
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:41 评论:0



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凝心聚力 共盈未来——龙盈智达2024年职工健步走活动顺利举办

6月1日,龙盈智达公司在城市绿心森林公园举办以“凝心聚力 共盈未来”为主题的健步走活动。总行首席信息官、信息科技部总经理吴永飞出席活动并致辞,龙盈智达公司党委书记、董事长、总裁韩波参加活动并讲话,公司领导班子成员、总部各部门500余名员工及家属共赴仲夏之约,畅享运动快乐。

On June 1, Long Ying Ji-da organized a walk-in on the theme “Consultation for the future” in the Green Heart Forest Park of the city. Wu Yong Fei, Chief Information Officer and General Manager of the Ministry of Information Technology, attended and spoke at the event, the Secretary of the Long Ying Ji-da Party, its Chairman and its President, Han-po, and the company’s team leader, more than 500 staff members and family members from all sectors of the headquarters, joined in the Midsummer appointment to enjoy their sport.

查看详情 发布时间:2024-06-03


近日,由金科创新社主办、全球金融专业人士协会支持的“2024 鑫智奖·第六届金融数据智能优秀解决方案”评选结果正式揭晓。龙盈智达公司申报的“基于图智能和 AIGC 技术的金融营销解决方案”荣获“大模型应用创新优秀解决方案”及“专家推荐 TOP10 优秀解决方案”两项奖项。

Recently, the results of the Global Association of Financial Professionals (GAFI) 2024 Award for Financial Data Excellence 6 competition were officially announced, sponsored by the Golden Academy of Innovation. Yong Jin Jida's declared Financial Marketing Solutions based on Graphic Smart and AIGC Technologies was awarded two prizes: "Big Models for Innovative and Excellent Solutions" and "Experts recommend TOOP10 Excellent Solutions".

查看详情 发布时间:2024-05-13



In order to improve the R & D delivery system and to improve the quality of product R & D and delivery on a continuous basis, Long Yingjida has initiated an improvement of the CMMI3 level process. After nine months of effort, the company has successfully completed a CMM3 level evaluation in recent days, bringing the heavy weight of the CMM3 certificate in software R & D and management. This marks the achievement of an internationally authoritative certification of R & D maturity and project management.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-12-28



In recent days, the Office of the Manager of the National High Technology Enterprise has published a list of the top technology enterprises identified in 2023 in Beijing.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-11-22



In order to deepen education on the subject of implementing the socialist ideas of the Chinese character of Xi Jinping's new era, and to guide all the party cadres to their posts and to their efforts, the Party Day event was held recently at the Memorial Museum of the Song Yijoo Dynasty in Beijing, where members of the Yong Ying Ji-da Organization took part in a campaign on the theme “Continuing the Red Genes in order to open the Innovation Bureau”.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-11-15

运动凝聚力量 携手再创辉煌!龙盈智达第二届职工运动会圆满收官

金秋九月,相聚北京。9月24日,龙盈智达“运动凝聚力量 携手再创辉煌”第二届职工运动会在朝阳体育中心燃情开赛。龙盈智达公司党委书记、总裁韩波,华夏银行工会副主席、群团工作部主任黄挺参加活动并致辞,龙盈智达公司领导班子成员、1600余名员工及家属参加活动。

On September 24, Long Ying Ji-da's 2nd Workers' Games, “Symphony in Sports Together” opened at the Sunyang Sports Center. Yong Ying Ji-da's Company Party secretary, president Han-po, Vice-President of the Huaxia Bank Trade Union and Director of Group Work, Wong Jing-jung participated in the event and made a statement. Long Ying Ji-da's team leader, more than 1,600 employees and family members participated in the event.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-09-24



In recent days, the finals of Long Ying Ji-da’s third competition for business skills were successfully held in Jinan. The finals of the Long Ying Ji-da Party committee, President Han Bo, and the Deputy General Director of the General Directorate of Information Technology, Iyong Fung Fung, attended and spoke at the event, bringing together more than 20 guests, including Zhang Pei-ju, Jie-tao and industry experts, and partners from the Jin-nam branch, to witness the successful conclusion of the event with more than 300 participants from the testing centre.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-09-15

