For ordinary investors, it is certainly unrealistic to invest in bitcoin and to choose to dig, so there are a variety of 1、火币网 1, 火币网资产52.66亿美元,共有920个交易对,24小时成交额192.77亿美元。 A total of 920 transactions were accounted for by a total of $5,266 million worth of gunnet assets, with a 24-hour transaction of $19,277 million. 火币HTX全球顾问委员会成员孙宇晨重磅宣布:火币国际品牌正式升级为HTX,火币HTX的重新命名,代表着向全球化的转型,火币HTX将以“建设元宇宙金融自由港”为全新使命,在“让全世界八十亿人实现金融自由”的愿景下开启“全球扩张、生态繁荣、财富效应、安全合规”战略布局。这些改变将确保火币HTX在新的市场格局中继续占据优势地位。 Sun Woo, a member of the HTX Global Advisory Committee, announced in the morning that the international brand was officially upgraded to HTX, that the renaming of the HTX represented a transition to globalization, and that the HTX would be a new mission to build a “free port of finance in the meta-cosmos” that would open up the strategic layout of “global expansion, ecological prosperity, wealth effects, and security compliance” under the vision of “making the world's eight billion people free of finance.” These changes would ensure that the HTX would continue to dominate the new market landscape. 2、币安网 2, 币安网资产42.02亿美元,共有922个交易对,24小时成交额245.04亿美元。 币安(Binance)交易所作为一个世界最大加密货币交易平台,在币圈的名气无疑的老大的存在,覆盖的国家市场与时区众多,同时业务量飞速增长,另外币安交易所在交易体验和深度自然是没话说,交易界面和app设计的也是很高大上,用户口碑不错。同时平台社区做的也是有声有色,用户活跃度很高,也经常举行一些线下的见面会,用户参与度很高,同时无论是社交媒体还是电报群里用户数也都非常多,项目方和用户的各种互动也很频繁。 ( 3、MXC MXC资产5000万美元,共有446个交易对,24小时成交额5.45亿美元。 MXC had assets of $50 million, with a total of 446 transactions for which $545 million was paid on a 24-hour basis. MXC国际站是由华尔街以及日本欧洲资深量化交易团队联合区块链资深从业者通过去中心化自组织形式创立的一个专注于区块链资产交流和交换的平台。MXC将为用户提供更加安全、便捷、智能的区块链资产流通服务,聚合全球优质区块链资产,融合全球最顶尖的安全技术,致力于打造全球顶级的区块链资产国际站。 The MXC International Station is a platform dedicated to the exchange and exchange of block chain assets created by senior practitioners of Wall Street and Japan’s Senior European Quantified Trading Teams in the form of decentralised self-organization. The MXC will provide users with more secure, easy, intelligent asset flow services for block chain assets, bringing together global high-quality block chain assets, integrating the world’s top security technologies, and working to build a global top-level block chain asset international station. 4、OKX OKX资产3535.06万美元,共有688个交易对,24小时成交额144.7亿美元。 The assets of OKX amounted to $353.506 million, representing a total of 688 transactions of $14.47 billion on a 24-hour basis. 欧易OKX由2017年创办,由于注册时间久且交易稳定,一直被投资者称颂,该交易所的主营业务是为用户提供比特币、以太坊和其他加密资产交易服务。2021年2月2日,该交易所正式启用中文名“欧易”,2022年1月,OKEx更名为OKX。 5、Bitget Bitget资产实力5200万美元,共有716个交易对,24小时成交额106.28亿美元。 Bitget had an asset strength of $52 million, with a total of 716 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $10.628 billion. Bitget交易所支持500+个虚拟货币在线实时交易,持有加拿大MSB牌照M20179708、美国MSB、澳大利亚DCE等牌照,在2022年陆续新增理财、半价买币、投票上币、合约策略交易以及为SBGB增加更多赋能,是适合各面向投资人使用的一站式加密货币交易所。 The Bitget Exchange supports 500+ virtual currency online real-time transactions, holds Canadian MSB license plates M20179708, United States MSB, Australian DCE, etc., adding new finance, semi-priced currency, voting currency, contract strategy transactions and increasing SBGB capabilities in 2022, and is a one-stop shop for individual investors . 6、Gate.io Gate.io(点击注册)资产2.04亿美元,共有521个交易对,24小时成交额1.43亿美元。 Gate.io ( click on registered 2020年7月22日,Gate.io品牌全面升级,中文名“芝麻开门”正式启用。 芝麻开门国际站(Gate.io)是一家全球区块链资产国际站,已为来自全球超过224个国家的数百万用户,提供了近五百种优质区块链资产品类的交易和投资服务,从流动性、安全性来说是比较靠谱的交易平台,创立于2013年,是全球交易量TOP10的数字资产交易平台。 On 22 July 2020, the Gate.io brand was fully upgraded and the Chinese name “Sesame Opens” was officially launched. The Gate.io, a global block-chain asset international station, has provided nearly 500 high-quality block-chain asset-type transactions and investment services to millions of users from more than 224 countries worldwide, and is a more robust trading platform in terms of liquidity and security, created in 2013 as a digital asset-trading platform for the global trade volume TOP10. 