
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:45 评论:0
“千万不要熬夜,熬夜不光伤身体,还伤钱包。”11月9日早上,有币圈投资者这样感叹到。“Don't stay up all night without hurting your body or your wallet.” On the mor...



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“Don't stay up all night without hurting your body or your wallet.” On the morning of 9 November, investors in currency circles were so sighing.


Last night was quiet for most of the batterers who had just woken up from their sleep; but last night's crypto-money market was called a “blown storm” for those in the currency circles.

昨夜,加密货币市场在短暂上涨后几乎全线暴跌——市值最大的比特币和以太坊跌幅都接近20%;FTT 更是直接崩盘,一小时内跌幅超过30%,24小时内跌超70%……

Last night, the encrypt currency market fell almost all over the line after a brief rise — the biggest in the market was close to 20 per cent in bitcoin and Etherau; the FTT fell directly, with over 30 per cent in an hour and over 70 per cent in a 24-hour period...


In the fall, the wealth of a number of crypto-investors shrunk sharply. In the case of crypto-investors who stayed up late last night and leveraged contracts, the assets in the accounts were wiped out in an instant.


According to coinglass, at 1100 hours on 9 November, a total of 4,148,000 people had exploded in the last 24 hours, amounting to a total of US$ 904 million, or about US$ 6.5 billion, the largest of which was US$ 6.744 million.


What happened last night? BTC, FTT, etc.


What's going on behind the strong?


A tweet from the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng (CZ), turned on last night’s swings in the encrypted currency market.


In the early hours of November 9, Zhao Chang Peng announced on a social platform that he was going to buy the competitor FTX. In his tweet, he said: “This afternoon (8 November US local time), FTX sought our help because of a severe tightening of mobility. In order to protect its users, we signed a non-binding letter of intent, and the currency was going to buy it completely. We will conduct a full investigation into this matter in the next few days.”


“There's a lot to cover, and it takes some time. It's a highly dynamic situation, and we're assessing it in real time. Currency security has the right to withdraw from the deal at any time. As things evolve, we expect that prices for the FTT will fluctuate significantly in the next few days.” Zhao Chang Ping adds.

与此同时,FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF)也在社交媒体上称:“事情已经圆满结束,FTX的第一个投资者,同时也是最后一个(均为 Binance)。我们已经与币安达成了战略交易协议(正等待进行尽职调查)。”

At the same time, the founder of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), also stated on social media that: “It has been successfully concluded, the first investor of FTX and the last (both Binance). We have a strategic deal with the currency (waiting for due diligence).”


It also means that the “war” that continues for days between the world's two largest encrypted currency exchanges is coming to an end.

市场也对这一利好消息做出了反映,BNB 一度上涨至 398 美元,1 小时最高涨幅超 20%;FTT 从 14.5 美元一度反弹至 21.2 美元,最高涨幅 46%;BTC、ETH 也回到了 20000、1500 等关口上方。

The market also responded to this good news, with BNB rising at one point to $398, with a maximum increase of 20 per cent in one hour; FTT rebounding from 14.5 dollars to 21.2 dollars, with a maximum increase of 46 per cent; and BTC, ETH, returning to the top of the gates of 20000 and 1500.


However, as everything moves in the ideal direction, the rumour of “acquisitions or anti-monopoly blockages” has led to a sharp downward spiral.

阿姆斯特丹大学专门研究区块链和反垄断问题的副教授 Thibault Schrepel 在 CZ 的推文下写道:“以后在发推之前请先检查这是否符合反垄断法,如果这条推文出现在即将到来的反垄断诉讼中,我不会感到惊讶。”

The Associate Professor Thibault Schrepel, specializing in block chains and antimonopoly issues at the University of Amsterdam, wrote under the CZ tweet: “Please check whether this is in accordance with the Antimonopoly Act before pushing forward, and I will not be surprised if it appears in the forthcoming antimonopoly proceedings.”

