Web1.0和2.0时期:用户在互联网上的行为和操作依赖平台尽管在Web2.0阶段,用户是内容生产者,但规则依旧是平台来制定,用户没有自主权。 Web1.0 and 2.0 periods: while the user's behaviour and operational reliance platform on the Internet is a content producer during the Web 2.0 phase, the rules are still the platform's design and users do not have autonomy. 全新的互联网信任与协作关系: New Internet trust and collaboration:
Web3 一词是由以太坊加密货币的联合创始人之一 Gavin Wood 在 2014 年创造的 Web 3.0。从那时起,它就成为一个包罗万象的术语,用于与下一代互联网有关的任何事物,即“去中心化的数字基础设施”。 The term 与加密货币的运作方式类似,所有内容都必须经过网络验证才能被接受。在线应用程序理论上可以让人们在没有中间人的情况下交换信息或货币。Web3 互联网也将是无需许可的,这意味着任何人都可以使用它,而无需生成访问凭证或获得提供商的许可。 The Web3 Internet will also not require permission, which means that anyone can use it without creating access documents or obtaining a license from the provider. 构成互联网的数据将存储在网络上,而不是像现在这样存储在服务器上。该数据的任何更改或移动都将记录在区块链上,从而建立一个由整个网络验证的记录。从理论上讲,这可以防止不良行为者滥用数据,同时建立清晰的数据去向记录。 The data that make up the Internet will be stored on the network, not on the server as it is now. Any changes or moves in the data will be recorded on the block chain, thus creating a record that is validated by the network as a whole. 需要开通正版JetBrains全家桶的可以联系我,56元一年,正版授权,官网可查有效期,有需要的加我微信:poxiaozhiai6,备注:119。 I can be contacted by anyone who needs to open a proper version of the Jet Brains family bucket, 56 dollars a year, authorization for the official network to check for validity, plus my tweet: Poxiaozhiai6, note 119. Web3是那些希望网络更安全、更分散化的人发起的第三次伟大的进化。一些人希望,通过利用区块链、加密货币和非同质化代币,Web3将提供目前网络所缺少的私密性、可扩展性和安全性。 Web3 is the third great evolution of those who want the network to be safer and more decentralized. Some hope that, by using block chains, encrypted money, and non-homogenous tokens, Web3 will provide privacy, scalability, and security that are currently lacking in the network. 代表:区块链、元宇宙、DAO、NFT、链游 for: block chains, meta-cosmos, DAO, NFT, links 思考内容:用户创造、用户所有、用户控制、协议分配利益。 Thinking: User creation, user ownership, user control, protocol allocation of benefits. 名称解释: name explanation:
Web 1.0 & 2.0 公司与用户是一对多的关系,巨头通过垄断地位掌握海量资源,控制资源使用权甚至所有权,用户权利被强势侵占。Web 3.0 区块链项目方(公司)与用户的关系变为多对多,受到区块链机制、矿工(资源提供者)、社区有影响力的成员、科学家、套利者等多个角色制约,权利受限,存在制衡关系。这种情况下,将不对等的关系变为对等关系,用户既可以是用户,也可以作为资源提供者或者token持有者,将用户决策多元化,增强用户财产的“可拥有性”。 Web 1.0 & 2.0. Companies have multiple relationships with users, with giants taking control of large resources through monopolistic positions, controlling access to resources and even ownership rights, and user rights being encroached upon. Web 3.0 Block chain project parties (companies) have multiple relationships with users, are constrained by multiple roles such as block chain mechanisms, miners (resource providers), influential members of the community, scientists, arbitrators, and checks and balances. In such cases, the relationship becomes reciprocal, with users being either users or resource providers or token holders, diversifying user decision-making and enhancing the “ownership” of user property. Web 1.0 PC互联网(信息互联网):网络新闻、在线搜索、电子邮件、即时通信、电子商务、彩信彩铃、客户端和网页游戏。 Web 1.0 PC Internet: Web news, online search, e-mail, instant communication, e-commerce, colour bells, client and web games. Web2.0 移动互联网(信息互联网):社交网络、O2O 服务、手机游戏、短视频、网络直播、信息流服务、应用分发和互联网金融。 Web 2.0 Mobile Internet (Information Internet): social networks, O2O services, mobile phone games, short videos, live webcasts, information flow services, application distribution and Internet finance. Web 3.0 (价值互联网):新商业模式、重构分配模式、再造组织形态、重塑产业关系。 Web 3.0 (value Internet): New business models, re-engineering distribution patterns, re-organizing patterns, reshaping industrial relations.
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