Never underestimate the power of the market, be wary and alert!
看图,比特币四小时级别,前面6根K线收阳,公 众 号 : 紫 盈 说 币 目前开始回落,MACD快慢线收口,绿柱缩量,KDJ三线拐头向下,RSI于超买区向下延伸,目前支撑为在14000也是前期重要阻力位,紫盈预计会在次位置附近反抽上攻,由于美股走高,主流币强势币继续看涨不变,大部分小币还会新低,比特币回落即使做多的机会
Look at the chart, the four-hour scale of Bitcoin, the first six Klines, the sun, the public number: Purple, Ying, saying that the currency is now falling, the MACD is closing slowly, the green column is shrinking, KDJ is turning down, RSI is moving down from the overbuying area, and it is currently supported by 14,000, which is an important resistance position for the previous period. Purple is expected to fight back near the sub-positions, and because the US shares are up, the mainstream currencies will continue to rise, and most of the small coins will be newly low, even if there are more opportunities for doing it.
Strategy I: Over 14100-14000 single access, target 14200-14300, no damage at 13900
Strategy II: Broke 13,800 empty, target 1370-13600, no damage at 139000.
以太坊四小时级别来看,凌晨冲高至408一线后承压回落,当前价格运行在405一线附近运行,此次上涨25个点,可见多头强势,但拉升过后行情的攻势有所减弱,公 众 号 :紫 盈 说 币 下午开始回落,当前报价398,看图,5日均线与10日均线保持向上,MACD快慢线金叉收口,绿柱开始缩量,KDJ三线向下汇聚,RSI于超买区向下运行,晚间关注下方390一线支撑,回踩再次附近可以轻仓进多。
On a four-hour scale, the morning run-up to 408, and the current price is running near the 405 line, with 25 points up, and there is a lot of strength, but the push-up after the post-opposition offensive has subsided, and the public: Ying Yi said the currency began to fall in the afternoon, the current offer is 398 and the chart shows that the 5-day average and the 10-day mean line remain up, the MACD fast line closes, the green column starts to shrink, the KDJ three lines converges down, RSI runs down in the overpriced area, RSI follows the 390-line support later in the evening, and the backsliding can go up and down again.
Strategy I: More single access around 390-392, target 395-400, no damage at 388
Strategy II: 387 down close to 385-380, with 390 cut-off.
Friendship Note: The above recommendation is for information purposes only, the analysis is time-bound and the text is delayed.
交易,不能有投机的想法,必须脚踏实地步步为营。公 众 号:紫 盈 说 币很多时候,行情的分析都是建立在理论和预测的基础上,但一旦进入实盘,情况就完全不一样,每一次的分析,我们必须考虑其实际的可操作性,必须考虑风险率和盈亏比例,必须有十足的把握,必须思前想后尽可能做到万无一失。因为一旦开仓,开弓没有回头箭,不是对就是错,而我们不能将资金置于危险之中,只有有了胜算的把握和合理的风控,才能进入交易的环节。而很多分析,都是天马行空,理想主义,当真正到了实盘环节,错误频出。所以,我们倡导的分析,是可以实盘和分析结合的,是可以执行的,是具有合理逻辑的,虽然我们不能做到尽善尽美,但却一直在努力。
Dealing, there can be no speculation, there must be no need to walk on the ground. Publicly, Yung and Ying say that the analysis of money is often based on theory and prediction, but once it's in the ground, it's completely different, every analysis, we have to consider its practical practicability, we have to take into account the risk rate and the profit/loss ratio, we have to be sure, and we have to think about it as much as we can. Because once we open up, there is no back arrow, there is no right or wrong, and we can't put money at risk, and we can't get into the deal without the certainty and reasonable control. And much of the analysis, it's a natural, idealistic, when it's really on the ground, and it's wrong. So, the analysis that we're promoting is real and analytical, it's implementable, it's logical, it's not perfect, it's logical, and we can't do it, but we've been working.
Man/Digital Currency Analyst
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