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官网地址 XRP官方网站
发行时间 2011-04-18
流通量 52,544,091,958个
发行总量 100,000,000,000个
首发价格 0.005874$

瑞波币是由OpenCoin公司发行的虚拟货币,称作Ripple Credits,又称作XRP,中文名为瑞波币。

Ribbon is a virtual currency issued by OpenCoin, known as Ripple Credits, also known as XRP, and Chinese called Ribbon.


Ripple is the first open payment network in the world through which any currency can be transferred, easily and quickly, transactions can be confirmed to be completed in a few seconds, transaction costs are almost zero, there is no so-called cross-border and cross-border payments.


The Ripple Open Payment System is a virtual currency network (distributed P2P clearing network) and a future electronic payment platform. In 2004, RyanFugger launched the first version of the Ripple realization, which aims to build a decentralised virtual monetary system that allows anyone to create their own currency.



或许在外人眼里,Ripple是个后来者,但实际上Ripple项目的起源远远早于比特币。2004年,Ryan Fugger就推出了Ripple的第一个实现版本。它的目标是构建一个去中心化的、准许任何人创建自家货币的虚拟货币系统。Ripple网络中的金钱都用“债务”表示,所有交易均表现为帐务余额的变化。

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, Ripple is a latecomer, but in fact the Ripple project started well before Bitcoin. In 2004, Ryan Fugger launched the first version of the Ripple realization. Its goal is to build a decentralized virtual monetary system that allows anyone to create their own currency.


It operates in a manner similar to the bank’s liquidation system: when cross-bank transfers are made, the actual carry-over between banks is delayed as far as possible until nighttime, when the bank calculates the balance between the bank and the other bank. There is a possibility that the pending transfer from a bank is counterbalanced by the outstanding transfer that it is intended to transfer to the bank, so that it does not actually have to transfer any funds; if not, the actual carry-over would generally be much smaller than the sum of the customer’s wire transfers.


The purpose of the Ripple project was to create a distributed P2P clearing network: each person is his or her own bank and can issue and accept loans while at the same time acting as a channel for borrowing (e.g. A wants to borrow money from B, they do not know each other, but they do know C, so C can serve as a channel for A and B, C borrows money from B and then lends money to A and indirectly A borrows from B).

该项目几乎依靠Ryan Fugger一个人的力量支撑下来,并获得了一定的成功。但Ripple的用户一直不多,仅流行于若干个孤立的小圈子,原因很简单:Ripple的设计思路基于熟人关系和信任链,一个人要使用Ripple网络进行汇款或借贷,前提是在网络中已经存在他的朋友,否则无法在该用户与其它用户之间建立信任链。

The project is almost supported by Ryan Fugger’s efforts alone, and has achieved some success. But Ripple’s users have been few and are in a few isolated circles, for the simple reason that Ripple’s design is based on acquaintances and chains of trust, and that a person uses the Ripple network for money transfers or borrowing, provided that his friends already exist in the network, otherwise it is not possible to build a chain of trust between the user and the other users.



Ripple总共发行一千亿XRP。XRP目前可精确到6位小数。最小的单位称为一滴(drop)。1000000滴等于1 XRP,1XRP=1000000dXRP。简单讲XRP是由OpenCoin公司发行的在ripple网络中流通的基础虚拟货币,就像比特币一样可以整个网络中流通,而不必局限于熟人圈子。传统的货币是储存在不同金融系统里的,比如VISA/MASTERCARD信用卡中或者支付宝里面。

Ripple issues a total of 100 billion XRPs. The XRP is currently accurate to six decimals. The smallest unit is called a drop. One million drops equal to one XRP, and one XRP = 100 milliond XRP. Simply put, the XRP is a basic virtual currency that OpenCoin distributes in the Ripple network, which, like Bitcoin, circulates throughout the network without being limited to familiar circles. The traditional currency is stored in different financial systems, such as VISA/MASTERCARD credit cards or payment treasures.


If you want to transfer in different brothers, they will charge you a very high fee, and there will be a strict check of your identity in different financial systems. XRP is used to pay very small fees in each transaction, and XRP transfers between the Ripple entrance nodes and can be converted into any currency. The total number of XRP distributions is fixed, set at 100 billion at the beginning. It will not be issued again. Ripple deals are very low, with only one thousand cents per transaction. This transaction fee is used to prevent people from disrupting the system through a large number of transactions.


 ? ?1、交易费用低

♪ 1 ♪ low transaction costs


Transactions between different French currencies are usually charged a few per cent plus transaction costs. Any transaction by Ripple is less than $0.01 million.


2. Anonymous


The Ripple network does not require users to provide e-mails, names or any other information to provide privacy to consumers.


3. Security


Sending Ripple, like sending cash, after receiving it, without any other charges, paying with credit cards and cheques, and obliging the payer to provide personal information may lead to fraud.


