一文回顾 2021 年 Etherscan 新增的 21 个功能

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一文回顾 2021 年 Etherscan 新增的 21 个功能 A review of 21 additional functions added by Ethercan in 20...



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一文回顾 2021 年 Etherscan 新增的 21 个功能

A review of 21 additional functions added by Ethercan in 2021


This paper is intended to convey more information about the market and does not constitute an investment proposal.


Editor: Keep an eye on it.


Source: ETH Chinese-language station

来源 | etherscan-blog


作者 | Harith Kamarul


对于以太坊与其逐渐壮大的生态来说,2021年是重要的一年。随着 DeFi 和 NFT 促使新一代用户首次使用区块链,以太坊的采用率直线上升。当终端用户为牛市所兴奋时,开发者可能为此备受煎熬。用户增加的同时,烦心事也大量涌现,系统的良好运行需要更多精力来维护。不管是牛年、熊年、猿年、还是柴犬年, Etherscan只专注于不断开发。以下是我们对2021年 21 个主要功能的回顾。

The year 2021 is an important year for Etherton and its growing ecology. With DeFi and NFT pushing a new generation of users to use the block chain for the first time, there is a sharp rise in their rate of adoption. When end-users are excited about the cattle market, developers may suffer from it. The increase in users is accompanied by a proliferation of concerns, and the system’s good operation requires more energy to maintain. Whether it is cow year, bear year, ape year, or woodhound year, Ethercan is only focused on continuous development. Here is our review of 21 major functions in 2021.

1. 提供区块链浏览器服务

1. Provide block chain browser services

Etherscan出品的区块链浏览器系列在2021年规模显著扩大。Etherscan与 BscScan依旧为世界上访问量最高的两个网站。在二者基础上,我们开发了其余9条区块链的浏览器。

Ethercan and BscScan continue to be the two most visited sites in the world. On the basis of both, we developed browsers for the remaining nine block chains.


Thank you, partner Eaas, for helping us launch these browsers!

这些浏览器都有着 Etherscan 包含的核心功能和工具 (包括最重要的夜间模式!)。

These browsers all have the core functions and tools (including the most important night mode!) contained in Ethercan.


Other aspects are uncertain, but day/night mode conversion buttons must be at the foot of the site.


The above functions were already online in 2022 and more will continue to be rolled out in the future.

2. “Method” 栏

2. Column "Method"

以太坊的交易可以执行许多不同的操作。3月上线的“Method” 栏能让终端用户一眼看到交易执行的功能。

The “Method” column, which is online in March, allows end-users to see the functionality of the transaction at first glance.


To celebrate the Berlin upgrade, we have launched a series of updates.


The most important thing to miss is the newly released Method column!

Method栏是2021年最受大众喜爱的功能,用户喜欢它添加的背景信息,还提出将 Method 栏也加入到待处理的交易、CSV导出等中。

The Method column is the most popular feature in 2021. Users like to add background information and offer to add the Method column to the pending transactions, CSV export etc.

注意:method名称直接从相应的智能合约中调取, Etherscan没有对此进行任何处理。用户参考Method栏提供的交易名称时,请亲自对其进行检查。

Note: The method name is taken directly from the corresponding smart contract and Ethescan does not process it.

3.支持 EIP-1559

3. Support EIP-1559

2021年8月,以太坊的费用机制进行了一次重大升级,也就是EIP-1559,这次升级引入了动态的gas价格、可变的区块大小以及费用销毁机制。Etherscan立即通过列出交易的基本费用、销毁费用以及推出 EIP-1559 仪表盘来支持升级!

In August 2021, a major upgrade was made to EIP-1559, which introduced dynamic gas prices, variable block sizes, and cost destruction mechanisms. Etherscan immediately supported the upgrade by listing the basic costs of the transaction, the cost of destruction, and the launch of the EIP-1559 dashboard.

Etherscan 的 Blocks 页面

Blocks page for Ethercan


Detailed transaction pages with EIP-1559 information


4. Supports the ERC-1155 DMB standard

在NFT社区的长期要求下,过去一年里Etherscan逐步集成 ERC-1155。以太坊终于有支持 ERC-1155的区块链浏览器了!其中包括:

With the long-standing demands of the NFT community, Ethercan has gradually integrated ERC-1155 over the past year. Etheria finally has a block-chain browser to support ERC-1155! These include:

  • ERC-1155 热门代币页面 (Top Tokens)
  • ERC-1155 最新代币转账页面 (Latest Transfers)
  • 代币页面 (Token)
  • 在地址 (Address) 页新增 ERC-1155 导航栏
  • 在交易详情页的代币转账与交易操作中显示

5.DEX的交易对 (Trading Pairs)

5. Trading Pairs

一开始,Etherscan的DEX追踪器 (DEX Tracker) 只是列出了以太坊上完成的DEX交易。9月,我们添加了 DEX 交易对信息以扩展 DEX 追踪器的功能,用户可以看到 SushiSwap 或 Uniswap v2 和 v3 上任何 ERC-20 代币的交易对信息和价格走势图。

Initially, Ethescan’s DEX tracker (DEX Tracker) listed only DEX transactions that were done in Taiwan. In September, we added DEX transactions to expand the DEX tracker function. Users can see any ERC-20 transactions on SushiSwap or Uniswap v2 and v3.

