空白填补,我国提出区块链国际新标准 | 产业区块链发展周报

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:43 评论:0
摘要 summary 产业动态:Industries: 央行数研所、信通院合作立项2项国际标准,规范区块链功能与性能测试方法The Central Bank Research Institute a...



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The Central Bank Research Institute and the Institute of Information and Communications Technology collaborate to establish two international standards to regulate block chain functions and performance testing methods


The first international standard for the privacy protection of the block chain was successfully established at the ants Chain Joint Information and Communication Centre.


Establishment of the Alliance for the Development of Industrial Innovation in the Chains of Economic Circles in the capital province of Shandong


12 block chains and entertainment start-ups were selected for the sixth quarter of the Bea Entrepreneur Laboratories.

ConsenSys将为微软 Azure提供基于以太坊的托管区块链服务

ConsenSys will provide Microsoft Azure with an Ether-based hosting block chain.

跨链互操作协议Poly Network与比原链Bytom战略合作升级,双方将共建跨链桥

Cross-chain interoperability agreement PolyNetwork was upgraded with strategic cooperation from Bytom in the original chain, and both sides will build cross-link bridges together


Policy relevance:


Departments such as the Ministry of Commerce, the Development Reform Commission and others: guiding commodity markets in the application of modern information technologies such as block chains and artificial intelligence


Shanghai City People's Procuratorate: Virtual coins, games coins as new money laundering carriers


The U.S. Senator proposed distributional booking technology as a “key technology priority”


Technological innovation:


ChainSafe will develop the Rust version of the Mina protocol, which can run in the browser environment


Update the Altair upgrade with the Taiwan beacon chain to be deployed to the beacon chain in the third quarter


Eth1-Eth2 merger developer test network re-launched, official desire to run complex transactions, mandatory fork, etc.




The virtual image technology company Genies announced the completion of $65 million in B-round finance.


DappRadar finishes the $5 million A-round financing.

CDI宣布战略投资区块链扑克项目Virtue Poker

CID announces strategic investment block chain poker project Virtue Poker

区块链游戏公司Big Time Studios宣布完成1030万美元A轮融资

Big Time Studios, a block chain game company, announced $10.3 million in A-round financing.


Startbahn completed $10 million in B-round financing for block chain art.


DeFi foreign exchange agreement handle.fi completion of strategic round financing


Industrial application:


Co-initiation of old-age membership products and award of title certificates based on block chain technology


Italy will launch, in the second half of this year, a digital guaranteed contract management platform based on the block chain


Special attention: digital currency


Payment Treasure has added a digital renminbi module to some users


Six large state-owned banks in Shanghai quietly promoted digital renminbi before May 5th.


Director of the International Division of the Central Bank of China: to capture the pre-emptive advantage of digital currency


On-line payment of the digital renminbi of the power provider purchasing platform with friends and "country can buy"


Add a new Internet bank wallet to the digital renminbi APP wallet


Chu Tianlong plans to use IDEX's fingerprint recognition technology to make card-based wallets for the digital renminbi.


Suning's easy to buy and open digital renminbi payment services


The Central Bank of Israel announces the draft central bank digital currency


近日,国际电信联盟第十六研究组会议成功召开,会议中,中国人民银行数字货币研究所和中国信息通信研究院合作,在SG16分布式账本工作组Q22成功立项2项区块链测评标准“分布式账本技术平台功能测评方法”和“分布式账本技术平台性能测评方法”。实际上,近年来,有关区块链技术的标准层出不穷,但由于不同区块链结构从技术架构、共识方式、通信协议到代码实现都具备较大的差异性,尽管此前已通过了ITU-T F.751.1分布式账本技术平台的评测准则,但对此系列的标准符合度,以及此标准系列下区块链功能与性能测试方法及测试流程,国际上始终未有一个较为统一的规范,常用做法仍是沿用地区或联盟标准。而本次两项测评标准的提出,旨在作为现有国际标准ITU-T F.751系列标准的补充,聚焦于测试方法,明确从业者如何公平公正地验证区块链平台是否满足ITU-T F.751系列标准中规定的相关测评指标。从这个角度而言,本次标准的提出填补了区块链国际标准在测试方法方面的空白,也提升了我国在国际标准中的贡献与话语权,进一步推动我国区块链产业发展。