Thibault 解释称,在美国,《谢尔曼法》等反垄断法禁止直接竞争者采取行动保护彼此,而 CZ 却在推文中提到“在 FTX 面临严重的流动性紧缩并寻求帮助后,他已介入保护用户”,这意味着存在非法协议,美国法律或将适用于这一事件,因为该交易会影响整个公司,包括其美国业务。

Thibault explains that in the United States, antimonopoly laws such as the Sherman Act prohibit direct competitors from taking action to protect each other, while CZ refers in its tweets to “the involvement of FTX in the protection of users after FTX faced severe liquidity constraints and sought help”, which means that there is an illegal agreement and that United States law may apply to the event, as the transaction affects the company as a whole, including its United States business.

与此同时,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)发言人 Steven Adamske 也表示,CFTC 正在关注 FTX 事件动态,但目前任何监管问题都未明确。

At the same time, Steven Adamske, spokesperson for the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), stated that CFC was following developments in the FTX incident, but that no regulatory issues were currently clear.

“收购”成了不确定事件,市场再次恐慌。BTC 一度跌破 17000 美元,ETH 也一度跌破 1300 美元。由于在收购公告中亲口承认 FTX 存在流动性紧缩情况,FTT 更是直接崩盘,最低一度跌至 2.5 美元,24小时内跌幅超过70%。

“Acquisition” became an uncertain event, with the market panicing again. BTC once fell by $17,000, and ETH once by $1,300. The FTT fell by more than 70 per cent in 24 hours as a result of its own admission in the purchase announcement that the FTX was in a tight liquidity situation.


Encrypted Big Leader, public "Standoff"


In fact, the “war” between the currency and FTX had lasted several days before both parties announced the “purchase”.

整个事件最早的起因可以追溯至11月2日,加密货币新闻网站CoinDesk披露了一份关于量化加密货币基金公司Alameda Research的报告,暗指Alamada将陷入破产危机,FTX将陷入流动性危机。

The earliest causes of the entire incident date back to 2 November, when CoinDesk, an encrypted currency news site, disclosed a report on the quantitative encrypted monetary fund company Alameda Research, implying that Alada would be in a bankruptcy crisis and that FTX would be in a liquidity crisis.

报告里称,在Alameda的资产负债表中,FTT为其最大单一资产,约持有1.4亿枚,与FTT相关资产为58亿美元,占其净资产的 88%,同时1.4亿枚占FTT两亿枚流通量的70%。

According to the report, in Alameda's balance sheet, FTT was the largest single asset, holding approximately 140 million units, with an FTT-related asset of $5.8 billion, or 88 per cent of its net assets, while 140 million units accounted for 70 per cent of the 200 million FTTs in circulation.

凤凰网《风暴眼》了解到,Alameda Research 和 FTX 之间联系非常紧密,两者的的创始人都是SBF。Alameda是FTX最早期也是最重要的做市商,向FTX提供了大量流动性。

Phoenix Network, Storm Eyes, learned that Alameda Research and FTX are very closely connected, both of whose founders are SBF. Alameda is the early and most important marketer of FTX, providing substantial liquidity to FTX.


Although SBF announced its withdrawal from the administration of the Alameda Fund in May this year, indicating a focus on FTX development, there is a general perception in the market that Alameda and FTX operations continue.


CoinDesk's reports have raised doubts within the industry about Alameda's financial relationship and the financial situation of FTX, as well as concerns about whether the potential liquidity crisis of FTX has become the “Rayman crisis” in currency circles.


But given the strong assets of the SBF, the market has merely increased its discussion of FTX and alameda, with no current panic and shock. At this point, the role of Yuan and Zhao Chang Peng is just one of the watchers.


Until 5 November, the co-founder of Binance wrote on Twitter: "The currency does not give mortgage-free loans, does not engage in transactions, does not buy companies, does not pay to sponsor companies, and 20 per cent of the FTX shares have been sold, looks up and heads down.

随后,Alameda Research联席CEO Caroline Ellison在推特上回应称,CoinDesk披露的资产负债表仅为公司资产的一部分,另有超过100亿美金的资产没有反映,并称已经归还了大部分的贷款。

Subsequently, Alameda Research co-chair CEO Caroline Ellison responded on Twitter that CoinDesk disclosed a balance sheet that was only part of the company's assets and that more than $10 billion in assets had not been reflected, stating that most of the loans had been repaid.


