We all know that xff0c; in the world of block chains xff0c; the private key is the only sign you can use for an address. The loss of a private key is the loss of ownership of the address.
Stores a private key file in a data directory xff08; datadir point or default directory xff09; lower xff0c; corresponding directory is keystore. All private key files are stored under this directory after encryption.
#xff0c is used as a client or graphical interface to help us achieve xff0c, which is the underlying complex password; the only thing we need to do is save xff08; backup xff09; encrypted private key files and encrypted passwords below Keystore. Otherwise xff0c; there is a risk that we may lose
Remember xff0c; never make an error xff1a; lose keystore file or forget password xff01;
It is very simple to create an account in the Tai Chamber & #xff0c; but in different forms of presentation. For example, the geth client.
The above actions are direct execution of the geth client's command xff08;command) to create an account and display the account's private key file information. Two passwords for private key encryption are required during the creation process. The advantage of this approach is that a complete account can be created without separately starting the geth node.
This means starting the geth node & #xff0c; and entering the console command line interactive interface. Then executing the following command & #xff1a;
Manages and creates a new account & #xff0c through a personial role; and sets the password.
Keystore files are your unique & #xff0c; encrypted files for signing transactions with a private key in Taiwan. The loss of a file or encryption password means that you lose the privilege of initiating a transaction at this address, signing a transaction & #xff0c; the funds in the account will be locked forever.
The value of the keystore file is to store the key & #xff0c in an encrypted format; at the same time, the transaction can be initiated only by providing the keystore file and the corresponding password. Security and usability are perfectly balanced.
But xff0c; what we need to note is that once encrypted files are unlocked with a password xff0c; xff0c below a client for a valid time; you can start a transaction xff0c; you can also start a transaction if someone else can access your client xff0c; xff0c; this is one of the scenes of stolen currency.
The key file is a text file & #xff0c; you can open it with any text editor or browser.
Through the contents of the file & #xff0c; we can see a json string & #xff0c; it contains the address corresponding to this key and some information related to encryption.
- cipher:加密算法,对称加密,AES算法,用于加密以太坊私钥;
- cipherparams:cipher算法需要的参数,参数iv,是aes-128-ctr加密算法需要的初始化向量;
- ciphertext:加密后的密文,aes-128-ctr函数的加密输入密文;
- kdf:秘钥生成函数,用于使用密码加密keystore文件;
- kdfparams:kdf算法所需要的参数;
- mac:验证密码的编码;
An Etheria account is made up of a pair of public-private key pairs xff0c; encrypted using a strong symmetric algorithm xff08; cipher)
Let's take a look at the specific flowchart "Symmetial Decryption of Ciphertex Secrets" #xff1a;
Client reads key files and encryption passwords xff0c; decrypts private keys xff0c; then signs the transaction sent using private keys.
Use password-protected mechanisms to decrypt keys in the courthouse. The user does not need to remember a list of non-user-friendly passwords. To achieve this effect & #xff0c; to use key generation functions & #xff0c in the courthouse; to calculate the decryption key based on the password and a series of parameters entered.
This relates to the use of kdf and kdfparams & #xff1a;
- kdf是一个密钥生成函数,根据密码计算(或者取回)解密密钥。kdf用的是scrypt算法。
- kdfparams是scrypt函数需要的参数。更多的参数可以参考:https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7914
Adjusting the Scrypt function & #xff0c with kdfparams parameters; , in feedback password; getting decryption key & #xff0c; i.e. output of key generation function.
When the wrong password is entered, xff0c; operations such as password derivatives and declassification are successful xff0c; but the resulting #xff0c private key is not correct; it is therefore not possible to unlock the account.
Where the Mac value in the keystore file works. After the key generation function is executed xff0c; its output xff08; decryption key xff09; and ciphertext is processed xff0c; and Macxff08; similar to the data signature xff09; for comparison purposes. If the result is the same as Mac xff0c; the password is correct xff0c; can start decrypting operations.
xff0c; decrypt key xff08; 16 bytes xff09 from the second byte to the left; connect to ciphertext* secret xff0c; and Hashish xff08; method xff09 using SHA3-256;
输入密码,密码作为kdf密钥生成函数的输入,计算解密密钥。用解密密钥和ciphertext密文连接并进行处理,和mac比较确保密码正确。最后,通过cipher对称函数用解密密钥对ciphertext 密文解密。
Enter the password & #xff0c; the password as the input & #xff0c for the kdf key generation function; calculates the decryption key. The decryption key connects to the ciphertext secret and handles & #xff0c; and mac compares to ensure that the password is correct. Final & #xff0c; decrypts the ciphertext message with the decrypher symmetry function.
** Get more information xff0c; xfff1a; program new horizon. or join QQT & #xff1a; 659809063.
I have been involved in relevant research and development and technical support from the Tai Township xff08; xff09 xff0c; xff0c; contact QQ: 541075754. Undisturbed. **
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