
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:46 评论:0
“玩的就是心跳!”这是不少币圈合约玩家的口头禅。"Play is the heartbeat!" That's the rhetoric of a lot of currency-ci...



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"Play is the heartbeat!" That's the rhetoric of a lot of currency-circumstance players.

5月17日中午12时,比特币再现暴跌,日内跌近13%,回落至42282美元。但就在币圈行情一片下行的同时,不少山寨币却混得风声水起,尤其是合约市场。近期,北京商报记者调查发现,合约交易在币圈大火,许多币民不再那么关注比特币的长期涨跌,而是开启数十倍甚至上百倍 杠杆玩起了“赌多空”的游戏。目前,不少币种在合约交易量规模上已远远大于 现货交易。然而,需注意的是,在业内看来,上百倍合约仿若一门刀口舔血的赌局生意,杠杆稍微使用不慎就有爆仓风险, 建议用户尽量不要参与合约 杠杆交易,保持清醒和理性的投资头脑。

At 12 noon on May 17, Bitcoin fell again, falling by almost 13%, falling back to $42282. But as the currency went down, a lot of coins went up, especially in the contract market. Recently, a Beijing newspaper reporter found that contract deals were on fire in the currency, and that many were less concerned about Bitcoin’s long-term ups and downs than they were about to start a game of “bring-out” with dozens or even hundreds of spans of leverage /spans. At present, many currencies are far larger than


Knife point licking blood.

5月17日,李新(化名)这天睡眠时间只有3小时,尽管睡眼惺忪,但他还是使劲睁开眼,第一时间打开了 OKEx平台的合约交易,却不曾想到,满怀期待的心情突然一下猛沉谷底:“完了,被爆仓了!”

On May 17, Li Xin had only three hours of sleep, and despite sleeping eyes, he opened his eyes and opened the first contract deal on the platform OKEx, without even realizing that the expected mood suddenly sank at the bottom of the valley: “It's over, it's over!”

李新是一名毕业刚满三年的年轻人,也是一名初入币圈不久的投机者。李新告诉北京商报记者,他之前一直对 虚拟货币嗤之以鼻,但近期发现身边越来越多的朋友加入炒币队伍,听闻越来越多的人因为炒币实现 “财富增值”后,他心动了。尤其是近期狗狗币、屎币等币种火爆出圈,李新趁着市场热潮进入了炒币队伍,在朋友的帮助下,开始蹩手蹩脚地学习充值、买币甚至合约交易。

Li Xing, a young man who has completed three years of graduation, is also a speculator who has recently entered the circle of first-time money. Li Xin has told the Beijing Business Press that he has been grieving about the virtual currency of , but has recently discovered that more and more friends around him have joined the market, and that more and more people have been moved by the “value added” to the money.

“很多操作名词都看不懂,很多币种也不知道怎么念,反反复复研究了一下午,勉强学会了操作流程。”李新告诉北京商报记者,初次买币,他试探性买入了少量的以太坊,但不幸的是买入后近7日内亏损了超10%。于是,在OKEx官网新手教程中看到“比特币下跌也能盈利?教你如何进行合约交易 ”后,李新开始进一步尝试合约交易。

“Many operational nouns don’t understand it, many currencies don’t know how to read it, and after studying it all over the afternoon, Li Xin barely learned how to do it.” After telling the Beijing newspaper reporter that he had bought a small amount of money for the first time, he tried to buy it, but unfortunately lost more than 10% in the next seven days.

如果说李新初期接触的以太坊现货,是一场 暴涨暴跌的投机交易,那后续他进入的超高杠杆合约,可以说整个交易几乎变成了一场接近疯狂的对赌游戏。

If Lee's initial contact with the Etherton spot is a speculatory deal that skyrocketed

李新告诉北京商报记者,5月16日晚,他看到屎币呈现一片跌势,便通过市价委托的方式,在OKEx平台尝试操作了屎币永续合约,杠杆倍数20倍选择“卖出开空”。让他惊喜的是,仅仅十秒内,他实现了14.67%的 收益

Li Xin told the Beijing newspaper reporter that on the evening of 16 May, when he saw a fall in the poo coin, he tried to operate the poo coin permanent contract on the OKEx platform with a 20-fold “sell-out” option. He was surprised that, in just 10 seconds, he had achieved 14.67 per cent of


Li Xin, the first to taste, quickly started the second contract deal, still opting for the “opening” of the turd, but the number of leverages increased to 50 times.