However, it was not expected that Zhao Chang Peng would end up with him on November 6, offering a big move -- to sell FTT. Zhao Chang Peng wrote on Twitter: fearing that FTT would collapse in the same instant as Luna, all the FTTs on the books would be sold in the coming months, and the 23 million FTTs that had been transferred to the bank account were only part of what was obtained after the withdrawal of FTX.

受此影响,FTT 短线快速下行,一度跌至 21.4 美元。不过在当时,包括 BTC 和 ETH 在内的其他主流加密货币并未受到太大影响。

As a result, the FTT short-line fell quickly, once to $21.4. At the time, however, other mainstream encrypted currencies, including BTC and ETH, were not significantly affected.


Alameda was unable to sit and immediately offered to buy all of the FTTs to be sold at a price of US$ 22/dollar, but many questioned whether FTX could actually make $580 million to buy them back. As a result, the war between FTX and the currency was in a state of white fever.

但Alameda 的“托底”并未能打消投资者对于FTX的担忧。随着市场对 FTX 整体流动性担忧的加剧,大量用户开始疯狂地从 FTX 提现。而面对突然到来的挤兑,很快就出现了 FTX 提款延缓等不良信号,这似乎佐证了市场对于该交易所流动性存在缺口的质疑。

As the market’s concerns about the overall liquidity of FTX have increased, a large number of users have begun to rush out of FTX. Faced with a sudden run-off, bad signals, such as a delay in the withdrawal of FTX, have quickly emerged, which seems to confirm the market’s doubts about the exchange’s liquidity gap.

11 月 8 日 11:00 左右,持续堆积、发酵的恐慌情绪最终迎来了爆发,FTT 在跌破 22 美元关口之后快速跳水,一度跌至 15 美元附近。

On 8 November, around 11 a.m., the fear of continued build-up and fermentation finally erupted, and the FTT jumped out of the water at the 22-dollar gate, once near $15.

这一次,大盘也开始转向弱势,BTC 跌破 20000 美元关口,ETH 跌破 1500 美元关口,更多山寨币也都出现了两位数的跌幅,SOL、BIT 等与 FTX 存在牵涉的项目跌幅更是超过了 20%,以 FTT 为主要抵押资产之一的稳定币 MIM 也出现了脱锚迹象。

This time, the big plate began to turn to weakness, the BTC fell through the $2000 threshold, the ETH fell through the $1,500 threshold, more bounties showed double-digit declines, the SOL, BIT and other projects involved in the presence of FTX fell by more than 20 per cent, and the MIM, with FTT as one of the main collateral assets, showed signs of breaking down.


In the early hours of November 9, the market’s concerns about the FTX liquidity crisis were dissipated with the simultaneous announcement by Zhao Chang Peng and the SBF of a “money acquisition of FTX.” Soon, however, rumours of “anti-monopoly” broke, and the market began to collapse.


"The Chinese are the richest" beat "the Chinese"


Although currency acquisition of FTX may still be subject to variables, there is no doubt that Zhao Chang Peng won the final victory in this “Chinese-rich” and “Mother-in-law” confrontation.


Indeed, on 6 November, the “play of power” between the currency and FTX had already begun before the public “face was torn”.


In 2017, Zhao Chang Peng created the currency and became the head of the encrypted currency exchange with the fast-tracking of spot transactions. To date, the currency has become the world’s largest encrypted currency exchange.


At the end of last year, Zhao Chang Peng was also the richest member of the Chinese family, with $94.1 billion (approximately $634.8 billion), and became the world's ten richest people.

相较于币安,FTX属于加密货币赛道的新玩家。FTX的创始人SBF(全名Sam Bankman-Fried) 可以说是币圈无人不知、无人不晓的人物。有人将他和以太坊创始人Vitalik,币安创始人赵长鹏CZ,波场创始人孙宇晨(Justin Sun)合称为币圈“四大天王”。

By contrast, FTX is a new player in the encrypt currency track. The founder of FTX, the SBF (all known as Sam Bankman-Fried), can be described as an unknown and unknown figure in the currency ring. He and the founder of Ether's cell, Vitalik, the founder of the currency, Zhao Changjun CZ, and the founder of the waves, Justin Sun, are also known as the Four Kings of the Currency Circle.

