随着DeFi 与NFT 浪潮的火热, DAO 这个词似乎也越来越常出现在项目方的愿景中,所谓去中心化治理组织DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization) 的出现,打破以往公司上对下的管理方式,由代币持有人(非必要)作为股东共同决策,为共同一个愿景与目标努力,老崔认为DAO 的概念其实有点从新创公司的角度去延伸,一样有水平化的管理制度,没有上对下的各种僵化规范,取而代之的是DAO 的成员对项目的发展、期待是一致的,这份情感或许会比单纯的同事之间的凝聚力更加强烈,可以的话,你甚至可以同时在不同的DAO 透过你的长才为项目尽一份心力,比起单一公司来说,更加弹性且自主。
With the rise of the deFi and NFT waves, the term DAO appears to be increasingly present in the project party's vision, with the emergence of the so-called decentralized governance organization DAO (Decisionralized autonomaous organization), breaking down the previous corporate-to-neighbourship approach, with the token holder (unnecessary) acting as a shareholder in joint decision-making, working for a common vision and goal. Choi believes that the concept of DAO is actually somewhat extended from the point of view of a new company, with a horizontal management system that has no rigid norms up and down, and is replaced by the members of DAO's shared vision of the project's development and expectations, which may be stronger than those of a mere colleague, and that you may even be able to do a more flexible and autonomous job for the project at the same time as a different DAO through your talent, rather than a single company.
DAO 成员齐心协力进行价值的创造、捕获及分配,从共享经济转为所有权经济,透过DAO 的形式,创造者与所有权经济将改变下一代的网络社群型态
DAO members work together to create, capture and distribute value, moving from a shared economy to a ownership economy, in the form of a DAO, where the creator and ownership economy will change the shape of the next generation of network communities
DAO 的有趣之处为何?为什么连a16z 的合伙人Chris Dixon 也曾经提及DAO 连同social token (社交代币)、metaverse(元宇宙)将会是区块链世界下一波准备爆发的热点之ㄧ?其实可以从DeFi 协议的合作模式开始说起
Yearn Finance
Olympus DAO
创建了自动化的 DeFi 投资策略 Yearn Finance,Andre Cronje 非常重视社群及开发者的声音,不仅当初发行代币时是采用「Fair Launch」的方式,在协议开始顺利运作之后更是将控制权逐步下放给代币持有者及开发社群共同管理可以说是为 DeFi 生态带来了不错的示范,持有 DeFi 代币的社群及开发者可以定期透过参与项目的治理投票,不仅可以共同决定未来的发展方向,同时凝聚力也能更强。
The creation of the automated DeFi investment strategy Yarn Finance, Andre Cronje takes the voices of communities and developers very seriously, not only when the tokens were issued, but also when the agreements began to function smoothly, and gradually decentralizing control to the holders of the tokens and to the community of the development community can be said to be a good example of the DeFi ecology, where the communities and developers of the DeFi tokens can vote regularly in the governance of the project, not only to jointly determine the direction of the future, but also to be more cohesive.
增强现有模式的DeFi 项目,近期非常火热的DeFi 2.0 项目之一Olympus DAO 也让我们看到了社群共识能够如何推动DeFi 项目的前进,推出后不到五个月的时间内就成为了第十大稳定币,OMH 的尝试是开发一个完全抵押、自由浮动的算法稳定币,然而OHM 的核心概念(3,3) 不仅使得质押比例长期处于高于80% 以上,我们也能够在Twitter 上看到非常多表情包等类型的ID,Olympus DAO 的社群成员,即「Ohmies」足以说明这个DeFi 协议的巨大增长与该社群成员脱离不了关系,究竟OMH 是不是资金盘不是我们要讨论的重点,但很明显社群推动DeFi 协议的前进的概念已经开始蔓延。随着NFT 逐渐发展出更多的玩法及类型,产业中也有许多艺术家、交易市场或是NFT 玩家组成DAO 的例子,这些组织有的透过共同搜集NFT 的策略,共同决策公共资金的使用,同时握有更多的话语权能够与不同的交易市场及NFT 项目方组成联盟,可以说是会在未来NFT 市场中发挥越来越高的影响力。
As NFT evolves to more games and types, there are many examples of artists, trading markets or NFT players forming DAOs in the industry, some of which jointly decide on the use of public funds through a strategy of joint collection of NFTs, while at the same time having more voice to form alliances with different trading markets and NFT project parties, it can be said that they will play an increasingly influential role in the future NFT markets.
