
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:44 评论:0
最近这几天区块链又粉墨登场了,新闻媒体也一直在大量报道,宣称可能要在金融界掀起一番浪潮。甚至有人说很久之前中国就出现了区块链的产物——麻将。那么区块链到底是什么,麻将和区块链又有什么关系呢? In recent days, the chai...



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In recent days, the chain of blocks has appeared again, and the press has been reporting heavily, claiming that there may be a wave in the financial world. Even some say that China had long been a product of the chain of blocks – mahjong.


I have also read the literature and information on this subject over the past two days, and the following is a way for me to learn. This is also a long summary based on the path of my own knowledge of the block chain. The purpose of this article is also to brief those who do not know the block chain but want to know what the block chain is, because they are also white in the block chain, and if there are any errors, you should be right to comment.


First of all, we need to know that the chain of blocks is not the same as that of bitcoin. If you want to be in line, the chain of blocks should be the father of bitcoin. Why do you say that? Let us first know what the chain of blocks is and what the chain of blocks is for?



When it comes to block chains, it is believed that many people will think of terms such as decentralisation, distribution, and immobilization. To be honest, when I first started looking at these terms because of the lack of pose, the following definition was given in The Status of Technical Developments and Prospects in Block Chains:

狭义来讲,区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以链条的方式组合成特定数据结构, 并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的去中心化共享总账(Decentralized shared ledger),能够安全存储简单的、有先后关系的、能在系统内验证的数据。 广义的区块链技术则是利用加密链式区块结构来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法来生成和更新数据、利用自动化脚本代码(智能合约)来编程和操作数据的一种全新的去中心化基础架构与分布式计算范式。

In a narrow sense, the block chain is a non-frozen and non-frozen decentralized ledger guaranteed by cryptography and capable of safely storing simple, sequential data that can be validated within the system. Broadly, the block chain technology is a completely new decentralized basic architecture and distribution paradigm that uses an encrypted chain block structure to validate and store data, use distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, and use automated script code (intellectual contracts) for programming and operation of data.


After all, the text above is too much. If you summarize it in one sentence, the block chain is actually a `strung' data structure



Since he's a data structure like a warehouse, we have to know what it looks like. We split the blocks into and > >.



The figure above is a block (Block) map, each consisting of two parts:

  • 区块头(Block Header):记录当前区块的特征值(里面存放的内容我们稍后再说)
  • 区块体(Block Body):存放的数据


So a block is a sort of data repository that can be read almost as a node in the chain table.


A chain of blocks is formed by connecting many blocks like the above, as shown in the figure below:

想要形成一个链,那总得有头吧,链头的区块学名叫做创世区块(Genesis Block)。前一个区块称为后一个区块的父区块,反之则称为子区块。所以,其实区块链就长上面那样,没什么神秘的。

In order to form a chain, there must be a head. The name of the block at the head of the chain is Genesis Block


I'm sure someone will ask. Did you say they could be connected by connecting blocks? How could they be connected?


这里我也不卖关子了,子区块与父区块是通过父区块的 哈希(Hash) 值建立链接的。这里又引入一个新的概念,什么是哈希呢?

I don't sell here either. Subblocks and parent blocks are linked through the Hash value of the parent block. Here's a new concept. What's Hashi?


The so-called "Hashi" is that a computer can calculate a characteristic value for any content in the same length. The length of the block chain is 256 places, which means that regardless of the original content, a binary number of 256 places is eventually calculated. And it can be assured that if the original content is different, the corresponding Hash must be different.

  • 推论1:每个区块的哈希都是不一样的,可以通过哈希唯一标识区块。
  • 推论2:如果区块的内容变了,它的哈希一定会改变。


So all we have to do is store the Hashi value of the last block on each block. That's where the red line below is marked.


As to how to calculate the Hashi value, there are different calculation methods for different block chains, not to mention.

下面这篇文章介绍了比特币是如何计算Block Hash的,有兴趣的可以阅读了解下。? https://www.jianshu.com/p/4187a7352769

The following article describes how Bitcoin calculates Block Hash, which is readable and interesting. https://www.jianshu.com/p/4187a735769


When you look at it, you'll know what a block chain is. But someone will say, "Isn't that the chain table? Why does the country have to develop the block chain industry vigorously, even at the strategic level?"


