中国证券网讯 目前,除了银行之外,目前已有蚂蚁金服、宜信、网信集团、点融网等多家互金平台也在纷纷布局区块链技术。另外,近期从中国人民银行招聘岗位中发现,中国人民银行印制科学研究所现招聘相关专业人员,从事数字货币研究与开发工作。
At present, in addition to banks, there are a number of interlocking platforms, such as ant gold suits, I dont believe, web-based groups, and patches. In addition, the People’s Bank of China recently found that the People’s Bank of China’s Institute of Printing Science currently recruits professionals to work on digital money research and development.
In January of this year, the Central Bank of China held a seminar on digital money, at which it discussed the overall framework for the issuance of digital money and related technical issues, suggesting that it would continue to build on its earlier work, with a view to the early roll-out of digital money issued by the Central Bank. The mapping exercise revealed that the interdemnity platform focused on various scenarios for the proposed application of block-chain technologies, including public goods, supply chain finance, mesh management, consumer finance, channel management, clearing, and letters.
For example, the first application of the ants gold-suit chain technology is a public good, and Internet-based groups are promoting the financial application of the industrial chain by providing block-chain technologies such as financial services to cross-border B2B trading companies.
It is worth noting that this year, &ldquao; block chains + letters & rdquao; applications are more topical within industry.
In response, the founder of the Point Network, CEO Sood Sea, stated that block chain technology had a broad market environment in terms of customer letters and anti-fraud.
However, Coo-Ju Jiavey of the Treasure Network admits that the technology of the block chain itself has yet to be optimized in terms of durability, safety and ecology, so that the Internet finance platform will have to wait patiently for technology to introduce the block chain into its core business.
For the past year, the technology of block chains across the globe has been highly favoured by domestic mutual funds platforms.
Combination found that a number of Internet financial platforms, including ant gold uniforms, 100-degree finance, and web-based groups, were already structured in terms of block chain technology.
& & ldquo; the block chain platform that we are building, building on the distributional capacity of the ant over the years, to add a credible network capability, and the block chain platform that supports large-scale transactions is expected to be launched in the course of the year. & rdquo; the ants goldcoat chief architect, Child Ling, indicates.
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; we developed block chain technology in collaboration with various agencies in the country and abroad, and set up a block chain laboratory in early 2016, with specialized teams working on the industrialization of block chain technology. & & & & & & & & ;
& & ldquo; Public good is our first application of block chain technology. & & & & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & girl & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child & child
In addition to the public good, net lending, consumer finance, settlements, letters of credit, etc. all serve as the scene of the technology to be applied to the inter-golden platform block chain.
& & ldquo; now our block chain is still in the pilot phase, and potential future applications include supply chain finance, business letters, channel management and settlement & & & rdquao;
Danko also revealed that several applications and applications currently under way in relation to the platform’s block chain include: web-banking, industry-chain finance, and the provision of financial services to cross-border B2B trading companies. In this context, the application of block-chain technology for the web-banking site is expected to be officially implemented soon, which will significantly increase the volume of investment transactions and liquidation efficiency, and improve financial transparency and security.
Liu Jiu, Chief Innovation Officer for Supply Chains, also analysed that & ldquao; with regard to block chains, we have started to apply technology end-of-end layouts and tailor-made development in the context of client business scenes. & & rdquao;
It is worth noting that, as a result of problems such as inadequate credit systems in the Internet financial sector, inter-platform & & & & & & & & & information islands & the situation needs to be resolved, the prospects for the application of block-chain technologies in the area of credit collection have become more of an industry-wide concern.
& & ldquo; block chain technology, in terms of transparency and disclosure of information, solves some of the irregularities in many platforms with regard to fictitious assets and hidden transactions. Many investors have previously questioned the authenticity of the subject matter of the Internet web site, mainly because all transactions are recorded only on the server of the site. If block chain technology is applied, moving from a single point to a multiple point to replace a centralized management mechanism, it greatly facilitates direct verification by investors of the authenticity of the subject matter and facilitates regulation.