“校企合作 共赢未来”龙盈智达与北京交通大学签订合作协议


Recently, in order to make full use of the advantages of both enterprises and schools, a school cooperation bridge has been set up to provide students with more practical internships and better training in high-quality, high-skilled applications, and Long Yin Ji-da has partnered with the Beijing Transport University School of Software in the signing and award of a school contract. Yong Ying Ji-da’s Vice-President, Ahli, Director General of Human Resources of the company, Guan Min, Director of Talent Strategy Department; Liu Ji-hung, Director of the Beijing Transport University Software School; Wang Ho, Deputy Secretary, Vice-President of the Party; and a number of students and teachers attended the signing ceremony.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-08-28

“比翼高翔 决胜云端”华夏银行&龙盈智达首届生态伙伴大会在京举办

2023年8月25日,由华夏银行、龙盈智达金融科技公司共同举办的“比翼高翔 决胜云端”2023“雁群行动”生态伙伴大会在北京举行。政府领导、行业专家、企业代表、媒体人士等150余名嘉宾齐聚一堂。此次大会以产业数字金融为切入点,聚合多方生态伙伴能力,旨在构建“伙伴,共创,无界”的生态伙伴体系,共建银政企合作新格局,共享人工智能发展新机遇、共创生态融合共生新未来。

On August 25, 2023, a conference of over 150 guests, including government leaders, industry experts, business representatives, media, and others, was held in Beijing, co-organized by the Bank of Warsaw and Long Ying Ji-da Finance and Technology, to build an eco-partner system of “partners, cosmopolitans, co-founders, co-founders, co-organizers, and co-organizers of new opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence and a new symbiosis of ecology.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-08-25



In order to establish and implement education on the theme of Xi Jinping's new era of China's socialist ideology, Yong Ying Ji-da's party branches have focused closely on the general requirements of “learning ideas, strong party nature, re-doing and building new functions”, have insisted on the unity of thought and understanding, and have organized flexible, diverse and informative party days, and have continued to promote the subject's education.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-08-02


为深入学习宣传贯彻党的二十大精神,动员激励全体员工坚定不移听党话、跟党走,以饱满的精神状态迎接公司成立五周年,5月21日,龙盈智达在南海子公园组织举办了“凝心铸魂跟党走 踔厉奋发新征程”五周年健步走活动。

On 21 May, Yong Ying Ji-da organized a five-year walk at the South China Sea Park, “Concerning the spirits of the Party and the Party”, in order to encourage all employees to remain steadfast in listening to the Party, and to follow the Party in order to meet the fifth anniversary of the company in a spirit of saturation.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-05-21



In recent times, there have been pseudo-Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “My Company”) by outlaws who, using my company's trademarks, business numbers, LOGOs, company profiles, contact details, etc., have published staff recruitment information to deceive job seekers at the “58th Associated City” web platform (https://bj.58.com/;58APP). In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of a wide range of job seekers, my company has stated the following.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-05-10



In recent days, Yong Ying Ji-da and the Ministry of Science of the Beijing University of Industry have engaged in an in-depth exchange of schools and universities, leading to the creation of a business start-up plan between the two sides. The Director of the Yong Jin Ji-da Party, President Han Bo, Director General of Human Resources, and the Chief of the Department of Talent Strategy, Guan Min, are participating in events such as the Party's Secretary of Science of Beijing University, Zhou Hong Fung, Deputy Director of Xie Dian's Law, the Deputy Secretary of the Party's Committee, the Director of the Bureau of Labour, the Director of the Employment Entrepreneurship Office, Bae Shau-Iu, etc.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-05-04


4月28日,北京市石景山区举行“劳动创造美 奋进新征程”2023年庆祝“五一”国际劳动节表彰大会,对全国五一劳动奖、全国工人先锋号等先进集体和个人颁发奖状、奖章。龙盈智达公司首席数据科学家王彦博同志为2023年石景山区唯一的全国五一劳动奖章获得者,这是龙盈智达公司在此类荣誉中取得的重大突破!

