监管出手刺破泡沫 比特币频现“瀑布”行情

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:53 评论:0



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bitcoin’s failure to sustain the momentum of the “cows” that have sung out all the way since this year, starting in mid-May, has seen a series of large drops, one down on 19 May to a single $29,000, almost equivalent to a one-night return to the early part of the year. Despite signs of a rebound on 24 May, the highest point of the year is still close to a beheading.


Industry sources have analysed that, including Bitcoin, the “crowding” of the entire crypto-currency market benefits from the easing of policies that have been put in place in many countries to revive the economy in response to the epidemic. The bubble is blowing up and overstretched, aided by the push of Tesla CEO Elon Mask.


It's hard to finish under the Falls.


When Bitcoin hit a single historical peak of over $64,000 in mid-April, a number of investors began to dream of $100,000 in violent and beautiful dreams. Yet, reality is so cruel.


Beginning on May 13, Bitcoin prices fell sharply, sometimes falling by $10,000 a single day. On May 19 and 23, Bitcoin fell by more than 12 per cent a single day. In just one month, prices were close to being cut off. Under Bitcoin's “long head”, the whole of the pre-existing hot, encrypted currency, such as the Etherkom and the Dogcoins, fell by half, and it was normal to fall by 60 or 70 per cent.


“There are a lot of big Vs in the industry that have been preaching, echoing for a better rebound. I'm afraid they didn't expect that bitcoin would fall so fast and so harshly.” To the regret of the investor Liu Pengbe, he was unable to get out in time at the height. But to make him laugh, after the rapid fall of the market on May 19, he “watched the plane on time” scuffled in a decisive manner, and then he was caught on the back of the mountain.


"Love comes too fast, like a tornado." As Jayon's lyrics describe, several times in a row, the vast majority of investors have been swept away, with few of them alone.


Some investors “slurp” into the Economic Reference Journal journalists, and a little blow-up in the market will exacerbate the panic, lead to a step-by-step run, and drive the market to fall further. The Fear and Greed Index is an important measure of the level of anxiety in the crypto-currency market, which reached 14 on 24 May, and the level of panic has reached a recent high.


According to the Bitcoin Home Network, more than 240,000 people exploded in 24 hours between 23 May and 24 May, involving about $9.646 billion in market crash funds, and nearly $10 billion in money was wiped out.


Mask’s frequent “single-coated” dog coins fell by more than 50% on May 19th, reaching a minimum of $0.21 and less than a third of the peak of $0.74 on May 8. The market’s recent big fang, Ether, has also played the same thing, falling by 60% in 12 days alone.


Supervising plus.


By investing in bitcoin, the dream of a one-night boom is like a bubble that cannot stand the test. By piercing the bubble in a timely manner, it helps to awaken lost investors and prevents the risk from spreading further from the individual to society.


On 18 May, the three branches of the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payment Settlement Association jointly issued a Notice on Protection against the Risk of Fashioning Virtual Currency Transactions, adding to the relevant documents in 2013 and 2017, stating that “virtual currency is a specific virtual commodity that is not issued by monetary authorities, has no monetary attributes, such as legality and compulsoryity, is not a real currency and should not and cannot be used as a currency in the market”.


It has been pointed out that the “currency circle” is more chilled by the fact that the bulletin expressly states that “the conduct of exchange operations between legal and virtual currency exchange and virtual currency exchange, the purchase and sale of virtual currency as a central counterparty, the provision of information intermediaries and pricing services for virtual currency transactions, the financing of currency issuance and the trading of virtual money derivatives violates the relevant laws and regulations and is suspected of criminal activities such as the illegal collection of funds, the illegal distribution of securities, the illegal sale of currency coupons, etc..” At present, a significant number of exchanges are registered abroad and appear “excessively friendly” to domestic investors, whether on the transaction page or in the form of a payment.


On 21 May, at the fifty-first meeting of the State Council’s Financial Stability and Development Committee, emphasis was placed on the need to combat financial risks, “to combat the mining and trading of bitcoin, and to prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sphere.” This further sent a powerful signal of enhanced regulation and a firm response to the spread of risks.


