
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:43 评论:0
来源:橙皮书Source: Orange paper 上周在Reddit热度最高的帖子之一,它用很通俗的例子解释了为什么比特币需要闪电网络,以及比特币支付是怎么逐渐进步的。Last week at Reddit, one of the hi...



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Source: Orange paper


Last week at Reddit, one of the highest-heated posts, explained why bitcoin needed a lightning network, and how bitcoin payments progressed.


The example of bar pruning to explain why Bitcoin needs a lightning network


From Trump to Sun's apology, there's been a lot of "blow-and-eye" events in the world lately, but are they really going to have a big impact on the whole ecology?


I don't think so. By stretching the time dimension, technological progress is the key factor.


Today's article, one of the highest-heated posts in Reddit last week, explains why bitcoin needs a lightning network and how bitcoin payments have progressed.


It's a long article. It's recommended first, enjoy


初代:中本聪残破的nSequence 通道

Original generation: neSequience channel with stunned neSegence


While Nakamoto made the product, the Chinese version (including the payment channel) was too bad to complete. We had to fix it by ourselves, adding RBF (translator: replace?by-fee, allowing the replacement of the same unconfirmed transaction by paying higher transaction fees) as ancillary function.


The first rule is that if transaction A is entered in the same way as transaction B and if transaction A is larger, the memory pool will be replaced with transaction A.


This is the maximum value that nSequience can take, which will result in the transaction being marked as a "final transaction" and not being replaced in the memory pool.


NLockTime and nSequience are the reasons why the NSequience Pass has such strange rules. nLockTime can only work if the nSequience is less than 0x12. nLocktime won't work if the nSequience is 0x12.


To give a simple example:


You go to a bar and tell the bartender that you'll close the bar when it closes. Because we're in the Bitcoin universe, when time is measured at the height of a block, the bar closes at the height of a future block.


When you drink your first drink, you will take out a sum of money from your money and make a deal to the bartender.


3. If you want to drink a few more drinks, you need to recreate a similar transaction by adding the extra money to the barman's transaction (so the volume of the transaction is growing as the amount of money goes up), but the nSequience of the transaction is one more than the original one.


In any case, you may eventually leave the bar for two reasons:

(1) 酒吧关门了,nLockTime标记的关门时间一到,酒保就可以广播最新的交易,然后让保安不客气把你踢出门。

(1) As soon as the nLockTime mark is closed, the bartender will be able to broadcast the latest deal and then let the security guard kick you out of the house.


(2) You don't want to drink any more liver injuries, so you resign the latest deal of nSequience to 0x#, which is the maximum value it can get. This allows the bartender to get his money immediately (if nSequience is 0x12, nLocktine is no longer working), so he can get the security guard to send you out politely.


This is the payment channel, which is closed by creating a "final" deal, which includes the previous one. There is no running here, of course, because it is one-way and has the maximum life cycle limit. But let it go, he needs a break, and he was busy in inventing bitcoin.


Remember when I said this payment route was broken?

这是因为内存池规则不是共识规则,而且不能被验证(在内存池中任何东西都不能在链上验证,每当我听到有人提出"让我们根据内存池的大小确定区块大小吧!"我都要叹气,内存池的状态不能被链上的数据验证)。全节点并不能看到你签名的 所有交易,只有带有最大的nSequence的那笔交易才是真正在链上使用的。

This is because the memory pool rule is not a consensus rule and cannot be verified (nothing in the memory pool can be verified on the chain, whenever I hear a suggestion that "let's determine the size of a block according to the size of the memory pool!" I'm going to sigh, and the memory pool's state cannot be verified by the data on the chain. The whole node does not see all the transactions you sign, and only the one with the largest nSequience is actually used in the chain.


So you can do it like the following:


1. Become a friend of Wu Xin Xin because he has more than 51% of the calculus.


Give Wu and Hsien some of your prescribed wine as a reward for working with you. For example, you ordered a hundred wines, you split them with Wu and gave him 50.


