
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:49 评论:0
原创 PANews PANewsOriginal PANews PANewsQUICK TAKE?The Block对46家加密货币交易所充值所需的区块确认数进行了分析♪ The Block analyzed the block confi...



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原创 PANews PANews

Original PANews PANews


?The Block对46家加密货币交易所充值所需的区块确认数进行了分析

♪ The Block analyzed the block confirmations needed to charge 46 encrypted currency exchanges ♪


? Mainly for nine assets: BTC, ETH, BCH, BSV, LTC, XMR, DASH, ETC and ZEC


Link to original language: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/genesis/59045/ltc

本文系The Block付费内容,PANews作为其中国授权方翻译并发布,添加小湃(ID:panews8)获取The Block订阅和发文优惠

This is The Block Payment, translated and published by PANews as its China Authorisation, with the addition of an ID:panews8 to obtain the Block subscription and distribution preferences.


This paper will analyse nine major encrypted currencies based on workload certification (PoW) for 46 exchanges. We have tested the confirmation times of the exchange from three dimensions: blocks, minutes, and the value of the United States dollar.

加密货币交易所是黑客的主要目标,庞大的加密货币价值流动能够满足他们发起双花攻击并从中获利的企图。就在最近,有些交易所就因为比特币黄金(Bitcoin Gold)遭到的攻击而受到影响。

Encrypted currency exchanges are the main targets of hackers, and the massive flow of encrypted monetary values can satisfy their attempts to launch and profit from double flower attacks. In the recent past, some exchanges have been affected by attacks on Bitcoin Gold.


While the exchange cannot prevent 51% of the arithmetic attacks (double flower attacks), it can reduce these risks by adjusting the minimum number of block confirmations required for a charge. The exchange can increase the cost of hacking to reverse the transaction by moving up the block confirmation time of the asset it supports.

The Block联系了一些交易所,想了解他们在设置充值确认时间时对用户便利性与安全性的权衡。但是大部分交易所“出于安全考虑”都不太愿意提供更多关于区块确认的信息,只有一家交易所为我们提供了一些关于这类流程的见解。

The Block contacted a number of exchanges to understand the trade-off between user convenience and security when setting the replenishment confirmation time. But most exchanges were “for security reasons” reluctant to provide more information on block identification, and only one offered us some insight into such processes.


According to a response from a large Asian exchange, in order to determine the number of blocks to be identified for an asset, most top-rate exchanges take into account a number of factors, including “the algorithm of the relevant tokens, the history of networks and ecosystems, the functioning of the current network, etc.”.


However, the exchange also pointed out that the platform had to balance convenience with security, and they said: “In our position, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of the exchange and the user. But we also want to give users a quick and easy experience, so we are trying to strike a balance between the two.”


When asked how often the exchange adjusts the block confirmation time, the exchange told us that the technical team had been monitoring the network status of the assets on board, but that “we would not be willing to adjust if not necessary”.


Following is a selection of the identification time for nine types of assets, before we explain the concepts that will be mentioned in the figure below:


? Confirmation: This refers to the number of blocks needed for an asset to reach the account (and put into use) after the exchange has been replenished. It should be noted that some exchanges have different confirmations of the charge/presentation set, and we only analyse the confirmation of the charge.

? 分钟(Minutes):这是指在交易所充值某一资产后,该资产到账(并投入使用)所需的时间(按分钟计算)。这是通过区块链平均出块间隔时间乘以所需区块确认数得出的。例如:比特币平均出块时间为10分钟一个区块,Coinbase上比特币充值到账需要3个区块确认,因此用户在Coinbase充值后需要等待的时间为30分钟(即3个确认*10分钟)。

Minutes (Minutes): This refers to the time (in minutes) required for the asset to reach account (and to be put into use) after the asset has been replenished by the exchange. This is calculated by multiplying the amount of time required by the average block interval of the block chain by the number of blocks. For example: Bitcoin has an average block time of 10 minutes, Coinbase requires three blocks to account, so the user has 30 minutes to wait after Coinbase has been replenished (i.e. 3 confirmations* 10 minutes).

? $:这是指区块奖励的美元价值,能够帮助我们估算黑客试图对交易所发起双花攻击时必须承担的成本。这是通过将每个区块奖励的代币乘以撰稿时代币对应的美元价值,再乘以交易所所需的区块确认数得出的。例如:现在比特币一个区块的奖励是12.5BTC,按4986美元/BTC的价格计算,区块奖励大概是62300美元左右。如果一个黑客计划对他们在Coinbase的比特币余额发起双花,那么成本约为187,000美元(即62300美元*3个确认)。为了简化计算,本文我们不考虑交易费用,只考虑区块奖励。

$: This refers to the dollar value of block incentives, which can help us estimate the costs that hackers have to bear when trying to launch a double flower attack on the exchange. This is by multiplying the dollar value of each block's reward by the dollar value of the coin corresponding to the currency of the writing period, and by multiplying the number of blocks required for the exchange. For example: now, a block in Bitcoin is awarded by 12.5 BTC, at a price of US$ 4986/BTC, which is approximately US$ 62,300. If a hacker plans to launch a double in respect of their bit currency balance in Coinbase, then the cost is about US$ 187,000 (i.e., US$ 62,300*3 confirmed). In order to simplify the calculation, we do not consider transaction costs, but only block incentives.