It is true that the technical rationale of the block chain is not complex, but his `strong' social significance


The block chain


Well, here comes a new concept: /strang'.



For the term trust, Wikipedia gives the following definition:


Maybe you still don't understand. Let's give you one more common example:


Close-sighted people usually need surgery to take off their glasses, but you don't know if this surgery will actually restore their eyesight, so you go to expert


There is also a situation where you asked relatives and friends who did this before the surgery , who said that after the operation, they could recover their normal eyesight, and you thought they had succeeded, so you went to the operation.


But if a doctor at a


That's the power of trust. You don't trust a single person without enough credit, but you trust a bunch of individuals or a single individual with enough credit .


In the financial sphere, the bank that we normally have access to is the individual (centre) with sufficient credit.



When you think about that example, why we trust ophthalmologists rather than doctors in small clinics, and because ophthalmologists have more credit costs than doctors in smaller clinics, we tend to pay more for ophthalmologists.


For banks, it is also a cost to be a credit broker, and we, the general public, pay for this huge credit cost. That is why finance is the most profitable sector.


So if you want to remove credit endorsements from central institutions such as banks, then you can use the ‘strong of individuals’ .


To describe decentralisation in a very brainwashed ad, has no middleman to earn a price difference .


我们先来建立一个去中心化的系统,为了方便理解,我们来看一个简单的去中心化借贷模型:如果A借了B 100块钱,这个时候,A在人群中大喊“我是A,我借给了B 100块钱!”,B也在人群中大喊“我是B,A借给了我100块钱!”,此时路人甲乙丙丁都听到了这些消息,因此所有人都在心中默默记下了“A借给了B100块钱”。你看,这个时候一个去中心化的系统就建立起来了,这个系统中不需要银行,也不需要借贷协议和收据,严格来说,甚至不需要人与人长久的信任关系(比如B突然又改口说“我不欠A钱!”,这个时候人民群众就会站出来说“不对,我的小本本上记录了你某天借了A100块钱!”)。

We first came to build a decentralized system, and in order to understand it, we looked at a simple decentralized lending model: if A borrows B 100 dollars, then A shouts out in the crowd: “I am A, I lend B 100 dollars!” and B shouts out in the crowd: “I am B, A lends me 100 dollars!” When the passers-by hears the news, everyone says, “A borrows B 100 dollars.” You see, this time, a decentralized system is built, and there is no need for banks, no need for loan agreements and receipts, and, strictly speaking, no need for a long-standing relationship of trust (e.g., B suddenly says, “I don't owe A!”, and this time the people will come up and say, “No, my little book recorded you borrowing an A100!”).

上述例子中A君、B君和路人甲乙丙丁每个人的小本本上都有 A 借给 B 100块钱这条记录了,那些小本本就是这个去中心化系统中的分布式账本

In each of the above examples, A, B and Roadman's A, B, B, B, B, B, B, R, R, have a record of a loan of B. 100 dollars, which is the strong-distributed account for the centralization system .


What if a lot of transactions happen? It's simple. Just add a record to the little book.


For a long time, this little book will have a lot of records of transactions. Does it remind you of anything? Good, it's a block chain, a record is a block , and it's a strong > block chain . If you see it here, you can understand why a reference to a block chain is to a distributed book.


When you say that bitcoin is a digital currency made using block chain technology, let's look at bitcoin transactions as an example of how the block chain works. Before describing the process, let's look at a concept: node/miner.


What is the node? In the previous example, the passerby had a small account book for each account, with a node , known as strong > miner .


1. 挖矿


What is mining? For each additional transaction, the process of forming a block is the so-called `strong' mining

2. 广播

如果我们想要新增一笔交易(也就是在区块链中新增一个区块),我们需要广播到整个区块链网络中,让所有的节点都承认这条记录 。那么应该如何实现广播的呢?

If we want to add a new deal (i. e. a new block in the block chain), we need to broadcast it to the entire block chain network so that all nodes recognize the record. So how should we do it?