On April 28, Beijing City's “Five Ones” International Labour Day recognition conference was held in Kishigang Mountain, Beijing, in 2023, to award awards and medals to advanced groups and individuals, such as the National Five-Year Labour Award and the National Worker Pioneer. Comrade Wang Yingbo, the leading data scientist at Long Ying Jida Corporation, won the only national 51-Year Work Medal in the Stone View Mountains in 2023, a major breakthrough for Long Ying Ji-da.

查看详情 发布时间:2023-05-01



If you don't stop, go to the end! Dragon Ying Ji-da will join the Chinese youth who have gone to sleep, and will join the day-to-day vanguard of the cloud, and release the power of science, technology and innovation!

查看详情 发布时间:2022-11-24



As an important component of digital finance, the sector chain of letters of credit operations has evolved in recent years, and the digital letter of credit chain chains have been largely completed and operational development has yielded some results. Block chain technology, with such features as data integrability, process traceability, and multiple synergies, has helped to improve the efficiency of the processing of letters of credit and to safeguard data security.

查看详情 发布时间:2022-05-31



4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 4-year-olds. 23 May 2022, 23 May 2022, 23-year-olds.

查看详情 发布时间:2022-05-23


从互联网金融、移动金融到物联网金融、区块链金融,再到大数据金融、智慧金融、元宇宙金融…… 银行业金融机构正在全面开启全新的数字金融时代。为有效激发和实现未来银行的价值创造,充分发挥银行架构引领的“指挥棒”效用,银行业金融机构需要从企业架构、业务架构、IT架构、数据架构、技术架构、应用架构等方面全面开展未来银行架构规划。龙盈智达(北京)科技有限公司总架构师李衍珠、总裁韩波、首席数据科学家王彦博,分享他们对未来银行应用架构的探索和解析。

In order to effectively stimulate and realize the value of future banks, make full use of the “coalition” led by the banking architecture, banking institutions need to undertake comprehensive planning of future banking structures from business structures, business architecture, IT architecture, data architecture, technology architecture, and application architecture. Lee Ji-hoon, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Data Scientist Wang Yingbo, Director General of the Science and Technology Corporation (Beijing) Limited, share their exploration and analysis of the future banking architecture.

查看详情 发布时间:2022-05-23



In the recent past, there are outlaws who faked the name of the company's website, counterfeiting my company's domain, stealing my company's trademarks, business numbers, LOGOs, website designs, company profiles, contact details, etc., registering websites or online APPs, publishing fraudulent information on investment finance, paying for the full value, and deceiving users. In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of a wide range of users, my company has made a firm statement here.

查看详情 发布时间:2022-01-06



On October 16, Yong Ying Ji-da’s staff gathered at the Beijing Camp Sports Park, where they organized a fun game of collaboration and competition, under the theme “Together, Tot-Tom” The President of Yong Ying Ji-da participated in the event and made a speech, and the company’s leadership team was involved.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-10-16



Yong Ying Ji-da (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd., a technology company that serves the Bank of Huaxia exclusively, was founded in May 2018 in Beijing, with branches in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Jin-nan, and currently has a staff of more than 1,500. Yong Ying Ji-da, as a distinctive innovative technology company, is committed to the concept of “extreme, simple, agile, warm” corporate culture and works as a technology leader in industrial digital finance.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-09-16



Recently, the 2021 World Congress of Artificial Intelligents was inaugurated in Shanghai, bringing together more than 1,000 speakers on the theme “A world of intelligence, a city of intelligence.” In a “Global Innovations Road Show” that deeply reflects the internationalization of the Congress, Long Ying Ji-da launched an intense competition with more than 150 global innovation projects from 13 countries, culminating in the successful inclusion of the Global TOP20 Innovation Project, based on the Quantum Neural Network algorithms.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-08-24



On 14 July, at the initiative of the Chinese Banking Association and the China Institute of Information and Communications Technology, the Banking Group of the United Nations Banking Institutes (hereinafter referred to as “the Banking Group”) established and held its first workshop in Kyoto on the Credible Block Chain Advancement Programme, which was jointly prepared by various banking institutions in the United Nations. Yong Ying Ji Da (Beijing) Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Long Ying Ji Da”) was invited to become one of the first member organizations and was elected to the post of deputy head of the team, building on its accumulated technical capacity in the financial sector sector.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-07-14



