
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:41 评论:0
随着比特币第三次减半的日益临近,人们对于它的关注度也在不断的提升。事实上,随着时间的推移,比特币的稀缺性将会继续使其成为对投资者越来越有吸引力的资产。As the third halving of...



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As the third halving of Bitcoin approaches, there is growing interest in it. Indeed, over time, the scarcity of bitcoin will continue to make it an increasingly attractive asset for investors.


So, as Bitcoin continues to approach the mainstream world, what do we think of it? Or is there a very important question: what is bitcoin? Is it a currency? Is it a tool for storing values? Or is it a whole new thing?


Some argue that Bitcoin is a superior way of storing values because of its scarcity, forgery and risk avoidance attributes. Coinbase cited these features and proved that Bitcoin is the ultimate form of storage of values competing with gold in the digital age.


There is no problem with this statement, but it is not comprehensive. Some would say, for example, that the real goal of Bitcoin is to be used as a distributed method of payment, or to quote the plain words that bitcoin is a “point-to-point electronic cash system”.


Indeed, the decentralized nature of Bitcoin provides a predictable distribution rate, while theoretically allowing a cheap, rapid and uncensored global shift without any government intervention in the treatment of its monetary policies and transactions.


However, it is important to note that, while Bitcoin’s point-to-point characteristics protect it from human intervention (albeit 51% of attacks), there are limitations on its availability. So, more often than not, Bitcoin is used as a form of value storage rather than as a currency for daily payments.


Money, Currency, Value Storage?


What makes things like gold a form of value storage, and what makes things like dollars a currency? Simply put, value storage is an asset that retains its value and that does not depreciate over time, including interest-bearing assets such as gold, precious metals such as silver and bonds.


On the contrary, the currency itself has no intrinsic value. It is a unit of measure and a widely used medium of exchange that does not have intrinsic value in itself.


Unlike currencies, money is inherently valuable and cannot be created at will. Currency can be seen as a receipt of money or goods. For example, when gold is prevalent, people can convert banknotes into gold.


In dollar terms, when the new dollar is printed, the dollar starts to depreciate, diluting the value of all negotiable notes. This means that the dollar has only a relative value, not an intrinsic value.


But for things like gold or bitcoin, the creation of more units (by mining) does not dilute the value of the remaining units because they have intrinsic value.


Although some currencies have been tied to precious metals in the past, most have no basic assets, and their value derives only from their broad consensus and from the stability of Governments and economies behind them.


Bitcoin is a well-known “encrypted currency,” but it cannot be a currency because it has intrinsic value. While some will object, bitcoin is issued in a way that is different from the legal currency, and bitcoin is not created in vain.


Value storage is also a feature of money, but the two concepts cannot be equated. For example, precious metals like gold can be considered money, because it meets most of the key requirements, such as segregability, durability, and portability, which are similar to Bitcoin.


bitcoinismoney >/strong


Although Bitcoin has proved to be a superior form of value storage, is it really a currency? Six key features defining a currency are: durability, portability, segregability, uniformity, limited supply and universal acceptance as a mode of payment.


Although Bitcoin follows the first five rules, it is not a generally accepted method of payment. Indeed, we can now see on and below the line some merchants who accept bitcoin payments, and even some governments accept bitcoin as a means of taxation, but bitcoins are far from being “universally accepted” when compared to legal currencies such as the United States dollar. So, like gold, bitcoins are actually not currency.


Can Bitcoin be a currency?


Theoretically, if Bitcoin were widely used, it could become a currency, but it had various technical constraints, which made it impractical to act as a currency in its current form.


The Chief Executive Officer of Nexo, Anthony Trenchev, in weighing Bitcoin as a form of value storage and its potential as a currency, pointed out that the complexity of Bitcoin was one of its main constraints.


He said, "It's a little weird and uncomfortable to use. It doesn't pay as naturally as your credit card. Many companies, including Neso, are working on this, but its use is still a very complex product."