Broadcasting mechanism for the block chain


The following graph illustrates a process for a block chain broadcast mechanism:

  1. 节点A收到一个区块,对其进行验证并将其广播给其附近的区块;
  2. 节点B收到inv消息后,如果他之前没有接收过这个区块,则向节点A发送一个getdata消息;
  3. 节点A收到getdata消息后,就会把区块和交际记录的具体信息发送给节点B。
  4. 此时节点B也就收到了一个区块,重复1、2、3操作给其附近的区块的。
3. 记录


Once a new record is added to node A and broadcast to the network, other nodes in the network, such as B, C, D, etc., add this record to their own little book. Once recorded, it is irrevocable and cannot be destroyed at will. Why not change it?


blocks chain cannot be modified


Here comes the feature of a block chain -


This section describes the incentive mechanisms for the next block chain, as Bitcoin is very mature and will be used here as an example.



The whole system seems to be in harmony, but there's an inevitable question, "Why do you want me to keep the books? Do I want the money?"


In Bitcoin, for example, the mining union wraps up every ten minutes of the transactions generated by the Bitcoin system into a block, and once the blocks are created successfully, the miners receive an incentive in the form of , i.e. a bonus in the form of and a fee in the form of and , the process of which is automatically completed.



In order to encourage the services of miners, the system provides them with 25 bitcoins as an incentive for the transactions they record and confirm. (This amount of incentives is set to be halved every four years.)




Incentives are provided to miners by the parties to be recorded as soon as possible by the block chain for the transaction.



Since I can get a bitcoin reward, how does the money come out? An outlet is the only way in which the system generates a new currency. Bitcoin is generated and moved into circulation by digging mines, a process that consumes a lot of electricity and hardware resources, similar to gold mining. The process of producing money is accompanied by the process of booking and drawing blocks, which is why bitcoin's booking process is called mining.



Now that we know that mining is for reward, and we know where the reward comes from, then there will be new questions. Where will the reward go?


Because there's no center allocation, and every miner adds a block, how does that reward go? One for each? The answer, of course, is no! .


There is only one reward, and to identify the target for the reward (i.e., the question of the attribution of credit rights), this involves another concept in the block chain — the consensus mechanism .



The consensus mechanism is the most central secret of the block chain network. In short, the consensus mechanism is a web-wide consensus on block information at the block chain nodes, which ensures that the latest blocks are accurately added to the block chain, and that nodes stored contain block chain information that is consistent without a fork or even resistant to malicious attacks. In practice, two conditions need to be met to achieve such an effect: first, to select a unique node to produce a block, and second, to make distributed data records irreversible.

上图为当前主流的共识机制,主要包括:工作量证明/POW(Proof of Work)、权益证明/POS(Proof of Stake)、工作量证明与权益证明混合(POS+POW)、股份授权证明/DPOS(Delegated Proof-of-Stake)、实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)、瑞波共识协议等。其中比特币使用的是工作量证明机制

The above figure is the prevailing consensus mechanism, which includes, inter alia, workload certification/POW of Work, Proof of Stock, mixed workload certification with entitlement certification (POS+POW), share authorization/DPOS (Deleged Proof-of-Stake), functional Byzantine misbehaviour (PBFT), the Ribo Consensus, etc. Bitcoin uses the workload certification mechanism .



Here is a brief description of the workflow of the POW mechanism:

  1. 节点监听全网数据记录,通过基本合法性验证的数据记录将进行暂存;
  2. 节点消耗自身算力尝试不同的随机数(nonce),进行指定的哈希计算,并不断重复该过程直到找到合理的随机数,这一过程也被称为“挖矿”;
  3. 找到合理的随机数后,生成区块信息(块头+块身);
  4. 节点对外部广播出新产生的区块,其他节点验证通过后,连接至区块链中,主链高度加一,然后所有节点切换至新区块后继续进行下一轮挖矿。


Although the workload proof mechanism solves the issue of the attribution of rights to account, the description above is too complicated to understand simply that whoever records fast can get a reward .



Because the system is distributed, there are many chances that things will happen as quickly as they are, so to ensure synchronization between nodes, new blocks cannot be added too fast. Imagine, you've just synchronized a block to generate a block based on it, but when the other nodes generate a new block, you have to give up half the calculation and go back to synchronization. Because the back of each block, you can only follow one block, and you can always create the next block behind the latest one. So, you have no choice but to synchronize immediately as soon as you hear the signal.