He further analysed that the data on the block chain were information on businesses or individuals added by each participant at various points and that the authenticity of the information was cross-checkable, so that it was guaranteed and could not be tampered with by the enterprise or by the individual. If it was to be tampered with, it had to be in a sufficiently large block chain system and at a very high cost. Thus, the block chain had a broad market environment in terms of customer letters and anti-fraud.
Chu also claims that there are three conditions for a chain of blocks to be applied in the financial field: there is no centre of trust in this area; there is a high cost of establishing a centre of trust in this area; and there is a need for a mapping mechanism to guarantee its implementation. The chain of blocks has the advantages of decentralizing, non-frozen, etc., to increase the credibility of the message and reduce the cost of storing and synchronizing it. At the same time, the form of the non-public chain allows for different levels of privacy protection of the data.
However, whether or not the Internet finance platform solves the existing problems by using block chain technology, and whether it is the best option, needs to be made clear to the platform. Moreover, the extension, safety, and ecology of the block chain technology itself have yet to be optimized, and the Internet finance has yet to be reconciled.
bank competition expert: block chains are not almighty/a> 互联网正悄然改变我们的生活,移动互联网、大数据、云计算、区块链技术以及互联网金融等接踵而至。当区块链成为业内讨论的热点之后,越来越多的传统商业银行以及互联网金融平台已经开始引入这一技术。而银行和互金平台对于区块链技术拟应用场景各有侧重,其中,银行主要用于贷款的结算、清算等方面,而互金平台则主要用于供应链金融、网贷存管、消费金融、渠道管理和征信等。 The Internet is slowly changing our lives, moving the Internet, big data, cloud computing, block chain technology, and Internet finance. When block chains become hot spots for intra-business discussion, more and more traditional commercial banks and Internet finance platforms have begun to introduce this technology. digital paper based on block chain technology or face-to-face 尽管“区块链”这一概念从去年开始在投资界和金融业热得发烫,但似乎一直是雷声大、雨点小,这一技术在金融领域的应用一直没有真正起步。目前来看,数字票据或将成为区块链技术在金融领域率先落地的实际应用。 Although & ldquo; block chains & rdquo; the concept has been hot in the investment and financial sectors since last year, it seems to have been thunder and rain, and the application of this technology in the financial field has not really taken off. For the time being, digital paper or technology that will become block chain technology will be the first practical application in the financial field. 中国民生银行日前宣布,该行已与国际金融创新公司R3建立合作伙伴关系,正式加入了R3区块链联盟。 The Bank recently announced that it had entered into a partnership with the International Finance Innovation Corporation R3 and had formally joined the R3 block chain alliance. 当国际货币基金组织(IMF)断言区块链“具有改变金融的潜力”,当有人畅想区块链技术将像复式记账法和股份制一样深刻改变人类社会,当美联储成立工作组将对区块链技术的使用进行“全方位分析”,一场对金融行业颠覆性的改变正渐渐成为现实。 When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) asserted that block chains & ldquo; had the potential to change finance & rdquao; when it was thought that block chain technology would profoundly change human society as much as double accounting and stock systems, when the Fed set up a working group on the use of block chain technology & & ldquao; full-scale analysis & rdquao; and a change in the destabilizing nature of the financial sector was becoming a reality. : support block chain technology participation in the development of international standards/a> 在昨日召开的“中国区块链技术和产业发展论坛成立大会暨首届开发者大会”上,工信部信息化和软件服务业司司长谢少锋透露,区块链给软件和信息技术服务业带来了全新的机遇和挑战,未来工信部将在改善发展环境、推进技术落地和参与国际标准制定方面,推动区块链发展。 In & & ldquo, held yesterday; the inaugural meeting of the China Block Chain Technology and Industrial Development Forum and the first meeting of developers & & & & rdquo, the Director of the Division of Informatization and Software Services of the Ministry of Trade and Communications revealed that block chains presented new opportunities and challenges for software and information technology services, and that in the future the Ministry will promote the development of block chains in terms of improving the development environment, promoting technology landing and participation in international standard-setting. 【机构研究】 Hinse securities: block chains, exploring the way forward in the wind/a> 【个股解析】
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