于2020 年10月上线,Flamingo DAO 由The LAO 社区透过MolochDAO 治理合约创建及孵化,是一个专注于服务NFT 社群的去中心化自治组织,顾问团队成员(Curator)包含了超过20位的创业者、艺术家以及专业人士包含Opensea 共同创办人Alex Atallah, SuperRare 共同创办人John Crain, Axie Infinity 共同创办人Aleksander Leonard Larsen,透过代币的持有量决定自身的投票权,会员可以决定如何投资不同标的及其方式,DAO 将会持有的资产类型、组织架构等细节。Flamingo DAO 会将NFT 购入并把所有权分割,同时接入更多的DeFi 协议合作,由以太坊生态的人持有及管理,同时更会藉由自身持有的NFT 作品创办「超虚拟世界」的数位博物馆和画廊。
Flamingo DAO buys NFTs and divides ownership, with access to more DeFi protocols, owned and managed by people from the Etheraya ecology, and creates several museums and galleries of the "super-virtual world" with their own NFT works.
迈出NFT 与DAO 结合的第一步,此场大型的社会实验给予人们对于NFT 市场更多的想像空间。
Taking the first step of combining NFT with DAO, this large social experiment gives people more imagination about NFT markets.
不只像是媒体DAO、NFT DAO 这些专注于生产或是结合艺术层面的DAO,我们也能看见专注于产生投资回报的Investment DAO 陆续出现,投资DAO 允许成员在非常早期的阶段集中资金并投资不同项目,以往项目的早期投资份额往往只能够由较有声望及社会地位的天使投资人以及投资机构取得,虽然这些DAO 比Grants DAO 具有更多的法律限制,但是这类型的DAO 使得任何人都可以都有机会透过较低的门槛接触到一级项目的投资。
Not just media DAOs, NFT DAOs, which focus on production or the combination of art-level DAOs, we can also see the emergence of Investment DAOs that focus on generating returns on investment, which allow members to pool funds and invest in different projects at a very early stage, and which in the past used to be acquired only by the more prestigious and socially valued angel investors and investment agencies, although these DAOs have more legal limitations than Grants DAOs, but this type of DAOs provides everyone with the opportunity to access investments at a lower threshold.
近期最受关注的DAO 之一莫过于期货交易所Bybit 扶持成立的BitDAO,不仅有着强力的投资阵容如 Paypal 创始人Peter Thiel 之外,更有Dragonfly Capital、Spartan Capital 及Pantera Capital 等著名投资机构,BitDAO 成立之初他们就表明将会把接近50% 的期货手续费收入捐给BitDAO 的智能合约金库(Treasury)地址,也就是说,每年将会有超过10亿美元的资金挹注用来投资早期的DeFi 项目,共同建立DeFi 生态,或者和一些现有的著名项目进行代币互换(Token Swap),如近期火热的消息为Alameda 提出与BitDAO 的代币互换协议。
One of the most recent DAOs has been the creation of BitDAO under the auspices of the Futures Exchange Bybit, which not only has a strong investment portfolio like Peter Thiel, the founder of Paypal, but also Dragonfly Capital, Spartan Capital and Pantera Capital, which, at its inception, showed that they would donate close to 50 per cent of the futures fee to BitDAO's smart contract (Treasury), which means that each year more than $1 billion will be invested in earlier DeFi projects to build the DeFi ecology together, or a number of existing prominent projects to exchange currencies (Token Swap), such as the recent hot news for Alameda's
同时,我们也可以持有Bit token 以获取参与独家的新币发售的权利(类似于FTX 的IEO 以及币安的launchpad 活动),可以看到不仅去中心化的世界开始热衷于DAO 之外,大型机构也纷纷入场,透过DAO 的方式让更多散户能够参与,共同决定如开发方向、流动性组建以及资金的运用等领域的议题,共同为DeFi 生态的发展做努力。 At the same time, we can also have Bit token in order to acquire the right to participate in the sale of the exclusive new currency (IEOs similar to FTX and launchpad activities), as can be seen, not only has the decentralized world become more interested in DAO, but large institutions have also entered the field, enabling more dispersed households to participate through DAO, jointly deciding on issues such as direction of development, liquidity formation and the use of funds to work together for the ecological development of DeFi.
如上图所示,我们可以预见未来DAO 的移动光谱会是由大型、链上的DAO 逐渐转为链下、分散的形式,资金不再是最重要的课题,建立社群的共识及归属感将会使DAO 走的更远。透过更多多元化的组织创建,资金运用以及弹性的治理方式,我们将会见到新一波的范式转移。 As shown in the figure above, we can predict that the future DAO mobile spectra will evolve from large, chain-based DAOs to chain-to-chain and decentralized forms, that funding is no longer the most important topic, and that building community consensus and a sense of belonging will make DAO go further. With more diverse organizations created, funds used, and flexible governance, we will see a new wave of paradigm shifts. 本文链接地址:https://www.wwsww.cn/qkl/10108.html
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