In recent years, the 16th International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Study Group meeting was successfully held, during which the Digital Monetary Institute of the People's Bank of China and the China Institute of Information and Communications (CIAC) collaborated in the development of the SG16 Distributed Account Books Working Group Q22 series Q22 series on the Q chain measurement standard “Distributed account platform functional measurement methodology” and “distributed account technical platform performance measurement methodology” were successfully conducted. In practice, standards for block chain technology have not been more uniform in recent years, and common practices continue to follow regional or union standards. However, as these standards are presented, they are intended to complement the existing international standard ITU-T F.751 series, focusing on test methodology and on how the industry platform can fairly and fairly test the contribution methodology and the process of testing of the chain below the standard series to meet the relevant ITU-F.751 series, and, from the point of view of the current methodology, have been used to fill the gap in the international standard.


In practice, this is not the first time that a block chain has been used in the real estate industry. Using block + property registration as an example, as early as 2018, the country’s first block-based real estate registration project was “four-networked” at the bottom of the country’s southern shelf. In recent years, as the technology of the block chain has evolved, well-known property companies, such as Huanko and the Grande Grande, have begun to apply the block chain to the business as well. The green land group referred to above, in addition to a block-chain study, has also established a digital bank called the Greenlands Association last December, and has obtained a Singapore digital bank licence, which continues to be deployed in digital assets.


While not all digital renminbi APP users can now support cyberbanks, the customers of some online banks have experienced the digital renminbi function in paying treasures, and it is known that digital renminbi modules have been introduced by paying treasures, which means that digital renminbis are now being used in cooperation with Internet payment platforms to provide mainstream pay interfaces, and that the introduction of mainstream payment flows will be followed by more pilot groups of people, which will be another breakthrough in the digital currency pilot, as well as the inclusion of local financial institutions such as the People’s Democratic Bank in the digital banking network.

Part 1产业动态

Part 1 Industrial Development


Central Bank Digital Research Institute, ICAC, in collaboration, sets out two international standards to regulate block chain functions and performance testing methods

据上证报消息,国际电信联盟第十六研究组(简称ITU-T SG16)于2021年4月19日至2021年4月30日召开全体会议。在本次大会上,中国人民银行数字货币研究所和中国信息通信研究院合作,针对区块链平台的功能和性能测评的痛点,在SG16分布式账本工作组Q22成功立项2项区块链测评标准,规范区块链功能与性能测试方法。

According to the above information, the 16th ITU Study Group (ITU-T SG16) held a plenary session from 19 April 2021 to 30 April 2021. At this conference, the People’s Bank of China Institute of Digital Currency and the China Institute of Information and Communications, in cooperation with the Chinese Institute of Information and Communications, set up two series of block chain evaluation criteria at the SG16 Distributed Book Working Group Q22, to regulate the method of testing the function and performance of the block chain.


The first international standard for the privacy protection of the block chain was successfully established by the Ants Chain Joint Information and Communication Institute


On 12 May, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) network of officials learned that the standard TEE-based block-chain privacy calculation, launched jointly by the ant chain and the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, was successfully itemized as the first international standard for the protection of data privacy in the block chain. This marked the high level of international recognition of the privacy protection techniques of China’s technology companies in the area of block chains.


The ITU is a globally mainstream communications standard organization, founded in 1865 and comprising more than 190 countries, more than 900 companies and academic institutions, and an authoritative international standardization organization at the global level.