“我的开仓价是0.00001615,杠杆加到50倍后,当时 价格一度涨到0.0000162之上,而我的强平价只有0.00001628,每一秒都是好几个点的浮动,太惊险了。”李新称,他目不转睛地盯着屎币的价格涨跌,每一个跳动都无比牵动神经,在亏损一度接近15%后,终于迎来屎币价格下跌,最终在十分钟实现了27.86%的收益率。

“My opening price was 0.000,1615, with leverage increased 50 times, when the price of rose to 0.000,162, while my strong price was only 0.0000,1628, which was floating several points in each second, which was a shock.” Lee, the new guy, said, watched the price of shit money rise and fall without looking at it, and every beat was indistinguishable, and after a loss of nearly 15 per cent, the price of shit fell, eventually achieving a return rate of 27.86 per cent in ten minutes.

“炒合约只有0次和无数次,尽管知道是‘刀尖舔血’,但尝到一点点甜头之后就停不下来了,我就赌那50%赢的几率。”李新告诉北京商报记者,操作杠杆合约交易赚到一定收益后,他开始一步步增多了操作金额,也一步步增大了杠杆倍数,直到5月17日凌晨 ,通过限价委托的方式在操作 “开多”合约时失了算。“本来预判暴跌后会涨回来,没想到一路下跌,最后直接被强平爆仓。”

“The contract was fired only 0 times and countless times, and although it was known to be `the knife licks blood', it couldn't stop after a little taste, and I bet 50 percent of the chance of winning.” After Li told the Beijing newspaper reporter that he had made a profit in operating the leveraged contract deal, he began to increase the amount of the operation step by step, and he also increased the leverage by step, until 17 May, when he was lost in the operation of the “manufacto” contract by means of a price-limiting commission.

从收益14.67%再到27.86%甚至到50%,在 高杠杆合约市场试图以小博大的李新,仅仅体验了几个小时的“财富增值”,便在一觉睡醒后,所有虚拟货币资产一切“归零”。

From 14.67 per cent to 27.86 per cent or even 50 per cent, in the highly leveraged contract market at , attempts were made to experience only a few hours of “value-added wealth” in which all virtual monetary assets were “zero” after a wake-up call.


According to the contractor’s data, at 11 a.m. on 16 May, there were about 106,000 people in a 24-hour period, amounting to $4.5 billion. As currency prices soared and fell, the explosion continued and even intensified, with more than 138,000 people in a 24-hour period at 0700 on 17 May, and up to $7.6 billion worth of money was destroyed.


所谓合约交易,实则是一种将交易品远期交易的模式, 投资者可以通过买入做多或卖出做空的合约交易,获取“ 标的”价格涨跌所产生的收益。例如,当看涨比特币并做多时,价格上涨会带来盈利,下跌会带来亏损;反之,看跌比特币并做空时,价格上涨反而会带来亏损,下跌则会带来盈利。因此,不少交易所宣传“币价下跌时也有获得收益的机会,可通过合约交易赚取涨跌幅收益”等措辞吸引币圈小白入场,甚至开设上百倍杠杆,助推用户以小博大。

For example, when you look at bitcoins and do more, price increases generate profits and losses; on the other hand, when you look at bitcoins and do nothing, price increases lead to losses and fall to profits. Thus, many exchanges advocate that there is a “gain when currency prices fall, and that there is a gain if there is a gain if there is a gain if there is a gain if there is a gain if there is an increase or a drop” in the price. For example, when you look at bitcoins and do more, price increases lead to a loss; and when you look at bitcoins and do nothing, price increases lead to a profit.

值得注意的是,尽管监管多次强调禁止,但目前包括OKEx、 币安等交易所都推出了合约产品,且仍面向国内用户开放。

It is worth noting that, despite the regulatory emphasis on prohibition on several occasions, existing exchanges, including OKEx, , have introduced contractual products and remain open to domestic users.


On 17 May, journalists from the Beijing Chamber of Commerce conducted a number of hands-on tests of the aforementioned exchange contract products, which, after a series of operations such as registration, identification, etc., enabled a successful transaction to be made to leverage the contract.


A further investigation by the Beijing Business Journal journalist found that OKEx provided two contractual products, namely, a cut-off contract and a permanent contract, on the basis of whether or not they were due for service, with a number of long-term contract leverages of up to 125 times; and that currency security provided users with access to the contract market in a variety of ways, including U-based contracts, currency-based contracts, currency leverage, currency tenure, etc., with a similar amount of up to 125 times leverage, in addition to the functional promotion of mixed bonds, rankings, contract rivalries, etc., to motivate users to engage in contract transactions.


