“目前国内元宇宙还处于发展初级阶段,缺乏整体性规划 。现在很多人都讲元宇宙,我们讲的是什么样的元宇宙? ”
"The domestic meta-cosmos is still in its early stages of development, lacking holistic planning. Now many talk about the meta-cosmos. What are we talking about?
文 | 立方知造局
Cubic knowledge-making
The meta-cosmos seems to be empty, and one of the inner cores is “real”.
Before speaking of this point, the Cubic Cognitives first look back at a cold history:
早在30年前的90年代,钱学森便开始研究虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality),并给出了一个中文翻译——“灵境”——拓展人脑知觉。
As early as 30 years ago in the 1990s, he began to study virtual reality and gave a Chinese translation — the “spiritland” — to expand the perception of the human brain.
It is built on the technology, applications and rules of the real world.
At the 2022 World Congress on Artificial Intelligence, the Cubic Knowledge Building Agency participated as an invited media in a 100-degree forum on “Empowering Industrial Dynamics with the Fulfilling of the Gento Cosmos” and, by collating these three perspectives, viewed the upcoming meta-cosmos era.
1. 技术:如何实现网络共产主义?
1. Technology: How to achieve Cybercommunism?
The meta-cosmos has reached the golden stage of the “virtuous” enabling industry.
According to the Shanghai City programme of action for the development of a new race track for the “won cosmos” (2022-2025), the size of the industry associated with the “won cosmos” reached 350 billion yuan by 2025.
In the broad outlook, the industries that realize the meta-cosmos are based on two fundamentals: 5G and AI.
Communication base: The meta-cosmos is gradually being used as a bridge to connect user numeracy facilities and meta-cosm-related applications from 1,000 people, thousands to hundreds of millions of high-quality transmission networks.
Arithmetic foundations: The higher the arithmetic, the more experienced the meta-cosm, and the factors that make up the sense of the experience relate to identity, socialization, high silence, low delay, diversity, availability, economic systems, civilization, and the support of key artificial intelligence technologies such as computer visualization, natural language processing, etc.
真正的元宇宙, 将是强大的人工智能能力和虚拟空间的完美结合。可以说,没有AI构建的底层框架,就不可能创造出未来足够迷人的元宇宙上层建筑。
The real meta-cosm will be a perfect combination of powerful artificial intelligence and virtual space. Without the bottom frame built by AI, it can be said, it is not possible to create a future that is attractive enough for the upper layers of the meta-cosm.
AI is not only the underlying building block that drives the continued operation of the digital world; it also runs through the design, development, construction, operation, and experience of the meta-cosmos. Neither communication, interaction, nor scenario-building in the meta-cosmos are independent of intelligent voice, vision, natural language understanding, etc.
Therefore, Yuan Fuyu, Vice-President of the Bermuda Group, argues that AI technology is not only the underlying building block that drives the continued operation of the digital world, but also cuts through the design, research and development, construction, operation and experience of the meta-cosm.
Having understood the importance of AI to the meta-cosm, the coordinates system is an innovative AI application to observe the root of the meta-cosm.
The oars are China's first open and functional industrial-level in-depth learning platform for 100 degrees of autonomous research and development, based on hundreds of years of in-depth learning technology research and business applications.
The entire process of deep learning technology research and development, based on oars, has been characterized by significant standardization, automation and modularization of industrial large-scale production, continuously lowering application thresholds and allowing the efficient and expeditious application of artificial intelligence technologies across industries.
2. 应用:微信和短信之后,下一个杀手级应用是什么?
2. What's the next killer level application after micro-mails and text messages?
There is a current industry consensus that a metacosystem that is sufficiently mature and usable to land will take about 5 to 10 years, when business models in education, entertainment, advertising, industry, etc. will be “metacosmized”.
For example, in the field of education, the meta-cosmos can create a sense of presence, allowing students to build a Rome in a virtual setting a month. In fact, in the fields of industry, recreation, automobiles, etc., it is taking the lead in bringing the meta-cosmos to the ground.