Bitcoin (BTC)


The following table shows the minimum recognition required for the replacement of bitcoin by exchange.



? The average number of bitcoin blocks required for these exchanges is 2.4 (20.4 minutes) and the median is 2 (20 minutes).


Four of these exchanges accept bitcoin charges in the most conservative way, i.e. six confirmations (60 minutes). That is, users need an hour to wait for the bill when they charge bitcoins on these exchanges, and hackers spend $374,000 to reverse the deal.


? Close to one third of the exchange's set-up is confirmed at 1.


Ether (ETH)


The table below sets out the minimum recognition required for the exchange ETH and for the surrogate value of the Tai family.



? On average, 18 (3.9 minutes) and 12 (3 minutes) are identified as being required for these exchanges.

?有两家交易所的充值方式最为保守,分别是Independent Reserve和Liquid。这两家交易所需要50个确认数,也就是说用户充值到账大约需要等待11分钟,而黑客逆转交易大约需要11000美元。

There are two exchanges with the most conservative forms of charging, namely, Independent Reserve and Liquid. These two exchanges require 50 confirmations, which means that users have to wait about 11 minutes to reach the account, while hackers require about $11,000 to reverse the transaction.


? The lowest number of confirmations required is Bitfinex, with 5 confirmations (1 minute)


Bitcoin Cash (BCH)


The following table shows the minimum recognition required for the cash (BCH) replenishment of the various exchanges.



? The average number of BCH blocks required for these exchanges is 7.2 (72 minutes) and the median is 4.5 (45 minutes).


Of these, Coincheck is the most conservative, requiring 30 confirmations. That is, it takes about 300 minutes for a user to fill the account, and about $63,000 for a hacker to reverse the transaction.


? There are four exchanges with the lowest number of confirmations, one (10 minutes).



The following table shows the minimum recognition required for BSV charges on each exchange.



? The average number of BSV blocks required for these exchanges is 18.5 (18.5 minutes) and the median is 10 (100 minutes).

? 这些交易所中,Bibox的充值方式最为保守,需要80个确认。也就是说,用户充值到账大约需要等800分钟,而黑客逆转交易大约需要11万美元。

Among these exchanges, Bibox is the most conservative, requiring 80 confirmations. That is to say, the user charge takes about 800 minutes to reach the account, while hacking takes about $110,000 to reverse the transaction.


? The lowest number of confirmations required is Bitforex, with 1 confirmation (10 mins)





? The average number of LTC blocks required for these exchanges is 4.6 (11.5 minutes) and the median is 4 (10 minutes).

? 有四家交易所的充值方式最为保守,需要12个确认。也就是说,用户充值到账大约需要等30分钟,而黑客逆转交易大约需要4900美元。

Four exchanges have the most conservative way of charging up, requiring 12 confirmations. That is, it takes about 30 minutes for a user to fill the account, and about $4,900 for a hacker to reverse the transaction.

? 有7家交易所的充值所需确认数最低,为1个确认(10分钟)

♪ There are seven exchanges with the lowest number of confirmations required, one (10 minutes)


Monroe (XMR)



? The average number of XMR blocks required for these exchanges is 10.5 (21 minutes) and the median is 4 (16 minutes).


Of these, Liquid is the most conservative, requiring 50 confirmations. That is to say, it takes about 100 minutes for a user to fill the account, and about $3,000 for a hacker to reverse the transaction.


♪ There are six exchanges with the lowest number of confirmations required ♪ ♪ 3 (6 minutes)





? The average number of DASH blocks required for these exchanges is 12 (30 minutes) and the median is 7.5 (18.7 minutes).


? There are three exchanges that are most conservative and require 50 confirmations. That is, it takes about 125 minutes for a user to fill the account, and about $6,700 for a hacker to reverse the transaction.


♪ There are four exchanges with the lowest number of confirmations required, one (2.5 minutes)


Ether Classic (ETC)



? The average number of ETC blocks required for these exchanges is 2,150 (466 minutes) and the median is 100 (21.7 minutes).


Of these, Kraken is the most conservative, requiring 43,200 confirmations. That is, the user charge takes about 9,360 minutes to reach the account, while hacking takes about $6.21 million to reverse the transaction.


CoinEx had the lowest number of confirmations, 12 (3 minutes). In 2019, it was a 51-per-cent strike.




? The average number of ZCASH blocks required for these exchanges is 15.5 (39 minutes) and the median is 12 (30 minutes).


Of these, STEX is the most conservative, requiring 110 confirmations. That is to say, the user charge to the account is about 275 minutes and the hacker reverses the transaction is about $32,000.


? CoinEx requires the lowest number of confirmations, one (2.5 minutes).


Comparison between exchanges

The Block对比了样本中九种资产所需区块确认的标准差。与标准差巨大的以太坊经典相比,比特币充值在各交易所需要的确认数区别不大。

The Block compares the standard deviations identified in the nine asset blocks in the sample. Bitcoins are not significantly different from the recognitions required in each transaction than in the standard infinite classics.



In addition, the amount of time (minutes) required for the exchange’s block confirmation was compared (ETC was deleted because it was too different from other currencies to properly interpret the chart). While the Bitcoin network is the most secure compared to other assets, the transaction’s cost to the user is sometimes too high in terms of the amount of waiting time.



Original title: Counting 46 Exchange Fill Blocks to Confirm Time and Attack Cost





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