吴晓求:科技金融有很大发展前景 对区块链持观望态度
On April 8, the Vice-Chancellor of the People’s University of China and Director of the Institute of Finance, Wu Xiaojun, in a press conference at the annual meeting of the Bojong Asia Forum in 2018, said that science and technology finance had great prospects for development. He valued the development of Internet finance, but was optimistic about the financial phenomenon combined with block-chain technology.
Recently, the Japanese Business Research Group drafted a proposal requiring the Government to regulate the ICO in a non-rigid manner in order to protect investors' interests and encourage the development of the emerging ICO industry. According to Bloomberg, the Japan Financial Services Authority (FSA) will verify the proposal in a few weeks. If everything goes according to plan and the bill is accepted, it will become law in a few years, which will undoubtedly restore Japan's leading position in the “encryption field” and the exchange may re-emerge.
近日,区块链初创公司Fliament宣布达成500万美元的A轮融资,投资方为Bullpen、Capital、Verizon风投和三星风投。 三星风投正式作为投资方露面,标志着三星首次在区块链行业公开投资。这家电子行业巨头曾推出一个区块链电子认证平台——Rezoome。三星SDS还推出了“智能型物流服务”,其核心是把人工智能和区块链技术运用到整个物流过程中。三星风投参与了IBM的 ADEPT项目,ADEPT项目是利用比特币和以太坊网络来打造去中心化的物联网。另外在硬件方面,三星可能生产挖矿所需的ASIC芯片。 In recent days, three-star windings have officially been announced as investors, marking the first time that the three stars have publicly invested in the sector chain industry. The giants in the electronic industry have launched a regional chain electronic certification platform, Rezoome. The three-star SDS has also introduced “intelligent logistics services” that apply artificial intelligence and block chain technology throughout the logistics process. Three-star winds have been involved in IBM’s ADEPT project, which uses bitcoins and a network of too many to build a central network. 第二大矿机制造商嘉楠耘智再次计划IPO IPO the second-largest miner manufacturer, Kana Jii, reprogrammed the IPO 据财新国际版报道,中国第二大比特币矿机制造商Canaan(下称嘉楠耘智)正在计划进行海外IPO,目的地可能为香港或者纽约。此前嘉楠耘智也曾传出IPO消息,但一波三折,最终都没有成行。 According to Fazin International, the Chinese second-largest producer of bitcoin machines, Canaan, is planning overseas IPOs, which may be in Hong Kong or New York. In the past, IPOs were also reported by Kana Ji, but none of the waves eventually took place. 态度 /strong's attitude 火币区块链应用研究院院长袁煜明:现阶段发展存在最大的问题是公链不成熟 President of the Institute for the Application of the Sean Block Chain: The biggest problem at this stage of development is the immaturity of the public chain 他认为,股份制与区块链的共通之处就在于希望通过一种方式,将大众整体的活力激发出来。对于之前出现的很多投机分子,以及“割韭菜”跑路的情况,袁煜明认为根本的原因还是机制不够完善,还存在很多问题,需要逐步探索,然后进行改进。同时他提出现阶段区块链发展中存在最大的问题是公链的不成熟。目前区块链的整体基础设施还远远没有达到成熟的程度,所以未来它一定会有一个很大的改进空间。 In his view, the common denominator between the stock system and the block chain was the desire to stimulate the dynamism of the public as a whole in one way or another. For many of the speculations that had preceded it, as well as for the “cuttering” run, it was clear that the underlying reason was inadequate mechanisms and that there were many problems that needed to be explored gradually and then improved. 三点钟发起人朱大卫:不是所有的数据都适合上链 Launcher David Chu: Not all data fit in the chain 朱大卫认为,在不远的将来,一切将被token。但是并不知道是什么时间点。同时不是所有的数据都适合上链,都适合应用区块链。比如音乐本身它的重点包括交易数据、传播体系。没有绝对的中心化或者去中心化,而是所有的经济体中间一定是融合体,一定有相当一部分追求效率的部分,仍然需要由中心化来完成。 David Chu believes that everything will be token in the near future. But it is not clear what the point of time is. And not all data are for the upper chain, but for the use of block chains. Music itself, for example, focuses on transactional data, dissemination systems. There is no absolute centralization or decentralization. 场景 scene >/strong 缅甸第一块区块链支付平台牌照揭牌 “缅中经济合作与金融科技发展高峰论坛”上,缅甸国会议员吴貌敏为缅甸第一区块链研究院“第三方支付(TPC)牌照”揭牌。该项目由成都星空互娱科技有限公司提供技术援助与资金支持,于今年三月在缅甸第一区块链研究院顺利落地,预计将于近期上线。缅甸第一区块链研究院中方高级研究员陈曦现场演示第三方支付(TPC)完整的APP运行流程,并就TPC征信记录交易,代币支付,智能合约和理财消费等功能进行了详细的介绍。 At the summit forum, Myanmar Congressman Wu Maung-min unveiled the third-party payment (TPC) license plate of Myanmar's first block, by Chengdu 陈伟星怒怼“币圈大佬”割韭菜手段恶心,被称暗指李笑来
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