新站馬拉松No.1:玩股網 (wantgoo.com) / Mr. 6

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:38 评论:0
Source: http://mr6.cc/?p=3842 從有網路以來網友們所受到的教育一直是免費才是王道,從Google會怎麼做?到免費!揭開零定價的獲利祕密,無一不是斬釘截鐵地跟我們說網路公司就是只需要...



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Source: http://mr6.cc/?p=3842






Why don't you just connect to the stock market and use robotic programs to simulate virtual news instead of making people think it's fake? Players will doubt that even if they make money in the stock market, they will not necessarily make money in the real stock market.


According to the stock network, the original design was that it would take three to five years for the average stock to walk more than once, and it would take too much time if investors wanted to practice a full multi-head + blank operation, while the stock network, because it was a robotic program owner's share price, was able to squeeze time into three months to complete a full multi-head + empty, and the market would be more efficient, so that the player could reach the effect of the practice in a very short period of time.


It's still questionable, though. It's true that there's a lot of people playing, according to the stock network, from the opening of this year (2009) 4/28 to about 12,000 members, and there's more than 3,000 members running the stock market. More than 800 of them are going to go online every day, and they're going to be very committed. As recently as the stock market is running empty, a lot of players are complaining that robots are having too much influence on them to pay for money. Here's a few screenshots of the stock market:


In addition to virtual stock market transactions, each registered member has his own blog and a shredding, unlike the general blog, where their blog articles can be sold for money, assuming that the full text of an article has 1,000 words, the author has only 200 words in public, and the rest 800 words have to be paid by the reader. The fee is paid for the virtual currency they are selling, and the author gets the virtual currency to apply to the network for money in return, just like the cost of the script.


Back at the beginning, the stock network indicated that they had wanted to follow the usual business model: to operate the stock market free of charge, articles free of charge, and to buy from the players when they think that the real money in the market is not enough (the mode of operation of the Happy Farm), it should be enough to make this part of the bill, but two months after the start of the site to find out whether it is not enough to advertise or not to play, only one player has been buying money for two months, and only 15,000 dollars a month of advertising revenue, just like a regular Internet company, it's really burning money every day, and when it's burning, it's closing the door.


Some of the company’s shareholders, holding the attitude of the dead horse as a living doctor, who were not willing to pay on the virtual stock market, were likely to be willing to spend money on real-estate stock market teaching articles (an idea that hundreds of thousands of dollars would be spent by relatives of a shareholder on board members), began to turn their blog function into part hidden, paying to see the full text, and then started encouraging writers to write articles, sharing part of the money they earned in writing to play shares, and all others to go home.


Something wonderful has happened--


The number of daily informants has increased since the start of the announcement that they can sell, and the number of contacts in one month has doubled, the harvest has grown more spectacularly, the first month has broken over 100,000 yuan, the second month 200,000, the third month 300,000, and the two months' revenues are close to 500,000 .


And what is even better is that the original stock network forecaster came to play the stock market mainly to operate the stock market and started reading articles after a period of operation, and now, on the contrary, most players are attracted to articles that are tired of operating the stock market, while more people are playing stock games.


This is a phenomenon that breaks our original stereotypes of paying fees and free fees, and who would have thought that the number of online contacts would have increased significantly, not by 35%, but by more than double.


What is the reason why users are willing to pay money to read articles? The only possibility is that the user really has valuable ideas or techniques to learn from the articles, so that they can make money in the stock market and spend a small amount of money on them (a few players are said to have bought five or six small virtual coins on a continuous basis).


It is worth thinking about whether websites must be free of charge. American websites, because the market is big enough, and the usual user spots are high enough, and it is not difficult to feed an Internet company on an ad, but when the market is so small as Taiwan, it's based solely on advertising income, and unless you do the Yahoochimo model, it is basically hard, even if large websites like the Pixnet Plankton are able to cut off the income of the members of the board, it should not even be able to make money for their staff costs alone.


So if creative websites can sell goods, just sell them, as long as your goods are good, customers will not be scared off, and ‘strong’, especially the kind of financial website that makes more money for customers, may be a better and more efficient business model


The stock network has now written an app copy of the book to the facebook where the user can buy the book , without advertising.


Finally, from the author’s point of view, I would like to give a little advice to the network, because it is a relatively weak point to observe that the network is less interactive, and the white point is that the site is less interactive, which is fatal for a web site with a social function. But when they talk to the network, they smile and say that they also notice that the new feature that will be developed is used to overcome the problem, and that, yes, they intend to sell and only ask for expectations without telling what the new function is.


The next step of the stock network is to post the stock market as an app to a facebook. The general public, who usually likes or is used to playing small games on the facebook, can also access the stock network, and then they can really take off and look forward to that day.


(this paper is written by other authors and provided by creators)




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