core subject
MBFZ02公司金融 (3學分)
MBFZ02 Corporate Finance (3
introduces the basic theory of financial science and its applications at the corporate level, including corporate integration, investment and equity decisions in the financial market.
MBFZ03金融統計和金融計量學 (3學分)
The main contents of the subject are multiple linear regression models, VAR models, ARIMA models and joint equation models and statistical software EVnews applications. Through learning, students are able to build quantitative regression models based on economics, using the statistical software EViews cross-sections, time series data and face sheets (panel) for empirical analysis and to understand and apply computer returns.
MBFZ04金融經濟學 (3學分)
will address the central themes of microfinance, including individual investment decisions under uncertain terms, random dominance, mean-form theory, equity market balance and property price fixing, arbitrage theory, options pricing, and the practical application of these themes.
MBFZ05研究方法 (3學分)
/> is intended to provide students with the necessary research methods to understand and write financial reports and papers, mainly using the measurement economics method for financial research.
MBFZ06財務會計與報告 (3學分)
MBFE01商業倫理 (3學分)
> < / strong > > < > > >, through the theoretical underpinnings of corporate science in system learning, issues of ethics in business circulation, issues of ethics in business management, corporate philosophy, etc., provide students with an understanding of the basic principles and basic knowledge of business ethics and the cutting edge of business doctrine; understand the importance of business law in business activity; and analyse basic business practice in the light of the case of business doctrine.
MBFE03投資與證券管理 (3學分)
starts with the key principles of the investment environment, exploring the main role of the financial market, the types of certificates that are traded in these markets, and how they are traded.
MBFE04金融風險管理 (3學分)
MBFE04 Financial risk management
introduces methods for measuring various financial risks (market risks, credit risks, liquidity risks and operating risks), such as long-term, gap analysis, risk at risk. In the same time, learn how to use these methods to effectively manage financial institution risks and learn about financial rules to achieve better financial stability.
MBFE05固定收益證券 (3學分)
provides the basis for the system's introduction of the basic concepts and rationale of the world's largest financial market in the fixed income certificate market, focusing on the analysis of the pricing methods and risk factors involved in fixing the fixed earnings certificate, as well as the specific methods and techniques for dealing with these issues.
MBFE07公司治理 (3學分)
>, as well as legal sources, corporate finance and corporate governance. The course will also be suitable for exploring centralized equity and corporate governance innovations, corporate governance in commercial banks, corporate governance and cross-country corporate governance.
MBFE08房地產金融 (3學分)
describes the underlying knowledge of real estate finance in this subject, including the operation of mortgages, pledges and guarantees, loans, loans, loans and loans to public funds, second-tier markets for real estate mortgages (mortage coupons) and housing insurance related to the security of mortgages.
MBFE09金融市場與機構 (3學分)
Under the heading of financial market development, the main players in financial markets - financial institutions. Through learning, students need to understand the financial market's sub-groups and financial instruments, the role of commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions and central banks, the pricing rationale and models of financial markets, knowledge of currency markets, capital markets, the main functions of foreign markets, understanding of deposit-type financial institutions, commercial banks and investment banks, and the rules of the Bassel agreement.
MBFE17金融衍生產品 (3學分)
MBFE17 Financial derivatives
describe the underlying principles of financial engineering in the system, including price fixing methods and models without arbitrage, as well as basic risk management such as long-term, futures, swaps, and rights-based financial derivatives based on bond and stock markets. The course focuses on the ability of students to use appliance software for price setting and analysis of practical problems (cases), and the ability to trade in derivatives and the hedging of viable derivatives.
MBFE18行為金融學 (3學分)
The main objective of the subject
> is to present the findings of the current practice as finance and its impact on neoclassical financial theory. Its specific content consists of limited rationality, undetermined decision-making, enlightened bias, foresight, time preferences, emotional and investment behaviour, social preferences, neuro-economics, etc.
MBFE19金融科技 (3學分)
MBFE19 financial technology
should respond to changes in the financial domain.
MBFE20金融監管 (3學分)
>, financial sector supervision (banking, securities, insurance), analysis of financial supervision and promotion of financial innovation, checks and balances in financial risk prevention, and other supervisory lines and international cooperation in financial supervision.
MBFE21金融專題 (3學分)
presents the financial science development in a topical format, the financial science controversy and the theoretical frontier. Introduces and analyses important financial events and uses financial science theory and methods to interpret them.
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