is not an ideal way to make money unless you have a cheating machine to automatically browse advertising.
1. 获得小额比特币奖励
1. Obtaining small bitcoin awards
比特币水龙头(Bitcoin Faucet)是币圈最常见的“薅羊毛”方式之一。2010年12月,为了推广比特币的使用,比特币核心开发团队成员加文·安德烈森花费50美元购买了1万个比特币并创立了名为“比特币水龙头”的网站。当时的规定是,只要访问该网站,即可免费获得5个比特币(价值约5美分)。这一举措对促进人们接受比特币产生了显著的效果。
In December 2010, Gavin Anderson, a member of the Bitcoin core development team, purchased 10,000 bitcoins and created a website called the Bitcoin tap. The rule was that five bitcoin (valued about five cents) could be obtained free of charge by visiting the site.
Since then, a lot of people have followed Gavin’s example to create a similar Bitcoin tap.
1. 从事轻松便利的在线工作
1. Doing easy online work
The content of such work is similar to, but simpler and less time-consuming to, the above-mentioned task-type sites. For example, testing the compatibility of a plugin with a browser, forwarding an article, etc. may be slightly more than a bit more than a bitcoin tap. The current popular microworking site is CoinWorker.
1. 发表专业见解和观点
1. Expressing professional opinions and perspectives
Today, more and more bloggers and news sites need professional authors to write articles in the area of Bitcoin and other block chains. If you know the industry and have your own insights, you can try to join some of the block chain-related websites and submit your own work.
1. 在论坛上发表优质帖子赚取比特币
1. Making Bitcoin by publishing high-quality posters at the Forum
The BitcoinTalk signing event will reward users for their articles at the forum. Bitcoin will be distributed depending on your level of membership in BitcoinTalk. For informal members, the amount of bitcoin will be very limited (at least 120 posts will need to be published if you want to become a full member).
Most signature campaigns also have specific requirements for post senders, such as a minimum word limit or a ban on advertising directly in a post. The amount of money earned through such activities depends on the number of high-quality articles that you can publish as a user that meets the minimum word requirement.
1. 利用编程技能为企业提供远程工作
1. Using programming skills to provide teleworking for enterprises
If you have computer programming experience, it is possible to earn bitcoin by providing firms with remote work. These companies are usually start-ups, requiring a large number of software developers and Web developers. You can either opt for remote outsourcing or full-time work. The amount you can earn depends on your skills, experience and abilities.
1. 为企业打广告或提供导流服务
1. Advertisement or guidance services for enterprises
To be an influential person in the currency circle, you can advertise a business and earn bitcoin. And, if you know what SEO knows, you can set up a bitcoin channel, which is dedicated to leading a well-known exchange, and you can also earn bitcoin.
These are the 10 ways to get bitcoins free of charge, which you might find simple, but it's hard to really profit from without some expertise. If you have enough money, it's easier to buy bitcoins directly.
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