4. Reliable


Since the Ripple deal is irreversible, the comptoir may deal with anyone without rebuke.



? ? 1、现实与虚拟货币的双向流通;

♪ 1, the two-way flow of reality and virtual currency;


2. Multi-currency P2P conversion and payment;


3. P2P network credit;


4. Individual network liquidation.




Like Bitcoin, Ripple is a shared public database, and it is a global master record of income and expenditure. Consensus allows all computers in the Ripple network to be automatically updated for a few seconds without going through the Central Data Exchange. This processing speed is a major engineering breakthrough for Ripple.





The aim of the Ripple network is the seamless transmission of any form of currency, be it the United States dollar, the euro, the pound sterling, the Japanese yen or the bitcoin, which provides the solution.

Ripple协议的高级开发人员和Bitcoin的倡导者“斯蒂芬·托马斯 说:Ripple将为Bitcoin用户开设更多的网关,是Bitcoin更轻松简单连接到主流金融世界的桥梁与Bitcoin的一样:

Stephen Thomas, a senior developer of the Ripple agreement and advocate of Bitcoin, says that Ripple will open more gateways to Bitcoin users, a bridge that connects Bitcoin more easily to the mainstream financial world, just like Bitcoin:


By means of the P2P distribution network, xrp, like Bitcoin, is able to move between accounts without any third-party software.


2- Ripple and Bitcoin are sent over the Internet, as well as transactions that are irreversible and provide unique security proofs of digital currency.


Three. Ripple uses the same bottom encryption technology as Bitcoin.

  4、Ripple has multi-signature support (ripple支持多签名认证)

4. Ripple has multi-signure support (Ripple supports multiple signature authentication)


5. Extremely low transaction costs


6. Anyone can run the Ripple server.





The Ripple network supports multiple currencies. In addition to its own Ripple currency, it also supports the statutory currency (e.g., the United States dollar, the euro, the yen, etc.) and intends to support Bitcoin in the near future, with the potential to support all virtual currencies in the future.


2) The Ripple network automatically converts the exchange rate. That is, the user can pay another currency of any kind to another person in any type of currency, thereby achieving full net circulation of all currencies.


3) The transaction confirmation process in Ripple can be completed in a few seconds. Ripple has introduced a Consensus mechanism that allows for validation and confirmation of the transaction in a very short period of time by means of a vote at a special node.


4) The Ripple client does not have to download the block chain, it discards the validated master account chain at the ordinary nodes, keeps only the most recent certified ledger and a link to the historical ledger, and thus the effort to synchronize and download the master ledger is minimal.


5) Ripple does not have to dig and cannot dig.


The company has created 100 billion units of Ripple, and plans to eventually distribute 75% of Ripple money to the outside world and promise never to increase. Users spend a certain amount of Ripple (very low, about 1/1000 cents) on each transaction, and the transaction cost simply disappears empty-handedly.





XRP, like Bitcoin, is a digital currency based on mathematics and cryptography, but unlike Bitcoin, which has no real use, XRP has the primary bridge currency and secure functions in the Ripple system, which are essential for securing security, which requires that the gateways involved in this agreement must hold a small number of XRPs.


Theoretically, the XRPs needed to be purchased by the gateways were not much, and their prices were very cheap, with one XRP being only 0.4 cents (as of 14 March 2015 the price had risen to around a cent). As in Bitcoin, the number of XRPs was not “exceeding” (a total of 100 billion), but since each transaction would destroy a small amount of XRP, that meant that the number of XRPs would gradually decrease. If the Ripple deal could become a global mainstream payment agreement, the need for XRPs by the gateways would be broader – demand would be strong and the quantity reduced, leading to an appreciation of XRPs.

Ripple Labs 持有770亿的XRP,简单以0.4美分的价格估值,价值约为3亿美元。Ripple Labs称,为了让Ripple协议有更多的参与者,他们将逐步将其中的550亿XRP捐赠给这一系统中的用户,自己留下220亿。而假如Ripple协议成为了主流支付协议,XRP数量又在减少,XRP就会升值,即使捐出了持有大部分XRP,Ripple Labs的价值仍然可以非常之高。

Ripple Labs holds 77 billion XRPs, valued at about $300 million at a simple price of 0.4 cents. Ripple Labs claims that, in order to increase the number of participants in the Ripple agreement, they will gradually donate 55 billion XRPs to users in the system, leaving 22 billion of them.


After all, this payment agreement is just a new thing. So far, the first and only bank in the world to announce access to the Ripple agreement is the German Fidor Bank, a direct Internet sales bank that has been widely explored in the field of digital money, with its headquarters in Munich, Germany.



Despite the start, the Ripple agreement still has a long way to go to “conquer” banks, especially traditional banks that are not as innovative as Fidor.






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