DeFi是Decentralized Finance的简称,它指的是在传统金融系统之外重建传统金融产品的协议、平台、应用程序和工具的生态系统。
DeFi 解决方案不是由银行提供的,而是使用开源软件和不可审查的网络构建的。因此,DeFi 产品本质上是透明的,并且对任何能够连接到互联网的人开放。DeFi 产品使世界各地的人们能够以点对点的方式参与金融活动(如消费、借款、贷款、赌博和交易),而无需依赖银行和政府等中介机构。
DeFi solutions are not provided by banks, but are built using open-source software and non-censorshipable networks. Thus, the DeFi product is inherently transparent and open to anyone who can connect to the Internet.
下面,通过以太坊网络上知名度较高的DeFi——Maker DAO,帮助大家更深层次地理解DeFi的运作。
Below is a contribution to a deeper understanding of the operation of DeFi through the high profile of DeFi— — Maker DAO on the Taiwan network.
我们可以把Maker DAO简单理解成一家去中心化的银行,它可以发行自己的稳定币——Dai,Dai与美元1:1锚定。
We can simply interpret Maker DAO as a decentralised bank that can issue its own stable currency & mdash; & mdash; Dai, Dai and dollar 1:1 anchor.
One of the most important business in traditional financial services is lending. Assuming that an encoded money investor buys a home in full, he meets a true love who wants to get married without having the money to do the wedding and wants to go to the bank.
在去中心化的“银行”Maker DAO里,该如何实现呢?其实很简单,Maker DAO不需要查张三的信用记录,甚至也根本不知道他是张三(区块链的匿名性)。Maker DAO会要求张三抵押区块链资产,假设张三有价值15万美元的ETH,全部通过智能合约抵押给了Maker DAO,Maker DAO会给张三最多10万个Dai(价值10万美元),因为Maker DAO规定抵押物的价值至少是贷款额的1.5倍。有了Dai,张三可以兑换成法定货币(比如美元)在生活中使用。
In a decentralised & & ldquo; bank & & rdquo; Maker DAO, how can this be done? Indeed, it is simple that Maker DAO does not need to check three credit records, not even knowing that he is three times the value of the mortgage. Maker DAO will ask for three mortgage chain assets, assuming that three mortgages worth $150,000 are given to Maker DAO through a smart contract, and Maker DAO will give a maximum of three million Dai (valued at $100,000) because Maker DAO requires that the collateral be at least 1.5 times the value of the loan. With Dai, three can be converted into legal currency (e.g., the United States dollar) in life.
等张三以后有钱了,可以在市场上买入Dai,还给Maker DAO并支付利息,赎回抵押的ETH资产。假设行情下跌,张三原先价值15万美元的ETH也缩水了,已经低于贷款额的1.5倍,Maker DAO就会强制卖出张三的ETH用来偿还他的贷款,保证Maker DAO自己“不会破产”。
When Zhang is rich, he can buy Dai on the market, pay interest to Maker DAO, and redeem the mortgaged ETH assets. Assuming that things have fallen, Zhang’s original $150,000 ETH has shrunk and is already less than 1.5 times the amount of the loan, Maker DAO will force the sale of three ETHs to repay his loan and guarantee Maker DAO’s own & ldquao; it will not fail & rdquao;
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