A new set of financial technologies will be created, and a 100-year-old party will be celebrated. The Financial Science and Technology Services Platform, an industrial digital finance platform led by Long Yinjida, will be able to create two new businesses that will be successfully released on 30 June.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-07-01

龙盈智达与科蓝软件建立战略合作 共创合作新局面


On the afternoon of 9 June, Long Ying Jita (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd. and the Beijing Co-lan Software System Inc. held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony at the Borret Building. The two sides will take full advantage of their respective advantages at the market, product, team and technical levels, using data migration services as entry points, starting with a jump-starting platform for product-based exports, and will take the lead in exploring alternative areas to national production commercial databases in order to achieve a combination of market branding, economic efficiency, product maturity, etc.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-06-09


5月22日,龙盈智达在北京通州城市绿心森林公园组织举办“百年筑梦心向党 龙盈奋进新征程”庆祝建党100周年暨龙盈智达公司成立三周年健步走活动。华夏银行党委副书记、监事会主席王明兰出席活动并讲话,华夏银行总行机关党委副书记高旭出席活动。龙盈智达总裁韩波参加活动并致辞,公司领导班子成员以及总部各部门共计300余名员工参与活动。

On May 22, at the Green Heart Forest Park in the city of Tonzhou, Beijing, Yong Ying Ji-da organized the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the third anniversary of the founding of Long Ying Ji-da. Wang Myung-lan, Vice-Secretary of the Bank Committee and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, was present and spoke at the event.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-05-22



On 13 April 2021, Yong Ying Ji-da (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd. (formerly known as “Long Ying Ji-da”) and China Co-Kinjeng (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd. (formerly known as “China Kojing-Tsk”) held a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation at the Bori House. The parties will use the business scenes of anti-money-laundering, financial auditing, etc. as entry points for in-depth cooperation in areas such as financial digital training, graphics, neural networks, multi-party security calculations, etc., to support and win-win.

查看详情 发布时间:2021-04-22



On 4 February 2021, the certificate of recognition of high-technology enterprises at the national level, issued jointly by the Beijing City Science and Technology Council, the Beijing City Fiscal Authority, and the Beijing City Revenue Authority of the National Tax Administration, marked the formal entry of Yong Yin Ji-da into the country's high-technology enterprise. The qualification of high-technology enterprises
as one of the highest-profile high-tech enterprises in the country, with high qualification thresholds, high standards, long time-consuming, and extremely rigorous research and evaluation of core product technologies, systems of scientific research and innovation, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and the ability of enterprises to grow.




In recent days, in the course of the 8th CMF Major Data and Calculations Competition in 2020, “Intelligent Discovery and Classification of Data Content for Data Security Governance,” organized by the Chinese Computer Society, Yong Yeung Ji-da has emerged from the 1998 national team and won a national second-class award. The solution of “Automated Classification and Sensitive Data Identification of Non-structed Data Based on NLP Technologies” developed by the
Yong Jin-ji-da team during the current competition provides the foundation for the establishment of a system of data asset protection for the financial sector.




On June 29, Long Ying Ji-da was invited to the fourth International Cloud Summit on Financial Science and Technology and Financial Security, 2020. Mr. Wang Ying-bau, Chief Data Scientist, Long Ying Ji-da, gave a presentation on the theme "Innovative applications of RPA robotics for auto-data mining."
RPA robots will inject new functions into commercial banks in the post-epidemiological era. By creating RPA robot data modelling assistants for front-line bank operators, leading to the timely automatic modelling of AI data and access to business insights.



6月份,由龙盈智达自主研发的《个人贷款自动化进件平台》、《基于企业员工薪资预支的贷款管理系统》、《Think in AI机器学习平台》、《ishow金融科技产品超市(PC版)软件》、《接口自动化测试工具平台》和《生物识别系统》等总共10项技术,获得由国家版权局颁发的计算机软件著作权登记证书。这将进一步提升龙盈智达自主研发的核心竞争力。

In June, a total of 10 technologies, such as the Automation Entry Platform for Individual Loans, a loan management system based on salary advances for company employees, the Think in AI machine learning platform, the Ishow Financial Technology Products Supermarket (PC) software, the Automation Test Tool Platform for Interfaces, and the biometrics system, were developed autonomously by Yong Ying Ji-da.





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