7、库币 7. Coin 库币资产1856.76万美元,共有483个交易对,24小时成交额1.23亿美元。 Treasury assets of $18.566 million represented a total of 483 transactions of $123 million on a 24-hour basis. 库币(KuCoin)是全球知名的数字货币交易服务平台,支持多种数字资产交易。成立于2017年9月,库币已成长为最受欢迎的数字货币交易服务平台之一,目前为全球207个国家和地区的500万用户提供币币、法币、合约、Pool-X、借贷等一站式服务。以“全民的交易服务平台”著称,库币的运营地为塞舌尔,为用户提供多语言、7X24小时客服团队,同时,库币在韩国、日本、西班牙、意大利、越南、土耳其、俄罗斯、印度等地建立了本地化社群,为各地用户提供最本地化的服务。2018年11月,库币获得来自IDG资本和经纬创投的2000万美元A轮融资。 KuCoin is a well-known global platform for digital money trading services, which supports multi-digital asset transactions. Established in September 2017, the currency has grown into one of the most popular digital money trading service platforms, currently providing one-stop services, such as currency, French, contract, Pool-X, and borrowing, to 5 million users in 207 countries and regions around the world. In November 2018, the currency was used by Seychelles to provide multi-language, 7x24-hour passenger and service teams to users, while localized communities were established in Korea, Japan, Spain, Italy, Viet Nam, Turkey, Russia, India, etc. to provide the most localized services to users everywhere. 8、K网 8. Knet K网资产实力78.54亿美元,657个交易对,24小时成交额为38.60亿美元。 The assets strength of Knet was $7.854 billion, 657 transactions were matched with a 24-hour transaction of $3.86 billion. Kraken(K网)交易所是第一家进行过储量证明审计的公司,此后又承诺定期进行储量证明的公布,可以交易200多种数字资产和8种不同的国家货币,包括英镑、欧元、美元、加元、日元、瑞士法郎、澳元和澳元。 The Kraken (Knet) Exchange, the first company to have conducted a stock certification audit, has since committed itself to making a regular release of stock certificates to trade more than 200 digital assets and eight different national currencies, including the pound sterling, the euro, the United States dollar, the Canadian dollar, the Japanese yen, the Swiss franc, the Australian dollar and the Australian dollar. 9、Coinbase Coinbase资产实力22.31亿美元,共有387个交易对,24小时成交额23.64亿美元。 Coinbase had an asset strength of $2,231 million, with a total of 387 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $2,364 million. Coinbase是世界上最大的数字货币交易所之一,创建于2012年,在2021年成为币圈首个上市的数字货币交易所,其主要业务包括数字货币交易、数字证券及数字资产托管等。在Coinbase的合规发展历程中,有两个重要的里程碑,一个是在2017年Coinbase获得了纽约州的BitLicense,一张虚拟货币活动营业执照,另一个是2021年在纳斯达克的上市。 Coinbase is one of the largest digital currency exchanges in the world 10、DigiFinex DigiFinex资产338.23万美元,共有300个交易对,24小时成交额8.54亿美元。 DigiFinex had assets of $3.382 million, with a total of 300 transactions and a 24-hour transaction of $854 million. DigiFinex是全球领先的加密资产交易和管理平台,总部位于香港,团队核心成员由中国大陆和香港的上市公司高管组成,并在全球设有5个办事处(韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、澳大利亚、中国)。DigiFinex是全球400万用户信赖和首选的加密资产投资伙伴,其流动性排名稳居全球前十,拥有逾240个交易对和150个加密货币。平台提供加密资产交易(包括现货、保证金和衍生品交易),加密资产管理(如量化基金、质押借币等),以及加密资产储值等服务。 DigiFinex is the leading global platform for cryptographic asset trading and management, based in Hong Kong, with a core team of top executives of listed companies in mainland China and Hong Kong, with five offices worldwide (South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China). DigiFinex is a trusted and preferred partner in the investment of encrypted assets for 4 million users worldwide, with a secure top 10 liquidity ranking, with over 240 transactions and 150 encrypted currencies. The platform provides services such as encrypt asset transactions (including spot, bond and derivative transactions), encrypted asset management (e.g., quantification funds, pledge money, etc.), and encrypted asset storage values. 币圈子小编都想提醒投资者,选择比特币交易平台是投资比特币最为关键的一步,这步走对了,可以降低投资者被骗的可能,毕竟随着比特币的兴起,市面上的比特币交易所数不胜数,其中不乏有不正规的交易平台。 The small editor of the currency circle would like to remind investors that the choice of a bitcoin trading platform is the most critical step for investment in bitcoin, which is the right step to reduce the likelihood of investors being deceived, after all, with the rise of bitcoin,
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