When the bar was closed, Wu Xiaochen had his miner dig up the transaction of nSequience. That's the one you paid for only a glass of wine.


4. Because there is no way to verify nSequience, they will accept the nSequience=0 version and then confirm that stupidly writing in the chain of blocks is paid only for a glass of wine.


The bartender got pissed off, pulled a gun from under the bar and tried to kill you and Wu Tsing.


Wu Xiaoqin used his magic power (the steam of the mine machine) to slow down the bullet, and the bullet only touched you as lightly as the wind blew its petals.


He was a bear when his clothes were torn open!

8. 你盯着它,心里想着莱昂纳多能从熊的爪子下活下来, 那你也能活下来,况且他只是一个有钱的演员而已,然后你摆好了姿势,嘴里喊着"吃我一招!"

You stare at it, and you think Leonardo can survive from the claws of a bear, and you can survive, and he's just a rich actor, and then you pose and you say, "Eat me!"


Can someone please keep making this up for me?


The following is the knowledge point:


1. The encounter with bears is very bad.


2. You cannot deny the lightning network simply because it is not on the chain and then activate the so-called "medium-bone version".

中本聪版本是一个带有nSequence支付通道的半成品,在这个方案中链上交易代表着多个逻辑上交易款项的和,这几乎和现代版本的链下技术做的一样(先不管现代的链下技术到底是如何工作的)。nSequence(单指这个字段,不是指它现代意义上的意思)早在windows Alpha 0.1.0版本就存在了。

The Chinese version is a semi-finished product with a nSequience payment channel, where transactions represent the sum of several logical transactions, almost the same as the modern version of the chain technology (nSequience (not to mention this field, not in its modern sense) as it does in the Windows Alpha 0.1.0 version.


The miners are perfectly capable of bypassing the memory pool rules. In fact, nSequience can become an optional function (RBF) because the miners are inspired by the nSequience system to remain compliant with the RBF rules.


I mean, what else can you give Wu Xianxian wine other than your fee for digging up a particular version of the deal for the miners?


We don't use nSequience anymore today.


The original version of the improvement was part of the development of Bitcoin, because as time went by, we learned something that he would never know about . is a milestone in this technology. > but he will never be the last, nor the most important one, he will be remembered by history, but he will also be the identity of a pioneer.



Spilman Pass


The Spilman Pass is an incentive compatible-time-limited one-way channel, which is in fact an improved version of the medium-to-hear Passage.


Now, we know that if you want to cheat on the trade route, the bartender will turn into a bear biting you. And we know that you're a good friend of Wu, and the bartender will no longer accept a payment route that allows customers and miners to join together and cheat people.

好消息来了, Jeremy Spilman提出了一个新方案能够让顾客再也骗不到酒保了。首先,你和酒保进行一个这样的仪式:

Here's the good news: Jeremy Spilman proposed a new plan that would make it impossible for customers to fool bartenders. First of all, you and bartenders to do a ceremony like this:


You make some money and then you create a two-thirds multiple signature address between you and the bartender. You won't broadcast the deal now: you just signed and got the ID.


You create another transaction for the return of the above funds. There's an nLocktime. It's worth the bar's closing hours plus a block height. Sign it and then give it to the bartender.


The bartender signed the refund transaction and returned it to you. Now it's legal because you and the bartender signed it.


Now you broadcast the first deal on the chain. You and the bartender wait for the depth of the deal to be confirmed and then you start spending.


The steps above may be somewhat familiar to the users of the lightning network. This is the process of creating funds to pay for the channel. The first transaction to pay two or two multiple signatures was used to finance the channel.


And then you start buying wine like this:


1. The first drink, you create an output of an expensive transaction (that is, the first one) and send it to the bartender and then return the rest to you.


2. You sign the deal and hand it over to the bartender, who gives you the first drink.


In order to be able to get another drink, you have to create a similar deal by adding the money for the new wine to the money previously given to the bartender and then returning the rest of the money to you.

4. 到最后:

4. At the end of the day:


(1) If the hotel closes, the bartender signs the latest transaction, and the required double signatures are completed and the transaction is broadcast to the Bitcoin network.