It is known that the technical criteria for this project were proposed by the Ant Chain and the China ICU Clouds, together with the Large Data Institute and the Privacy Calculators Alliance, to safeguard the data security and privacy of companies when serving in the application chain, the first international standard of the Privacy Calculators Alliance. Privacy protection, data security, has been a major domestic and international concern, and the technical criteria for this project were proposed by the ants chain and the China ICU Clouds and the Privacy Calculators Alliance to safeguard the data security and privacy of companies when serving in the application chain. By the end of 2020, the ant groups had 2,298 patent families in the area of the chain, with patent power ranked first in the world.


The Alliance for the Development of Industrial Innovation in the Chains of the Economic Circles of the capital province of Shandong was established


On 9 May, the Jinan Municipal Block Chain Industry Association was set up and, in association with the backbone enterprises of several cities in the provincial capital's economic circle, set up the country's first regional platform for integration and coordinated development of innovation and industrial vehicles, the Alliance for the Development of Industrial Innovations in the Regional Economic Circles. On the scene, the Deputy Director of the Shandong Provincial Committee Network, Péyong, stated that the city of Jinan would then move forward with the important task of “provincial city integration” and hoped, through the launch of this initiative, to accelerate the application of technological innovations in the sector's integrated territorial chains, to take the lead in the form of technical advantages of the sector's chain and the creation of alliances, to first test and innovate breakthroughs, and to promote the coordinated and integrated development of the sector's economic chain industry, leading to the high-quality development of the sector's industrial chain.


12 block chains and entertainment start-ups for

游戏巨头育碧企业家实验室第六季入选名单公布,入选的12家初创公司都致力于区块链以及积极的娱乐产品和服务。具体名单为分布式云平台Aleph.im、AI初创公司Anybrain 、基于历史的教育游戏Atlantide、训练注意力的视频游戏BrainLeap、开放元宇宙蓝图(SDK)Crucible 、面向游戏玩家的个人发展服务和招聘平台Game Academy、移动端RPG游戏Guild of Guardians、区块链游戏公司Horizon、儿童学习和发展平台Lexiko、NFT市场数据平台NonFungible、脑力训练VR游戏Virtuleap。

The names of the 12 start-up companies selected for the sixth quarter of the game's Bea Entrepreneur Laboratory are published. The names are Aleph.im, Anybrain of AI, Atlantide of history-based educational games, Brain Leap of attention-training video games, SDK Crucible, Game Academy for game players, Guild of Guardians on mobile end RPG games, Horizon of sector chain games, Lexiko of Child Learning and Development platform, NFT market data platform NonFungible, and VR games Virtuleap on brain training.

ConsenSys将为微软 Azure提供基于以太坊的托管区块链服务

ConsenSys will provide Microsoft Azure with an Ether-based hosting block chain service

官方消息,以太坊软件公司 ConsenSys 宣布与微软合作,将为其云计算操作系统 Azure 客户提供基于以太坊的托管区块链服务「managed blockchain service」。双方正在共同提供基于 ConsenSys Quorum 的服务,ConsenSys Quorum 是用于以太坊开发的开源协议层。

Officially, ConsenSys announced that it would work with Microsoft to provide its cloud computing operating system Azure with a "managed blockchain service" based on Ether's hosting system. The two parties are jointly providing a service based on ConsenSys Quorum, which is an open source layer for Ether development.

跨链互操作协议Poly Network与比原链Bytom战略合作升级,双方将共建跨链桥

Trans-chain Inter-operability Agreement PolyNetwork upgraded with strategic cooperation from Bytom in the original chain, where both sides will build cross-link bridges

今日,跨链互操作协议 Poly Network宣布与比原链Bytom官方战略合作进一步升级,双方将在资产跨链领域展开深度合作。通过Poly Network的底层跨链技术帮助,将实现比原链上的多链数字加密资产在多生态网络的跨链互通。未来双方将共建比原链和其他链之间的跨链桥,实现不同链上主流资产的自由兑换,共同为 DeFi 应用生态系统繁荣助力。

Today, PolyNetwork announces a further upgrade in cooperation with the official strategy of Bytom in the original chain, where both sides will cooperate in depth in the area of asset cross-chains. With the help of the bottom-chain technology of PolyNetwork, multi-chain digital encryption assets will be connected across multi-ecological networks compared to the original chain.