不过,SBF最为著名的还是“币圈央妈”的称号。今年夏天,在币圈遭遇Terra(LUNA)与UST 史诗级崩盘后,SBF出资收购了数家陷入危机的加密货币交易所,一度被赋予了“币圈央妈”的称号。

However, the SBF is most well known for its title, "Mother of the Currency Circle." This summer, following the currency circle crashes between Terra (LUNA) and the U.S.S.S.S.F. funded the acquisition of a number of crisis-stricken encrypted currency exchanges, which were once given the title "Mother of the Currency Circle."

2017年,SBF从著名对冲基金Jane Street辞职投身币圈,最早做的是日本和美国比特币套利交易。随后创立了上文中提到的量化加密货币基金Alameda Research,专注于加密资产做市和初创加密资产公司风险投资。

In 2017, the SBF resigned from its famous hedge fund, Jane Street, and first made a arbitrage deal between Japan and the United States of America. Subsequently, the Quantified Encrypted Monetary Fund, Alameda Research, mentioned above, was created, focusing on encrypting assets as a risk investment for both market and start-up cryptographic asset companies.


In May 2019, the SBF created the encrypted currency exchange FTX, one of its first investors. On December 20, 2019, the currency announced a strategic investment in FTX, bringing its valuation to $1 billion in a short period of time.


As a result, FTX received a huge investment, which was rapidly growing under the leadership of the SBF, and currency security wanted to take its place in the derivatives trading market. Both were a win-win move, with both parties having spent a “sweet moon.”


However, the alarming rate of growth of FTX, which soon became one of the top five encrypted currency exchanges in the world, has also raised currency security concerns — a position that could be threatened if FTX were allowed to develop.


Then, during the July 2021 FTX B round of financing (with an increase in the valuation to $18 billion), currency withdrawals were announced. By 2022, FTX became the second-largest encrypted currency exchange.


According to media reports, the SBF wants to use “political power” to “supervise” its development in the US. It is known that the SBF is currently one of the largest contributors to the entire US political movement, and has contributed $39.2 million to the US Democratic Party campaign, ranking fifth.


Until then, political help was also seen as one of the important highlights of FTX and the SBF. However, it was also argued that SBF’s political donation had nothing to do with pressure on currency security and other competitors.


But many insiders argue that the choice to fight FTX is based on a recent SBF-driven encryption regulation bill, which includes pressure on currency security. Indeed, Zhao Chang Peng also “suggested” on Twitter that the SBF is trying to use political power to suppress rivals’ behavior.


On November 7, he tweeted: “The liquidation of the FTT is only a late exit risk management and a lesson learned from previous LUNAs. Binance has supported it before, but does not pretend to love after divorce. We do not object to anyone, but we do not support those who are behind and lobby against other players in the industry.”


After the exposure of FTX on November 2 to a possible liquidity crisis, the currency was also keenly seized of this opportunity to knock down the opponent completely. From unanticipated sudden selling of the FT, to pressurizing public opinion, to the final announcement of the acquisition of the FTX, the whole process was only a week away, and was described as “quick, accurate, hard”.


With the fall in FTT prices and the FTX Stock Exchange crisis, the net assets of the two year-long SBF on the Forbes Global Richter list have also shrunk sharply. The Bloomberg Terminal updated its estimate of SBF net assets on 8 November, falling to $991 million from $16 billion the previous day, or 93 per cent in a single day.


No one could have imagined that the SBF, known as the "Mother of the Currency" who helped other businesses a few months ago, was so vulnerable to Zhao Chang Peng’s death. Before that, the FTX, which was the second largest exchange in the currency, was suddenly caught in a liquidity crisis, shaky, and quickly taken over by the main competitor.


Has the storm in the encryption market passed?


The “storm” on the crypto-currency market appears still to be in the past, despite the announcement of both the money security and the FTX acquisitions.


On November 9, mainstream encrypted currency such as Bitcoin and Etheria continued to fall. Bitcoin fell back by $18,000 after a short rise, and it fell back by $1,200.