(2) If your liver can't stand it so you want to leave early, you just have to tell the bartender to close the passage.


(3) If you just hang out in a bar and never buy anything, then when you close the door +1, you broadcast your refunds and get your entire money back.


Now, even if you give Wu Hsien 50 cups of wine, you can't let him dig the first deal (the deal paid for only one drink) because it's a two-thirds multi-signature address, but it's only your own signature.


You need a bartender's signature to make the deal legal, but he certainly won't be so stupid that the bartender won't give his own signature to make the old version legal and get less money for himself.

所以,问题被解决了是吧?解决了吗?让我们来试试吧。你拿到了你的资金,把他们放入一个注资交易中,弄好退款交易,确认注资交易… …

So, the problem is solved, right? OK? Let's try it. You got your money, put them in a funded deal, make a refund deal, confirm a funded transaction...


Once the money deals are confirmed in depth, the bartender laughs. He calls security, he stares at you.


"I refuse to serve you," the bartender said.


"Well, I'll walk away, and you'll smile, "I'll take my money back with a refund deal, and I'll give you a bad opinion on the public opinion!"


The bartender says, "Don't worry." His voice makes your back cold. It's like he remembers what you did to him. "Look at the I.D. that was just confirmed for the money deal."


"What's wrong with it?" You asked me without fear, saying you opened your laptop and found a reliable block-chain browser.


The next thing you see, it scares you.


"What's the deal ID changed? You changed my fucking signature? How is it? I hid my only private key in a sealed envelope, and then put it in a safe on the mysterious Gobi beach, guarded by a group of brave nomads who swore by the blood of their sons and daughters to defend the secret!"

"难道你不知道?"酒保笑了。"签名仅仅是非常大的数字。签名中的一个标记可以被改变,从正变到负,或者从负变到正,但是签名仍然是合法的。即使不知道私钥,任何人都可以这么做。但是比特币在生成交易ID时在其中包含了签名,所以这一点小改变也让交易ID改变。有人想把签名从交易主体中分离出去,他们说这样签名延展性(signature malleability)就不再会影响到交易ID了,但是我打赌我可以让我的好哥们吴忌寒拖延这个'Sepsig'(分离签名)计划好长时间。

"Don't you know?" The signature is a very large number. A sign can be changed from positive to negative, or negative to positive, but the signature is still legal. Anyone can do so even without knowing the private key. But Bitcoin had a signature in it at the time of the creation of the transaction ID, so the change in the deal ID changed the deal ID. Some people want to separate the signature from the subject, and they say that the signature extension will no longer affect the transaction ID, but I bet I could keep my good buddy Wu from delaying the 'Sepsig' plan for a long time.


Wu is a good man, and if I give him 51 beers, he's willing to dig up the changed deal, "He's laughing better." I'm afraid your refund deal won't work because the deal ID that he wants to spend doesn't even exist.


All right, let's talk about it. You give me 99% of the money in your investment deal in exchange, and I'll give you the signature of the deal on the chain. If you refuse, you'll have nothing left. But I and all HODLer will lose some cheerful leaps because of circulation. You can have 1% of the money. If you refuse, I'll lose nothing. Think about it.


Did you learn anything?


(1) Reprisals are poor.

(2 )交易延展性更糟糕。这就是我们为什么要在隔离见证里修复这个bug的原因。MtGox宣称他们就是被这种漏洞攻击了,有人一直搞乱他们交易的签名,导致他们资金去向被重复提款,但是修复交易延展性更主要的是为了支持支付通道。

This is why we have to fix this bug in the isolation witness. MtGox claims that they were attacked by such loopholes, and that some people have been messing with the signatures of their transactions, causing their funds to go through repeated withdrawals, but it is more important to repair the extension of the transaction to support payment routes.

(3) 把签名包括进去取哈希,最终决定交易ID的设计是一个错误。中本聪犯了许多这样的错误。我们必须重申"中本聪并不是一个有着无限智慧的天龙人"。

(3) The inclusion of signatures in the Hashi, and ultimately the design of the transaction ID, was a mistake. Benz made many of these mistakes. We have to reiterate that "Heard is not an infinity-wise man."