While the use of bitcoin may seem quite simple for some groups of people, it may also become very expensive in some cases. For example, the cost of a standard bitcoin transaction may range from about $0.02 to $0.00, which is indeed quite cheap when transferred abroad, but may be high when used for small transfers and payments.


In addition, the Bitcoin network has serious congestion problems and those willing to pay higher fees are given preferential treatment, while transactions with lower fees are delayed to later blocks.


In 2017, during the Bitcoin cow market, the crowding of Bitcoin’s network reached an all-time high. It could hardly be used for regular transfers and payments, with fees of even $50 per transaction, some of which would take hours or even days to confirm.


Since then, improvements such as SegWit have been used to increase the amount of bitcoin infestation. But even so, it still makes little sense for bitcoin to be the dominant currency, as the processing of bitcoin remains far short of the traditional centralization of payments.


bitcoinVS gold: a new way of storing values in the digital age


While solutions such as the Lightning Network are seeking to solve the above-mentioned problems in Bitcoin, providing a second-tier network where micro-trading can take place at lower cost without blocking the original network in Sebitcoin, it is far from universal.


Even though Bitcoin could not be used on a large scale as a currency, Anthony Trenchev predicted that the price of Bitcoin would reach $50,000 in 2020, saying:


“The earliest is that bitcoin will become a revolutionary monetary and P2P payment system. I don't think that's happening in any way. Bitcoin has the function of money, but it is still more used for value storage and value conversion, especially in larger amounts.”


On the other hand, Vytautas, Chief Executive Officer of Bankera, argued that it was only a matter of time before Bitcoin reached the status of a widely accepted currency. He said that “bitcoin itself will not fail.


Even if these technological solutions do not work exactly as planned, the scarcity of Bitcoin, as a reliable repository of values, can make it a very attractive investment and an excellent hedge against current geopolitical and economic instability. So, for Bitcoin, the outlook is still bright.


High inflation and aggressive monetary policy have historically driven demand for gold, as can be said in Bitcoin, which, despite repeated attempts, has proved itself to be effective in resisting government intervention.


how bitcoin is used


While the limits of Bitcoin as a currency are undeniable, overcoming these technical constraints will certainly bring unimaginable advantages, especially in countries where monetary policy is radical and where there is a high proportion of the population without bank accounts. Demand for digital assets will also continue to rise sharply in countries of hyperinflation, such as Venezuela.


Bitcoin may not be a widely used form of currency in the future, but its advantage as a value-storage and risk-free asset is undeniable. Like gold before, the economic crisis and inflation drive Bitcoin’s demand.


Despite the fact that China’s invention of Bitcoin was originally intended to create a “point-to-point electronic cash system”, the way in which Bitcoin is used and the way in which it is performed in real life will determine what it really is and what it will become.


Bitcoin’s current use is largely speculative, with a daily transfer of value on the Internet accounting for only a fraction of its trading volume. While some are concerned about the data to condemn Bitcoin as a bubble, it can also be argued that Bitcoin currently has an important role to play, in addition to being a form of value storage or money, in opening the door to investment to a wider audience.


is not just a currency or an asset


While one could debate the current and future definition of Bitcoin, one thing seemed to be generally agreed: the bottom-of-the-technology chain of Bitcoin would continue to exist and its application potential would extend well beyond the monetary sphere.


Like any new, breakthrough technology, there is a strong need for a wide range of applications, followed by large-scale applications. Block chains, smart contracts are just beginning, and you can compare them to newborns. In the modern world, however, understanding and adopting new technologies is a fairly rapid process. Once users see a clear, usually economic, benefit, it will soon be adopted, even if they do not know how it works.


As the ancient Greek philosopher Plato put it, “Necessity is the mother of inventions”, although it is difficult to say what the invention will look like or be used in the future, it is clear that Bitcoin and its underlying technology were born out of demand for changes in the financial landscape.




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