Poly Network是全球领先的异构链跨链互操作协议,已实现9条主流异构区块链互通,超过43亿美金的跨链资产转移。

PolyNetwork, the leading global inter-linkage agreement for the cross-linkage of the isomer chain, has achieved nine main isomer block links, with over $4.3 billion in cross-chain asset transfers.

Part 2政策相关

Part 2 Policy Related


Department of Commerce, Development Reform Commission, etc.: leading commodity markets in the application of modern information technologies such as block chains and artificial intelligence


The Ministry of Commerce, the Development Reform Commission, among others, issued a circular on the Special Plan of Action for the Optimization and Upgrading of Commodity Markets (2021-2025). The Ministry of Commerce, the Development Reform Commission, among others, stated that it would promote digital transformation. It would direct commodity markets to use modern information technologies such as the Internet, material networking, big data, block chains and artificial intelligence to speed up the digitalization of traditional trading scenes.


Shanghai City People's Procuratorate: Virtual Currency, Game Currency as New Money Laundering Carrier


In 2020, the Shanghai People’s Procuratorate received 1,776 cases of prosecution of financial crimes and 3,361 persons. In cases of illegal fund-raising, virtual coins, games, etc., became a new money-laundering vehicle. In a number of cases of illegal fund-raising or financial fraud, the participation of virtual coins, games, etc. made it difficult to trace funds and the whereabouts of cross-border funds were unknown. (Rule of Law Network)


US Senator proposed distributed book technology as a “key technology priority”

据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员辛西娅·鲁米斯(Cynthia Lummis)希望美国政府将区块链的分布式账本技术作为优先事项。Lummis正在赞助一项修正案,以将区块链添加到“两岸法案”中,该法案将创建一个新的技术与创新局,并为新实体设置10个“技术重点领域”,以评估和制定一项联邦战略来解决。该法案将在周三的委员会中进行标记,这意味着参议院商业,科学和运输委员会将对修正案进行表决,并决定是否将其移交给全体参议院投票。

According to CoinDesk, US Senator Cynthia Lummis wants the US government to prioritize the distributional book technology of the block chain. Lummis is sponsoring an amendment to add the block chain to the Cross-Straits Act, which will create a new technology and innovation agency and set up 10 “technology focus areas” for the new entity to assess and develop a federal strategy to address it. The bill will be marked in a committee on Wednesday, which means that the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transport will vote on the amendment and decide whether to hand it over to the Senate for a vote.

Part 3技术创新

Part 3 Technological Innovation


ChainSafe will develop the Rust version of the Mina protocol, which can run in the browser environment


With regard to specific support, the Chain Safe team will focus initially on auditing and improving the Go-libp2p site, and will then help upgrade the network to use Bitswap to further enhance the capacity of the Mina. Four milestones for the new Mina implementation will be sequenced and block validation, block selection logic, ledger and other status, and Libp2p support. With regard to Libp2p, the last step will be to validate and support compatibility with the browser environment, so that Mina can be accessed almost anywhere.


Update Altair upgrades with the Taiku beacon chain to be deployed to the beacon chain in three quarters


On 10 May, it was reported that Ben Edginton, a developer of Taiku 2.0, had said that the current client team was progressing well in implementing Altair (a beacon chain update) norms, and that the proposed timetable for the Altair standard delivery was to freeze regulations around 21 May, to enter the short-term testing network at the beginning of June (Altair only), to deploy the fork network at the end of June, and to deploy to the beacon chain in late July and early August. An important new feature in Altair was the Light Client Synchronization Committee, in which the certifying officers would be regularly encouraged to provide information on blockheads to light clients.


Eth1-Eth2 merger developer testing network re-launched and official wishes to run complex transactions, mandatory splits, etc.