BitMEX 创始人 Arthur Hayes 的表示:“FTX 就是加密货币世界的雷曼,目前市场还未见底,比特币 17500 美元的价格尚有风险。”

The founder of BitMEX, Arthur Hayes, stated: "FTX is Lehman of the world of crypto-currency, and the market is not yet bottomed, and the price of Bitcoin 17,500 is at risk."


However, while the entire encryption market suffered a heavy loss as a result of the FTX liquidity crisis, not all of the events seemed to have had a negative impact. The encounter with FTX led to self-reflection by the major encrypted currency exchanges and the voluntary disclosure of their asset reserves.


According to Zhao Chang Peng, there are two lessons to be learned from this incident: 1. Do not use your own coins as collateral. 2. If you operate an encrypted money business, do not borrow. Do not use capital effectively. Guarantee large reserves.


Moreover, Zhao Chang Peng also stated that an encrypted exchange should not have a partial reserve system like a bank, and that all encrypted exchanges should make publicly available the proof of the reserve. The currency will soon begin to prove the reserve and maintain full transparency.

随后 OKX 交易所也公布计划在未来 30 天内发布储备金证明;另一加密货币交易所Bitget也称将公布储备金证明。

Subsequently, the OKX Exchange also announced plans to issue a certificate of reserve within the next 30 days; another encrypted currency exchange, Bitget, also stated that it would publish a certificate of reserve.


However, the “negative” voice on the crypto-currency market also persists. A number of “opposing” the crypto-currency say: “The FTX incident is more an illustration of the hypocrisy and vulnerability of the crypto-market.”


The author of the Black Swan, Taleb, made a mockery of the whole event this morning, stating that “there is no liquidity crisis in the encrypted asset circle — a liquidity crisis that occurs only on those financial assets that have a solid intrinsic value, which is nothing more than a crisis”.

而币安对FTX的收购最终能否顺利进行,目前看来似乎也未能完全确定。据Bitcoin Magazine报道,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)发言人Steven Adamske表示,正在关注这一情况,但“目前任何监管问题都不清楚”。

And the eventual success of the FTX acquisition by the currency security seems to be uncertain. According to Bitcoin Magazine, Steven Adamske, spokesman for the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), reported that this is a matter of concern, but “no regulatory issues are known at this time.”


If the purchase of FTX by the currency is ultimately aborted, the encryption market will undoubtedly be re-emerged with a “Lehman crisis”.




Less than a day later, the currency-to-FTX acquisition program became another variable. Formerly the world’s second largest encrypted currency exchange, FTX, or would face bankruptcy.

11月10日凌晨,币安(Binance) 官方发文表示,根据公司尽职调查的结果,以及有关不当处理客户资金和所谓美国机构调查的最新新闻报道,决定不寻求对 FTX.com 的潜在收购。

In the early hours of 10 November, an official communication from Binance stated that it had decided not to seek a potential acquisition of FTX.com, based on the results of the company's due diligence and the latest news reports on the improper handling of client funds and the so-called investigations by United States agencies.

币安指出,一开始,Binance 希望能够支持 FTX 的客户并提供流动性,但这些问题超出了 Binance 的控制范围或帮助能力。

In the beginning, Binance stated that it wanted to be able to support and provide liquidity to FTX clients, but that these issues were beyond Binance's control or ability to help.


Phoenix Network, Storm Eyes, learned that the term “more than the ability to help” means a funding gap of $8 billion.


According to media reports, SBF informs investors that if there is no cash injection, the company will be required to apply for bankruptcy. Before the currency announces its renunciation of the competitor’s exchange, the SBF told investors that it faces a funding gap of up to $8 billion. FTX tried to raise funds by means of bonds, shares, or a combination of both.


Meanwhile, U.S. regulators have been involved in this high-profile secure market acquisition. According to the Wall Street Journal, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Department of Justice are investigating FTX.


FTX also continues the “storm” brought about by the entire encrypt currency market. CoinGecko data show that the current market value of the encrypted currency was $85,323.9 billion at 0900 hours on 10 November, a 24-hour drop of more than 10 per cent.





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