著名歌手周杰伦曾在元宇宙上卖盲盒 图源:新浪娱乐
In the manufacturing sector, the meta-cosm will bring about a number of intellectual changes —
比如三一重机,技术专家可以通过百度智能云的“工业AR 远程协助系统”,指导千里之外的人员戴上AR眼镜维修设备。
For example, three-to-one machines, technical experts can use the Industrial AR Remote Assistance System, a 100-degree smart cloud, to guide people a thousand miles away to wear AR glasses and repair equipment.
In this way, the maintenance of the production line can be directed remotely and in real time, even if the technical expert is not present at the workshop.
It's like the "digital twin" of industries in the meta-cosm, which was the focus of Cubic Knowledge.
In BMW plants, sensors record production lines, control units and employee data, and real workshops re-engineer a data-based twin in the virtual world.
宝马的数字化工厂从设计之初就完全在虚拟空间进行规划和模拟 图源:搜狐科技
The real-time response and decision-making to the real world through this virtual twin is ultimately bringing down efficiency gains.
Currently, there are three layers of digital binary production: the base layer, the platform layer, and the application layer.
(a) Base layer: main offensive data collection, distribution, visualization techniques that support the digital twin core structure;
Platform layer: Digital twin-gay platforms for manufacturing, energy, medical, etc.;
Level of application: provides services for a more disaggregated application scenario.
Internet enterprises have the advantages and characteristics of building platforms and software applications, and as a result are more emerging as integrated integrators at the platform level and at the application level.
At present, more than 70 dollars of space and space, including fashion shows for top international brands, meetings ranging from dozens of people to 100,000 people, auto digital exhibition halls, etc., have been found in the 100-Doo-Hytoe universe in the last six months.
This proves that the value of the meta-cosmos is being realized in stages.
3. 规则:是谁的元宇宙?
3. Rule: Whose meta-cosmos?
The meta-cosm is in essence a virtual socio-economic system, which, to some extent, is a necessary stage in the development of any digital economy and is carried on with the application of the virtual reality Internet to construct a virtual socio-economic system.
The ideal meta-cosm technological base, coupled with decentralised information storage and authentication, is represented by block chain and data dissemination validation, consensus mechanisms, distributed storage, distributed books of accounts, so that Web3.0 will be the lower meta-cosm in the macro sense.
从Web1.0到3.0的发展趋势带动了产业的发展,1.0是大量的网站,2.0是中心化的平台经济, Web3.0将是去中化和去平台化。相当于大家在网络上共同生产,网民掌握数据、资源就可以去产生价值或者分享价值,不需要借一个平台来做,这是比较大的趋势。
The trend from Web1.0 to Web 1.0 to 3.0 has led to industrial development, with 1.0 being a large number of websites, 2.0 being a central platform economy, and Web3.0 being decentralized and de-platformized. It is a larger trend that people produce together on the web, where data, resources, and resources can generate or share value without using a platform.
In response, the Chinese Faculty of Engineering said, "The Yuan cosmos has all the characteristics of a future killer-class application. We need to stay firmly on the path of independent innovation in China, with the technical voice, and to build a virtual and real world based on a deep convergence of key technologies, such as communication, computing, artificial intelligence, block chains, etc."
At present, however, the domestic meta-cosmos is actually at an early stage of development and lacks a plan to develop the contours of the meta-cosmos.
For example, a dollar-based payment system alone could create a new economic monopoly in the Woncosmos era. Thus, the future Chinese Won cosmos would need to build a digital renminbi-based payment system that would bring new value space.
At the same time, China needs to engage in a critical core of technology in the infrastructure of the meta-cosmos. We should avoid this: China is only the largest producer of data in the meta-cosmos. Other countries dominate global meta-cosm technical standards and rules.
Note: Some of the points in the text were taken from the live guest.
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