Officially, Protolambda launched the Eth1-Eth2 merger developer test network Nocturne for the second time, similar to Steklo for the first Eth1-Eth2 merger developer test network, using four consensus clients: Teku, Lighthouse, Prysm and Nimbus; and three executing clients: Besu, Geth and Nethermind to run PoS. The test network is still very experimental, but it contains some important bug repairs since the first Steklo test network. Despite the testing network, Protolambda wants to run complex transactions, deposits, some splits, re-sync nodes, etc.

Part 4投融资情况

Part 4 Financing


Genies, the virtual image technology company

5 月 3 日,虚拟形象技术公司 Genies 宣布完成 6500 万美元 B 轮融资,由 Bond Capital 领投,Dapper Labs、Polychain、Coinbase Ventures、Hashkey 、SNZ等参投。这笔资金将用于在 Dapper Labs 的 Flow 区块链上建立 Genies 的 NFT 市场。

On May 3, Genes announced the completion of the $65 million B round of financing, led by Bond Capital, with the participation of Dapper Labs, Polychain, Coinbase Ventures, Hashkey, SNZ, etc., which will be used to build the NFT market on the Flow block chain at Dapper Labs.

对此,SNZ投资管理总监Kai认为,avartar是元宇宙重要的组成部分,有了NFT的赋能,avartar会展现新的活力,非常期待genies和Dapper labs的生态合作。

In response, SNZ Director General of Investment Kai argued that avartar was an important part of the meta-cosm, and that with the NFT's empowerment, avartar would show new dynamism and look forward very much to ecological cooperation between genies and Dapper Labs.


DappRadar finishes $5 million A round of finance

DappRadar完成500万美元A轮融资。此轮融资由Prosus Ventures,Blockchain.com Ventures,NordicNinja VC领投。DappRadar预计将资金用于提高品牌知名度以及推出诸如投资组合追踪器等新产品。DappRadar是一个Dapp数据追踪平台。(The Block)

DappRadar completes the $5 million A round of financing by Prosus Ventures, Blockchain.com Ventures, NordicNinja VC. DappRadar is expected to fund branding and new products such as portfolio trackers. DappRadar is a Dapp data tracking platform.

CDI宣布战略投资区块链扑克项目Virtue Poker

CID announces the strategic investment block chain poker project Virtue Poker

据官方消息,CDI宣布作为亚洲区领投战略投资区块链扑克项目Virtue Poker。据悉,Virtue Poker项目起始于2018年,经过两年开发,结合区块链和德州扑克游戏。让玩家可以避免玩在线 poker 游戏中遇到的安全与信任问题。资产存在于区块链上,可以保证资产的安全性,同时每个人的手牌和桌上的牌面经过加密之后在区块上传输,避免了传统在线poker中被攻击的可能性(比如底牌泄露)。基于去中心化技术的poker游戏,规避传统使用虚拟货币在线poker所遇到的法律问题,是目前在欧美具有长期法规稳定性的游戏。Virtue Poker的顾问委员会包括以太坊区块链的联合创始人之一Joe Lubin和最大的在线扑克策略网站 PokerStrategy 的前首席执行官Damian Sokol。此前,数字资产代币销售和发行平台 CoinList 也公布了Virtue Poker是CoinList Seed 2021 年的项目之一。

According to official sources, the CDI announced the Virtue Poker project as a strategic investment zone leader in Asia. The Virtue Poker project started in 2018, developed over two years, in combination with a block chain and a Texas poker game. Allowing players to avoid security and trust problems in online Poker games. Assets exist in the block chain, guaranteeing the safety of assets, while each person’s handplate and table are transmitted on blocks, encrypted, avoiding the possibility of being attacked in traditional online Poker (e.g., bottom cards leaking). The legal problems encountered by the Poker game, based on decentralized technology, circumventing the traditional use of virtual currency online Poker, are currently characterized by long-term legal stability in Euro-American games. The Virtue Poker’s advisory board, including one of the co-founders of the taupuleta chain, Joe Lubin, and the former chief executive of the Poker Strategy strategy website, Damian Sokol.

