Bitcoin is a decentralised, global digital currency that achieves safe, fast, low-cost transactions and transfers of assets through encryption algorithms and distributed booking techniques. Bitcoin appears to break the traditional financial model, providing people with an entirely new way of paying and managing their wealth, as well as triggering financial innovation...
关键字: 比特币 区块链KBTG在越南建立了第三个资讯科技基地,寻求更多的人才来壮大其员工队伍,以支持KBank的区域数字化扩张战略,为成为该地区最顶尖的科技公司做好准备
KBTG established a third information technology base in Viet Nam, seeking more talent to build up its workforce to support KBank's regional digital expansion strategy and to prepare for becoming the best technology company in the region.
关键字: 数字化 KBTG 人工智能 区块链加密货币(Cryptocurrency)是一种数字资产,通过使用密码学技术确保安全性和匿名性。加密货币是一种去中心化的数字货币,不受任何政府或金融机构的控制。比特币是其中最著名的一种。
Encrypted money is a digital asset that ensures security and anonymity through the use of cryptography. Encrypted money is a decentralised digital currency that is not controlled by any government or financial institution. Bitcoin is one of the most well-known.
关键字: 比特币 加密货币 数字资产比特币是一种数字加密货币,也称为加密电子货币,于2009年由中本聪创立。与传统货币不同,比特币交易不需要第三方机构参与,并且具有匿名性。
Bitcoin is a digital encrypted currency, also known as an encrypted electronic currency, which was created in 2009 by China. Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin transactions do not require third-party involvement and are anonymous.
关键字: 比特币区块链主要应用的范围包括:数字货币、金融资产的交易结算、数字政务、存证防伪数据服务等领域。区块链是将数据区块有序链接,每个区块负责记录一个文件数据,并进行加密来确保数据不能够被修改和伪造的数据库技术。
The main applications of the block chain are in the areas of digital currency, financial asset transactions settlement, digital government, and security against forgery data services. The block chain is an orderly link to the data blocks, each recording a document data and encryption to ensure that the data cannot be modified or falsified.
关键字: 区块链 数字货币 金融资产区块链,就是一个又一个区块组成的链条。每一个区块中保存了一定的信息,它们按照各自产生的时间顺序连接成链条。这个链条被保存在所有的服务器中,只要整个系统中有一台服务器可以工作,整条区块链就是安全的
The chain of blocks is a chain of blocks after each. Each block contains a certain amount of information that is linked to the chain in the order in which it is generated. The chain is stored on all servers, as long as there is a server in the system that can work, the whole chain of blocks is secure.
关键字: 块链 虚拟货币 比特币据 21ic 获悉,近日工信部正式发布《区块链和分布式记账技术 参考架构》(GB/T 42752-2023)国家标准,这是我国首个获批发布的区块链技术领域国家标准,进一步加快了我国区块链标准化进程,为区块链产业高质量发展...
According to 21ic, the recent official release by the Ministry of Industry and Communications of the GB/T 42752-2023 National Standards for Block Chains and Distributive Accountancy (GB/T 42752-2023), the first approved national standards in the technical area of block chain, has further accelerated the process of standardization of the block chain in our country, leading to high-quality development of the block chain industry...
关键字: 工信部 区块链在区块链这个词出现之后,有的小伙伴不知道区块链手机是什么。实际上在没有发明这个名词之前,虚拟货币就是区块链的直接代言人,如果按照子集范围划分,虚拟货币是区块链的一种,而就目前来说,虚拟货币也是当前区块链的最佳应用场景。
After the word block chain appears, some of the small partners do not know what block chain cell phones are. In fact, until the term is invented, virtual currency is the direct voice of the block chain, and if it is divided by sub-cluster scope, virtual currency is one of the block chain, and for the time being it is the best application of the current block chain.
关键字: 区块链 手机 虚拟货币注册有任何问题请添加 微信:MVIP619 拉你进入群