新功能:DEX 交易对

New feature: DEX transaction pair

可以浏览以太坊上最热门的 DEX交易对,以及每一个交易对最新的交易及价格走势图!

You can browse the hottest DEX transaction pair in Etheria and every transaction for the latest transactions and price trends!

现在还是Beta版本 —— 请对我们提出你宝贵的意见!

It's still the Beta version -- please give us your valuable advice!

所有 ERC-20代币页都有“Chart”按钮,打开页面点击查看吧!

All ERC-20 currency pages have "Chart" buttons. Open the page and click on it.


New feature just added:


"Chart" button on the ERC-20 currency page

点击即可查看相关代币的 DEX追踪器页面,里面包含代币的完整信息、交易对信息、USD价格以及最新的链上交易!

Click to see the DEX tracker page for the relevant tokens, which contains complete information about the tokens, transactions to information, USD prices and the latest transactions on the chain!

6.ENS域名标签 (ENS Name Tags)

6.ENS domain name label (ENS Name Tags)

在2021年前,用户可以通过网站搜索栏或查找页来查找ENS域名。五月,我们给那些为其 ENS 域名设置了反向解析 (Reverse Record 现改名为 Primary ENS Name) 的账户添加了ENS域名标签功能。现在用户可在浏览器内看到 ENS 域名,而不是 0x 地址。

By 2021, users can find ENS domain names through a web search bar or a search page. In May, we added ENS domain names to the accounts for which the ENS domain name has been set in reverse (reversely renamed Prime ENS Name). Users can now see ENS domain names in browsers instead of 0x addresses.


New feature: ENS domain name label

设置了正向和反向解析的 ENS 域名可以自动在 Etherscan 上显示。ENS域名可在地址页的“From”和”To“栏,以及页面右上角中查看。

Sets the ENS domain name that is parsed directly and in reverse to be displayed automatically on Ethercan. The ENS domain name can be viewed in the " From " and " To " columns on the address page, as well as in the upper right corner of the page.

7. 支持 Natspec (以太坊自然语言规范格式)

7. Support Natspec (in Taiwan natural language format)

使用 Etherscan的读取及编写合约( Read & Write Contract )功能的用户在21年末收到了一份惊喜—— 12月份发布的版本支持Natspec。用户可在读取及编写合约标签页上浏览嵌入Natspec的智能合约相关描述,这个功能帮助用户更好地理解其调用的每一个函数。

Users who use the Read & Write Contract function of Ethercan received a surprise in late 21 years - a version released in December supports Natspec. Users can access and create contract tab pages to view the intelligent contract descriptions embedded in Natspec, which helps users better understand each function they call.

支持Natspec的第一阶段已在Etherscan合约 (Contract) 标签页中开展。

The first phase of support for Natspec has been carried out in the Ethercan Contract (Contract) tab page.


Go to read and write the contract tabs and read the messages, parameters and return instructions added by the creators immediately!

8.优化代币持有页面 (Token Holdings)

8. Optimizing the currency holding page (Token Holdings)

代币持有页面进行了几项变动。现在,代币持有页面除了展示用户的 ERC-20 代币资产之外,还展示用户的 LP token (即用户在交易所提供了流动性的代币对) 和 NFT 持有清单。

There are several changes to the token holding page. The token holding page now displays, in addition to the user's ERC-20 token assets, the user's LP token (i.e. the user provides a liquid token pair at the exchange) and the NFT holding list.

随着NFT索引的逐步优化,我们将为社区提供更好的NFT 图像和元数据的额外独立来源。

With the gradual optimization of the NFT index, we will provide communities with an additional independent source of better NFT images and metadata.

在 Etherscan本地展示的NFT画廊。

The NFT gallery displayed locally in Ethercan.