区块链游戏公司Big Time Studios宣布完成1030万美元A轮融资

Big Time Studios, a block chain game company at

区块链游戏公司Big Time Studios今日宣布完成1030万美元的A轮融资,投资者包括North Island Ventures、数字货币集团、Blockdream Ventures、Alameda Research、Circle和Sound Ventures等公司。(CoinDesk)

Big Time Studios, a block chain game company, announced today the completion of $10.3 million in round A financing, with investors such as North Island Ventures, Digital Currency Group, Blockdream Ventures, Alameda Research, Circle and Sound Ventures. (CoinDesk)


日本区块链艺术公司Startbahn完成1000万美元的B轮融资,将为其Startrail区块链的发展提供资金。该平台还使用NFT等技术提供艺术品的可追溯性。本轮融资由投资公司Miyako Capital和Edge Capital领投,Miwa Taguchi、OPS、SX Capital、TBS Innovation Partner、iSGS Investment Works等参投。(CoinDesk)

Startbahn, a Japanese block chain art company, completed a $10 million B round of financing that will finance the development of its Startrail block chain. The platform also provides the traceability of works of art using technologies such as NFT. This round of financing was led by the investment companies Miyako Capital and Edge Capital, Miwa Taguchi, OPS, SX Capital, TBS Investment Partner, iSGS Investment Works, etc.


DeFi foreign exchange agreement completion of strategic round financing


According to official sources, DeFi’s foreign exchange agreement handle.fi completes the strategic round of financing.

Part 5行业应用

Part 5 Industry Application


joint launch of old-age membership products with green pastures and award of title certificates based on block chain technology


According to official sources, the Green Land Reclamation Corporation and the Green Land Reclamation Industries Group have jointly launched old-age membership products for the Green Land Conservancy Building 5. The Green Land Reclamation Industries Group has chosen to publish old-age membership products on the Green Land Reclamation Platform as a technical tool and a complete and authentic system of rights based on the platform, providing multiple and non-differentiated confirmations, and transparent and non-alterable membership claims based on block-chain-based technologies to protect customers’ rights and interests.


At the same time, there is a consensus between Shanghai Greenfield Qingcheng Corporation Ltd. and various parties, such as the Treasure Rights Platform and the Third Party Certification Agency, to issue a certificate of entitlement to old-age membership rights, based on block-chain technology, to each of the top members.


According to the report, the Treasure of Rights platform is a digital service platform for real estate tenure, launched by the Green Land Digital Branch subsidiary, Shanghai Illitus Information Technology Ltd. Using innovative digital technology, new trading structures and business models based on core technologies such as block chains, electronic signatures, etc., have been designed for real estate tenure rights through the introduction of innovative digital technologies.


Italy will launch a digital guaranteed contract management platform based on block chains in the second half of this year


The first system platform will be launched in the second half of 2021 after the successful pilot of the payment agency SIA and the Italian Centre for Technology Studies (CeTIF), which will enable guarantors in the banking and insurance sectors to manage through DLT technology. More than 50 market participants participated in the sandbox test, managing more than 350 contracts over a four-month period, ranging from Euro10,000 to Euro1.4 million, with an average value of Euro275,000. The pilot also included the digital consulting firm Riply, the Italian Bank, the Insurance Supervision Institute (IVASS) and the Italian Financial Police. According to the data provided by the participants, the use of block chains and DLT technology would reduce fraud by about 30% and operational costs from 10% to more than 50%, depending on the number of transactions handled. Based on feedback from the pilot, the platform has initiated further technical, functional and regulatory improvement activities aimed at full operation and market placement in the second half of 2021 (Finextra).


