北京商报讯(记者 崔启斌 张弛)质疑USDT安全性的呼声日渐高涨。据火币全球站行情显示,10月15日午后,主流数字货币价格集体飙升,从13时至14时50分不到两个小时内,比特币价格从6400美元附近一度飙升至近7600美元,涨幅一度超过了17%。但与此同时,目前作为主要交易媒介的USDT却惨遭抛售。
Beijing Business News (journalist CHOI Quibin Zhang) is calling increasingly to question the security of the USDT. According to the China Dollar Global Post, in the middle of the afternoon of October 15, mainstream digital money prices skyrocketed, from around $6,400 to nearly $7,600 in less than two hours, a one-time increase of over 17%.
According to the Beijing Business Journal, during the same period of time when Bitcoin rose, prices in mainstream figures such as ETH, BCH, and XPR rose to varying degrees, and by more than 10 per cent. For example, ETH rose from US$ 200 to US$ 240, almost 20 per cent, BCH from US$ 440 to US$ 520, and XPR from US$ 0.41 to US$ 0.52.
At the same time, the USDT price fell from the US dollar, which should have been maintained, to over US$ 0.87, or more than 12%. In short, the US dollar is now close to the renminbi at 6.9, while the USDT, which claims to have anchored with the dollar at 1:1, has been sold at a time when it fell to US$ 6.1.
That is, even though the price of digital currencies such as bitcoins has soared, investors have not reaped the benefits. According to analysts, the price rise was caused by panic caused by the presence of a thunderbolt risk in USDT, which investors sell to buy mainstream digital currencies such as bitcoins.
It is understood that USDT has introduced a currency-based token for Tether based on a stable value of the United States dollar. Although Tether claims strict compliance with the 1:1 reserve guarantee that its bank account will have a $1 guarantee for every dollar issued, the market has been plagued by a lack of transparency of information and theft.
In an earlier interview with a journalist from the Beijing Business Journal, Hong Yong Ning, the director of the Golden Hill block chain institute, said that there was widespread suspicion in the industry that there was a risk of over-exploitation because of the lack of regulation and opacity of the USDT’s mortgage assets. Moreover, recent reports suggest that the USDT’s hosting bank, NobleBank, has now lost a number of clients, including the USDT issuer, Teth, and the encrypted currency exchange Bitfinex, and is looking for new buyers.
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