The British Financial Times published an article by columnist Gillian Tsiti on 12, entitled "Why are euro banknotes replaced by buildings?" The article said that, a few years ago, when attending a conference on Europe’s single currency dilemma, a central banker extended his hand and pulled out a euro banknote and threw it on the table. He pointed to that wrinkled banknote and asserted: “This is Europe’s problem. There are only windows and bridges on it.”
He continued to explain that, when officials created this modern European monetary system, they did not want to provoke an unpleasant nationalist debate about whose head the banknotes were printed. They therefore avoided the issue and decided to replace the celebrity with an architectural symbol (e.g. a famous bridge) on the banknotes, i.e., a architectural face.
For careless observers, this does not seem important – especially when compared to other European dilemmas, such as the migration crisis, protracted economic problems, etc. After all, most people never put anything on the money in hand, unless political strife breaks out (as has recently been the case with the lack of a female image on dollar notes).
But if you want to understand why it is so difficult to sell the dream of European unity to European citizens — or why globalization has given rise to such a complex feeling among voters — you might want to think about the face (or why you don’t need it) on a banknote.
In the currencies of most countries, banknotes are printed with the image of a national hero or leader. That is not surprising. Social groups are often congregated by creation myths — man-centred myths. Human beings are instinctively sensitive to their faces from birth, whether in biblical stories, Hollywood films or political movements, and we find that personalized narratives are easier to remember.
But today's Europe faces a problem: there is a lack of clarity and the creation myth by a unified hero. Of course, there were historical figures here who united parts of the continent.
全球化之梦也面临同样的问题。耶鲁大学教授杰弗里·加滕今年出版了《从丝绸到硅》一书,通过讲述世界各地10位曾打破过全球化壁垒的人物的经历,讲述了全球化的故事。这是一次引人入胜的尝试,尤其是它启发我们所有人都去思考该选择哪些人作为“十大全球化人物”。加滕选出的这些人都非常了不起,其中包括蒙古皇帝成吉思汗、罗伯特 克莱夫(也被称为“印度的克莱夫”)、旗下公司铺设了首条跨大西洋海底电缆的塞勒斯·菲尔德、英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔,以及科技先锋、英特尔前首席执行官安迪·格罗夫。让·莫内也在他的名单中。
This year, Jeffrey Garten, a professor at Yale University, published a book entitled From Silk to Silicon, which tells the story of globalization by describing the experiences of 10 people around the world who have broken the barriers to globalization. It was a fascinating attempt, especially when it inspired all of us to think about who should be chosen as the “Ten Globalists.” The people who were chosen by Gatten were remarkable, including the Mongolian Emperor Genghis Khan, Robert Clive (also known as “Clave in India”), Cyrus Field, former British Prime Minister Margaret Suchcher, who laid the first transatlantic submarine cable, and Andy Grover, former Chief Executive Officer of Intel, who was also on his list.
但通读这份名单时,我惊讶地发现,这些人中几乎没人公开为全球化辩护过。我们认为眼前互联互通的世界是理所当然的。相反,围绕全球化的辩论往往被唐纳德·特朗普、奈杰尔 法拉奇之流所主导,他们将反全球化的言论人格化。全球化英雄的形象则很难想象。
But when I read the list, I was surprised to find that few of these people have publicly defended globalization. We believe that the interconnected world is right now. On the contrary, the debate around globalization is often dominated by Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, who humanizes anti-globalization discourse.
Perhaps this is only a matter of time. If the euro survives for another 20 years, perhaps Draghi’s head will be there. By the middle of the twenty-first century, the faces of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, or Maun may become symbols of cyber integration.
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