Special concern: Digital Currency



On 10 May, it was reported that payment treasures had been added to the digital renminbi module for some users and that users would be able to open the digital renminbi wallet of the Internet merchant bank on the basis of a page alert.


According to the information received, Internetbank's digital renminbi wallets can be used anonymously and under real names. The anonymous use only supports transfers, consumer functions, and physical use includes transfer and transfer functions. Real names use higher balance limits and transfer consumption limits.


Six large state-owned banks in Shanghai quietly promoted the digital renminbi before the May 5 shopping festival.


In Shanghai, six large state-owned banks are quietly promoting digital renminbi before the May 5 shopping festival in order to implement a political order to provide consumers with payment methods other than payment of treasures and micro-credits. Banks are persuading traders and retail customers to download digital wallets so that transactions in the pilot project can be carried out directly in digital renminbis, bypassing the ubiquitous payment pipelines laid by the ant group. Under the guidance of the Central Bank of China, a bank official who is involved in the Shanghai Pilot Digital renminbi pilot has stated: “People will realize that digital renminbi payments are very convenient, and I will no longer pay on payment treasures or micro-letters.” The People's Bank of China has publicly stated that e-currencys will not compete with payment of treasures or micro-letters, merely as “backs” and “other options.” In private, however, national banks that market digital coins for the central bank have simply stated that the country will reduce the dominance of these two payment methods to some extent.


Director of the International Division of the Central Bank of China: to grasp the pre-emptive advantage of digital currency


On the weekend of the Qinghua Financial Review, the Director-General of the Central Bank of China’s International Affairs Department, Chu Xuan, said that international experience had shown that the internationalization of the currency was dominated by the market, and that the renminbi would continue to be market-driven and responsive to market demands, but that the government would create a better environment and conditions for the full realization of the market’s role. In the new context, the internationalization of the renminbi would continue to improve the support system, including by capturing the pre-existing advantages of the digital renminbi and exploring potential areas for the internationalization of the renminbi.



According to the Securities Times, e.C., the first digital currency to pay the participating units as a national purchase platform, with friends completing the platform’s first single digital currency payment. It is known that the business was paid online in real time using a digital renminbi for matching operating costs.


Digital renminbi APP Wallet Added Netbank Wallet


Today, in the digital renminbi APP wallet, the logo of the Internet bank was highlighted in the selection of the wallet operator's page, and microbanks are still open. At the same time, users of partial payment treasures can use some of the functions of the digital renminbi. This means that the digital renminbi operator has increased the number of Internet bankers on the basis of the six main lines of work, agriculture, China, construction, hand-in-hand, and post-storage.


根据IDEX的一份声明,中国高端智能卡生产商楚天龙计划利用IDEX Biometrics ASA的指纹识别技术为数字人民币制作基于卡的钱包。根据IDEX的声明,楚天龙与IDEX之间的合作建立在2019年的许可和商业协议的基础上,当时两家公司共同开发了安全支付卡。目前尚不清楚人民银行(PBOC)是否参与了合作。(coindesk)

According to a statement by IDEX, China’s high-end smart card producer, Chu Tianlong, plans to make card-based wallets for digital renminbi using IDEX Bimetrics ASA fingerprint recognition techniques. According to IDEX, cooperation between Chu Tianlong and IDEX was based on a licensing and commercial agreement in 2019, when the two companies jointly developed a safe payment card. It is not clear whether the People’s Bank (PBOC) is involved.


Suning will be able to purchase and operate digital renminbi payment services


On May 13, Suning bought a digital renminbi payment service. As of this date, consumers can pay in the digital renminbi when they buy it.


The Central Bank of Israel announces the draft central bank digital currency


According to external sources, the Central Bank of Israel has drafted a digitalized version of its statutory currency (Israel’s new shekel). According to the published “draft model,” Israelis should be able to use digital shekels for payments, or even make offline payments, and convert them into cash at any time.

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12th quarter of the gyro-industrial block chain.

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The regulations on the prevention and disposal of illegal fund-raising are in force.




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