9.支持 Flashbots/MEV

9. Support for Flashbots/MEV

MEV (最大可提取价值) 在2021年里暴风雨般席卷了以太坊世界。MEV 之前深藏于黑暗森林中,现在却成为公众注意焦点,其中离不开Flashbots的努力。早在四月,Etherscan便做出了自己的贡献, Etherscan为用户标记了那些与 Flashbots MEV 相关的交易和区块。

MEV (the maximum extractable value) swept the Etherworld in 2021. MEV was hidden in the dark forest, but is now the focus of public attention, including the efforts of Flashbots. As early as April, Ethercan made its contribution, and Ethercan marked users of transactions and blocks associated with Flashbots MEV.

在 Flashbots 的帮助下,我们得以添加几个新社区标签,揭秘了以太坊黑暗森林的 MEV 提取。

With the help of Flashbots, we were able to add a few new community labels to uncover the MEV extraction of the Dark Forest of the Ether.

Flashbots Protect服务帮助用户安全地在链下提交交易,以此避免遭受抢跑交易及其他MEV攻击。Flashbots Protect服务发布不久, Etherscan就支持查看在 Flashbots 中待定交易的状态 (即便是链下交易)。

The FlashBots Protec service helps users safely submit transactions under the chain to avoid running transactions and other MEV attacks. Shortly after the launch of the Flashbots Protec service, Ethescan supports a view of the status of pending transactions (even under the chain) in Flashbots.

Flashbots Protect 今天进行了大更新:

FlashBotsProtect is a big update today:

用户现在可以在 Etherscan 中查看待定的 Flashbots Protect 交易状态。

Users can now view the pending FlashBotsProtec transaction status in Ethercan.

用户下一次通过 Flashbots Protect 发送交易后,一定要打开 Etherscan 查看!

Next time a user sends a transaction through the FlashBots Project, you must open Estherscan for a view!

10.智能合约搜索 (Smart Contract Search)

10. Smart Contract Search

明智的开发者使用低调的工具。智能合约搜索于2月引进,用户可在所有经验证的以太坊智能合约中搜索关键词。从 Solidity 版本到部署日期,不同的筛选器可让用户进一步缩小搜索范围。

Smart developers use low-key tools. Smart contract searches were introduced in February. Users can search for keywords in all experienced thong smart contracts. Different filters allow users to narrow the search further from the Solidity version to the deployment date.


Another early version!


Smart Contract Search


Search the contract source code for the following key information:

1. Solidity 版本

1. Solidity version


2. Smart contract licences


3. Contract address


4. Location of person deployed


5. Block height


6. Date of deployment

11.合约差异检查器 (Contract Diff Checker)

11. Contract Diff Checker


The contract variance checker allows developers to compare the similarities and differences between the two smart contracts at the same time as the smart contract search function.

开发者等待已久的功能终于上线了... 合约差异检查器!

The developers' long-awaited functionality is finally online... contract variance checker!


Could cross-reference the code for two smart contracts.


* Because it's an early version, so we look forward to your comments to help us improve it better!

12.交易解码器 (Transaction Decoder)

12. Transaction Decoder


Developers and degen want to see more transaction information directly on Ethancan, so we're online in August. Open any transaction, click the top right menu, and you can see the transaction decoder.


A completely new tool for Detective Degen: a trade decoder.


If you open any transaction, you can see the transaction decoder. The following information is available:

  • 发出的事件
  • 状态的变化
  • 执行轨迹

点击“轨迹”(Trace) 或“函数”(Function) 标签页中的某一行,就能跳转到合约代码的特定行!

Click a line on the Trace or Function tab to jump to the particular line of the contract code!


13. Error message


In the last quarter of 2021, a small number of users suffered from misinformation. Fishing websites returned the wrong information using the token URL, misleading users to open malicious websites.


Upgrade: transaction error display


Recently, there have been problems with fishing attacks using wrong websites, and we have taken steps to protect users!


Click below to read details

Solidity 自定义错误信息随即出现,没过多久,我们在 10 月也发布了更新版本。

Solidity's self-defined error came up, and not long after that, we also released an updated version in October.


Add Custom Error Information


A feature that many would like to add is now available on the trading pages of the main and test networks.

@solidity_lang自定义错误显示为:Faill with Custom Error ‘[信息]’

@solidity_lang custom error is shown as: Faill with Custom Error '[information]'


Please respond in the comment area to help us improve.


14. Security report

9月发布的另一个功能!我们和我们首个合作方共同推出了一个工具,第三方企业可以在 Etherscan 上提交一个名字标签。涉及安全事件的地址会被Ledger打上标记,显示在Etherscan上。此功能的更多用途将于2022年开放。

Another feature was released in September. We launched a tool with our first partner that allows third-party businesses to submit a name tag on Ethercan. The address involving a security event will be marked by Ledger and displayed on Ethercan. The additional use of this feature will be opened in 2022.

