今日,百度宣布将于12月27日发布元宇宙产品希壤,届时百度Create 2021(百度 AI 开发者大会)将在希壤App举办。那么这个百度的元宇宙产品希壤是什么意思?
Today, 100 degrees announce the release of the dollar cosmos product, Greece, on December 27, when the 100-degree Create 2021 will be held in App, Greece. What does this 100-degree cosmopolitan product, Greece, mean?
What does the 100-degree universe mean?
The Greek App was described as the first national meta-cosm product that created a virtual world of interaction that transcends virtual and real, permanent multiplicity of people and is shaped as a mobyuss ring planet.
The dollar universe, with its English name, Metaverse, was the first time that the term meta-cosmos appeared in 1992 in the science fiction novel by the American writer Neil Stevenson, Avalanche. According to his description, we will be in a digitally woven world in the future, communicating in a virtual double.
而希壤就是一个虚拟网络世界,我们可以下载安卓版和苹果版, 进入APP后可以设置自己的性别,头像、衣服等,可选择已有的,也可以拍照生成,拍照生成和APP生成的图像差别不大,目前来看整体选择的空间相对有限。
And Greece is a virtual network world, where we can download Andre and Apple, and when we go to APP, you can set up your sex, head, clothes, and so on, you can choose what you have, you can take pictures, you can create pictures, you can generate images that are not very different from those generated by APP, and the overall selection is currently relatively limited.
The City of the Creator in the Kingdom of Greece.
In addition, city designs incorporate a large number of Chinese elements, and Chinese mountain waters, Chinese culture, and Chinese history will be integrated into city-building and interactive experiences. In this way, we can meet Optimus and Bumblebee, visit the millennia-old Shaolin temple and learn martial arts with Sanbao and Sanbao; and explore three star piles to dig up the millennium’s national treasure.
The Trinity Museum in Greece.
官方表示,在希壤App举办的百度 AI 开发者大会,是国内首次在元宇宙中举办的大会,可同时容纳10万人同屏互动。12月27日起,每一个用户都可以创造一个专属的虚拟形象,在个人电脑、手机、可穿戴设备上登录希壤,听会、逛街、交流、看展。
Officially, the 100-degree AI Developer’s Congress, held in App, Greece, was the first in the country to be held in the meta-cosmos, with a capacity of 100,000 people to interact with the screen. Since December 27, every user can create an exclusive virtual image, log on personal computers, mobile phones, wearing devices, listeners, shopping, communication, and displays.
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