For years now, in 2019, he launched a bi-contracting competition, offering discounts on transaction fees, simulations, and so forth. OKEx also launched events such as a contract elite competition, claiming a $10,000 prize to win and encouraging users to participate in a contract deal.


On May 17, according to non-quantifiable data, BTC/USDT spot transactions on the OKEx platform reached RMB 6.3 billion in 24 hours; however, 24-hour transactions in the contract area amounted to RMB 17.5 billion during the same period.


What's the big deal for a deal? According to a senior analyst, a 100-fold deal is a bloodthirsty gambler, with little leverage, and even a “soldier on the battlefield” inevitably encounters a bang, and behind this huge loss is a trading platform that makes a lot of money.

“本来投资就没有100%的确定性。如果你选择一笔交易,开了百倍杠杆,那么意味着仅仅1%的波动可能会损失100%,保证金也会被强制平仓。” 上海对外经贸大学人工智能变革与管理学院区块链技术与应用研究中心主任刘峰同样告诉北京商报记者,除非遇到特殊事件,不然交易所做的都是稳赚不赔的生意。

“There is no 100% certainty about the investment. If you choose a transaction, with a 100-fold leverage, it means that only 1% of the volatility can be lost by 100%, and the bond will be forced down.” Similarly, Liu Feng, Director of the Block Chain Technology and Applied Research Centre of the Shanghai School of Artificial Intelligent Change and Management, told Beijing merchants that unless there are special events, the deal is made in a business that makes no profit.


According to the Beijing Business Journal, in addition to the revenue generated by the blast, the exchange’s contract transaction rates are not low. Among them, the billing fees for the platform ranged from 0.015 per cent to 0.02 per cent for currency transactions such as Bitcoin and Ether, and from 0.03 per cent to 0.05 per cent for single-manufacture transactions. This means that, in one transaction, the exchange can earn a fee from both buyers and sellers, especially among newer users, up to a maximum of 0.07 per cent.


In response to high rates, high leverage, etc., the Beijing newspaper correspondent interviewed OKEx and the Exchange, in which he stated that the roll-out by OKEx was mainly based on market demand, and was divided into two categories: more and more, and more, the official said that his contract transactions, including a series of virtual currencies, would indeed be subject to greater price volatility and a high silo rate.


The above-mentioned staff also added that “since its launch, however, the contractual products of OKex have been educating users, and if they are to be used, they will have to be subjected to a series of wind control tests before they can be carried out. In addition, articles on user education and user training will be published on a regular basis, advising non-professional users not to engage in contractual transactions and alerting users to appropriate warehousing and leverage controls”.


In addition, as of the date of the submission, the currency security platform had not responded to the relevant issues.




The risk of virtual currency speculation has been exacerbated by sharp price hikes and falls, and the risk of a 100-fold leverage of contract transactions has been compounded by a combination of crises.

北京商报记者注意到,早在2020年,包括 央行等曾发文警示 虚拟货币交易平台风险,并指出虚拟货币交易平台的常见套路,即先通过虚假交易骗取客户入场,再通过操作市场价格和恶意宕机迫使客户爆仓。

Reporters from the Beijing Business Journal noted that as far back as 2020, including central bankers and others have sent messages warning of the risks of virtual


In addition, multiple sectors have repeatedly pointed out to investors that such activities are based on “financial innovation” in the form of “old and new” financial investment fraud, which makes it difficult to sustain funds in the long run. Investors should develop the right investment philosophy and become more risk-aware.


A financial regulator also told a Beijing correspondent that the regulation of money-laundering and high leverage issues related to the virtual currency exchange has been a strong trend, including the installation of servers outside the country and the provision of virtual currency transactions to residents in the country, which will continue to be further strengthened.


“The price volatility of the crypto-currency market itself is high, and market risks are already greater than those of traditional capital markets, and the risk is further magnified by leverage contract transactions.” Turning to the underlying issue, the Director-General of Fragmentation Research and Research Director of Digital Assets Research, Chiang Quantities, has come to the fore, among them market risks associated with high price volatility, regulatory gaps and non-transparent disclosure of information, and there may also be unsystematic risks associated with hand-run transactions, which are largely uncontrollable and unpredictable to ordinary investors.


Ordinary investors need to realize that derivatives such as contracts would have a higher trading threshold, coupled with the unpredictable nature of their tradable currencies. In the absence of sufficient trading experience and risk tolerance, they would be least likely to engage in contract leveraging and maintain a sober and rational investment mind.


This is from the Beijing Business Journal returning to search for more /a>.





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