Ledger提供的安全报告意见现已在 Etherscan 上显示。

The security report comments provided by Ledger are now shown on Ethercan.


We have worked with Ledger (a leading hardware wallet provider) to mark addresses involving security incidents.

15. IDM (Input Data Messaging, 输入数据讯息)

15. IDM (Input Data Messaging, Entering Data Message)

以太坊应用IDM (输入数据讯息)) 已经很长一段时间了。10月,我们发布了一个简单的只读功能,将这些讯息收集成聊天表单。Messaging 对于以太坊钱包来说是一个重要的用例 —— 我们期待在2022年里看到这个功能有更多的创新!

In October, we released a simple read-only feature that collects these messages into a chat form. Messaging is an important example of using Taipan wallets -- we look forward to seeing more innovation in 2022!


Let me introduce you to the Etherno IDM.


The IDM (Input Data Message) function generates a chat history for the selected address and can be shared with others.

由于这是 beta 版本,如有改进意见请与我们分享。

Since this is the Beta version, please share with us any suggestions for improvements.


16. Search for multi-chain address on Blockscan

7月,EVM 多链用户可以通过 Etherscan 区块浏览器轻易地查看某条链上的地址是否也在另一条链上使用。

In July, EVM multi-chain users can easily see whether an address on a chain is also used in another chain through an Ethercan block browser.


Still wondering if the same address could be used in other chains?

打开地址页面,点击 Blockscan 图标,即可查看它在 17 条 EVM 链上的哪几条链上使用!

Open the address page and click on the Blockscan icon to see which chains it uses on the 17 EVM chains!


17. Search for source code in multiple folders


The multifolder search function, which was online at the beginning of the year, saves developers much time and does not need to be filtered back and forth in redundant source codes.


The Gospel of Smart Contract Developers!

用户可以在多文件中搜索合约源代码。无论是 1 个文件还是 72 个,Etherscan 为你保驾护航!

Users can search for the contract source code in multiple files. Either 1 file or 72, Etherscan defends you!

18.交易操作栏 (Transaction Actions) 添加了更多信息

18. More information has been added to the transaction sections .

在2021年,我们在交易详情页的交易操作栏中添加了更多信息,而待处理 sawp 交易与 NFT 交易的详情是其中两个最重要的更新。期待在2022年里添加更多交易操作信息!

In 2021, we added more information to the transaction log on the transaction details page, and the details of the pending sawp and NFT transactions are two of the most important updates. Looking forward to adding more transactional information in 2022!

交易操作栏现已支持查看在 @Uniswap 与 @Sushiswap 的待处理 swap 信息!

The transaction log now supports viewing the pending swap information in @Uniswap and @Sushiswap!


You can also see:


1. Maximum/minimum amount that can receive a token

2. Swap 失效时间

Time of expiry of Swap


You know what?

交易操作栏现在能够展示更多以太坊的NFT 交易信息 —— ERC-721 与 ERC-1155 都包括在内!

The transaction log can now display more NFT transaction information from the Etherm - both ERC-721 and ERC-1155!


19. Trade navigation

11月,交易详情页进行了一次很棒的升级:用户可基于发送者随机数 (或交易单号) 导航交易。这个功能帮助用户更好地循环浏览交易。

In November, a great upgrade was made to the transaction details page: the user can navigate a transaction based on a random number of senders (or a single transaction number). This function helps the user to browse the transaction better.


Another upgrade of the transaction page! The user can now navigate the transaction according to the random number of senders.


There are also functions that are gradually added to the page... NFT users may have noticed the upgrades we've made.

20. ERC-20代币持有者数量的走势图

20. Trends in the number of currency holders of ERC-20


This is one of the first updates to be released in 2021. The trend chart shows the expected number of currency holders in the last seven days: this is a useful measurement tool for traders.


Add a map of the number of expected holders of the ERC-20!


Some users would love it!


21.API Page Upgrade


Last but not least is the upgrading of API documents and logs. Since August, users have been able to view the various API plans, the full list of API endpoints, the help guide for beginners, and so on.


We upgraded the API document with the login page!


The new document pages are:

  • 怎样开始使用Etherscan的API?
  • 如何使用每个 API 终端
  • API Pro详情
  • 教程
  • 支持
  • 我们还需要添加什么文档呢?

这些就是我们在 2021 年发布的 21 个功能。你们最喜欢哪一个呢?你们希望我们进一步开发哪一个功能呢?还有什么没提到的、希望 Etherscan 开发的功能呢?

These are the 21 functions that we released in 2021. Which do you like most? Which do you want us to develop further? What else do you want?


Please leave a message in the comment section.

2022 年新年快乐! 返回搜狐,查看更多

2022 Happy New Year!





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