So Benji of the inventor of the block chain (a false name whose true identity is still unknown) deliberately makes it difficult to add a new block. His design is, on average, 10 minutes to create a new block.


This speed of output is not achieved by order, but by weight calculations. That is, only by extremely large calculations can the current block be made effective, thereby adding new blocks to the chain of blocks.


If two people upload at the same time, the probability is small, but if it happens, we see the last block chain as long as it is, and the short one lapses. This is the “double flower problem” in the block chain.



How to determine whether a transaction is true? We are following the principle that the /strang', and your tampering will be ineffective for making a false transaction unless you convince more than 51% of the miners in the network to change a certain account. The larger the number of participants in the network, the less likely it will be.


This is also the advantage of collective maintenance and supervision, which maximizes the costs of counterfeiting. Convincing 51% of the people is still too difficult. This is the frequent reference to 51% of the attacks .


The brain hole suddenly opens, and each one of us remembers it as a block chain, a pattern of accounting. If something happens, more than 51 per cent of people remember it in their own head, it really happens, and it becomes a memory. On the contrary, if only a few of us saw it happen, it could happen as if it had not happened.



In digital currency, which relies on cryptology, first-time excellence is obvious. So 51% of the attack is not a big problem for Bitcoin (as early as July 2013, fully-connected Bitcoin was 20 times the sum of the world’s top 500 supercomputers), and even if a supercomputer was created secretly by the government, with the national power, to crush bitcoins to save its own money distribution system, it would find that using that capacity to dig would monopolize bitcoins’ distribution rights, with far more gain than the profit from crushing bitcoins, and the motive would no longer exist.



Bitcoin is a non-inflationary currency issued as a capped . The system says that Bitcoin's block offerings will be halved every four years. By 2140, when a total of Bitcoins is issued at 21 million, there will be no reward, and fees will be the only form of reward. Many people fear that when Bitcoin completes its distribution of 21 million, the fee alone will not be sufficient to cover the miner's mining expenses.


In the first place, the process is slow. Halve by half every four years, between 6.75 in 2020 and 2140 in more than a hundred years. Communities have decades to adapt to the problem, and do not cause massive network shocks at once.



In fact, the process and some of the problems of

单身汪们要找女票,国民岳母说我有好多女儿,这样吧我给你们出点题目,解出一个就给其中一个姑娘的微信号。 单身汪们疯狂竞争,想破脑袋去解题。只要其中一只汪解出一道题,就立马得意洋洋地昭告天下,示威全部单身汪,这个姑娘是我的啦,你们放弃吧。其他单身汪们即使不服也没有办法,惆怅懊恼也不是个事儿啊,还是麻溜地立马去解下一道题目吧。这只喜赢姑娘的幸运小汪被岳母认可后还能得到25个货币单位的彩礼,简直人生赢家。

Once one of them solves the problem, he announces that the demonstration is all single, and that the girl is mine, and you give up. Even if the other bachelors can't do it, it's not a problem.


If you're tired of seeing so much, let's go back to the question at the beginning. What does mahjong have to do with the chain of blocks?


mah will be a traditional Chinese block chain project. He has the following characteristics:

  1. 去中心化。不像斗牛闲家只能赢庄家的钱,麻将谁的牌都能胡。
  2. 比赛挖矿。四个矿工一桌,最先正确组合出13张牌的矿工将获得奖励。
  3. 不可篡改。打错了牌绝不能反悔,其他人指定不同意。
  4. 公开透明。都是桌上现金交易,没有暗箱操作。


In conclusion, the following are the core elements of the block chain:

1. 去中心化


This is a subversive feature of the block chain, there are no central institutions and central servers, and all transactions take place in client applications installed on each computer or mobile phone.


Realization points interact directly, saving resources, automating transactions, simplifying transactions and excluding the risk of being controlled by centralized agents.

2. 开放性


The block chain can be understood as a technical option for public accounting, and the system is fully open and transparent,


The books are open to all, data are shared and can be checked by anyone.

3. 不可撤销、不可篡改和加密安全性


The chain of blocks follows a one-way Hashi algorithm, each newly created block is advanced strictly in a time-lined order, and the irreversibility of time leads to any attempt to invade and tamper with data information in the chain of blocks that can be traced retroactively.


The resulting exclusion from other nodes is extremely costly in order to limit the wrongful act in question.




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