According to Zhang Xiaoyan, Vice-President of the Qinghua Five-Do Financial Institute, the regulatory policy for encrypted money, such as Bitcoin, is to protect small and medium-sized investors and the sweaty money of large-scale investors. “Scene currency transactions are not effectively regulated, prices are easily manipulated, causing price volatility and volatility.


In addition to domestic regulation, the wave of decline is also indistinguishable from Mask. An industry researcher has revealed that the round of “cows” has three waves, which can be described as “institutional cattle”: the first wave of greyscale investment, the second wave of a Western institutional connection, such as a micro-strategy, and the third wave of a Musklik’s profit from Tesla’s $1.5 billion to buy bitcoins.


Mining and leveraging is urgently needed.


But, in order to avoid a resurgence of unsatisfied market manipulation, there is still a high probability that subsequent regulatory rules will fall into place. In the light of today’s outstanding problems, it has become a matter of urgency to regulate the mining and leveraging of encrypt currency.


My country has announced that it will strive to reach a carbon peak by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, which is a major strategic decision based on the inherent requirement to assume responsibility for and achieve sustainable development through the promotion of a community of human destinies.


Recently, in Inner Mongolia, a complete clean-up of the encrypt money mining project and the establishment of a reporting platform for mining companies have opened the tip of the iceberg in which the mine is powered. According to a study by the University of Cambridge Center for Alternative Financial Research, the annual electricity consumption of the mine as of 10 May 2021 was approximately 149.37 watt-hours.


Mining, of course, not only consumes large amounts of electricity, but also increases CO2 emissions. Researchers’ papers published in the internationally renowned journal Natural Climate Change show that mining produced 69 million tons of carbon dioxide last year, accounting for 1% of global emissions, and raised global temperatures by 2°C in 20 years.


In addition, leverage has further magnified transaction risks and should likewise be the focus of the solution.


The investor Mr. Zhou’s experience on May 19 was representative. He came in with half a million dollars in January this year, hoping to embrace the “cow market” and earn a fortune. Following an initial wave of market frenzy, Mr. Zhou’s money was at a height of $3 million.


“Many investors tend to be ‘nightly rich’ in a mentality where trade leverage tends to be five times or even higher, and where price volatility is high, investors are at great risk of trading.” One industry expert pointed out with deep sadness. In a time when trading platforms are generally registered overseas, the use of fast-track measures to leverage transactions can help to contain risks in a timely manner, and to save some crazy investors from the edge of a cliff.


Xinhua Society called May 26th.





Forbes magazine: institutional investors moving from bitcoin to gold


The article " Institutional Investors from Bitcoin to Gold ", published on the website of the American magazine Forbes on 26th, is summarized below:


Half a month ago, Tesla’s CEO, Ellen Muske, announced on Twitter that the purchase of Tesla cars would be suspended from Bitcoin. The subsequent withdrawal of $98 million from Bitcoin’s investment product by investors was the highest ever recorded.


Last week, there was a dramatic drop in Bitcoin. As of 19 April, Bitcoin prices had fallen by more than 40 per cent from the historic peak of about $64,000 in mid-April.


According to an analysis of the Chicago Commodity Exchange futures contract, large institutional investors may be moving from bitcoin to gold.


Morgan Chase recently wrote in a report that: “In the past month, the Bitcoin futures market has experienced the most intense and lasting liquidation since the start of the Bitcoin boom last October.” These liquidations are consistent with the inflows of gold exchange trading funds.


Last week, as the dollar went down, gold prices broke through critical resistance, touching $1890 per ounce for the first time since January.

除了受美元走弱影响,黄金价格还受到眼下前所未有的印钞和货币刺激计划推动。目前,美国广义货币供应量比一年前增加了大约21%。与此同时,美联储还在维持其债券购买计划。 新华社北京5月26日电

In addition to being affected by the weakening of the dollar, gold prices are being driven by unprecedented banknotes and monetary stimulus packages. Currently, the United States’ broad monetary supply is about 21% higher than it was a year ago.




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