CLTV protected Spilman Pass


Use CLTV as the branch of refund (branch).


The difference with the Spilman Pass is that refund transactions are replaced by refund branches. This option is only possible after 2015 when the OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVEIFY (CLTV) is activated.


As we discussed in the Spilman Passage, the extended nature of the transaction makes it possible for any transaction pre-registered under the chain to invalidate a pre-registered transaction by modifying the signature of a funded transaction when the transaction is not confirmed.


This can be avoided by simply adding specific requirements to a specific branch in a bitcoin script. Now, the refund branch can create a maximum life cycle for the payment channel. Through our previous introduction to OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, we know that this is only possible when there is a pre-registered nLockTime.


Through the CLTV, we can add many branch judgements to the scripts you are about to pay to enable it to avoid the problems above.


In order to set up a funded transaction, you don't have to pay for a 2/2 address now, and you're going to pay for a script that is basically like a 2/2 address that starts with a 2/2 but becomes a single signature over a period of time. That means that pre-registered transactions are no longer needed.


You can start your refund transaction later by using any transaction ID that has been identified as a funded transaction. Since a funded transaction has been confirmed, it is impossible to change the transaction ID.



Todd Micropayment Network

闪电网络最直接的前辈就是由Peter Todd引入的hub-spoke模式。

The most direct ascendant of the lightning network is the Hub-spoke model introduced by Peter Todd.


In this model, there is no direct link between the payer and the payee, and the payee and the payee are connected to the last hub, Hub.


This allows any payer to pay any payee for the same payment route on Hub. Similarly, it allows any payee to collect the same channel from any payer.


Remember the previous example of Spilman? When you open a channel to the bartender, you have to wait for confirmation of a funded transaction. This could take an hour. Imagine you need to open it with all the people you pay. That's not expansionary.


So the Hub-spoke model has a clearing centre to transfer funds from the payee to the payee. The Moonbeam project has adopted this model. Of course, the Hub model will know who the payee and the payee are, so Hub has the ability to examine the transaction. Of course, the usual more efficient way to review Hub is to stop maintaining access to the payer and the payee it wants to review (because if Hub does not deal with the transaction, the money in the channel is locked in it for nothing).


The ability to monitor payments means that hub can sell data on private transactions for profit. Today, such breaches of privacy cannot be tolerated.


Another point worth noting is that if such a network is really large-scale, but only one-way access is available. But a person can be a payer or a payee, and you need to create a collection channel and a payment channel, respectively. Worse still, if you want to transfer money from a collection channel to a payment channel, you need to shut them down on the chain and open them again.



Poon-Dryja Lightning Network


Poon-Dryja is a two-way double-participants channel.


There are two important changes to the mechanism of the Poon-Dryja Pass: two-way and no time limit.


The original neutron version and the Spilman variant were one-way: there were two different parties, the payer and the payee, who could not use the same channel if the payee wanted a refund or if the payee wanted to buy something from a payer.


The Poon-Dryjam mechanism can turn the tunnel into a two-way street, and you are not just a payer or a payee, as long as your opponent is online, you can collect and pay at will.


Further, unlike the Spilman variant, there is no time limit on the passage. You can keep the passage as long as you want.


Together, these two characteristics form a powerful extension that most people are not aware of. In a one-way payment route, you need to open a separate channel for the collection and payment of money. You need to "reverse" the direction of the payment channel by performing regular operations on the chain. Secondly, because the Spilman route has a fixed life cycle, you have to close and reopen it periodically.


With a two-way, infinite life cycle path, maybe you'll just have to trade two chains in your lifetime, once when you open it, once when your estate is distributed after you die. That's the strength of the tunnel.


I am not going to explain the two-way trade structure of the Poon-Dryja corridor, which is complex, and you can find simple and understandable illustrations of the mechanism for understanding it elsewhere.


Let us turn to some of the shortcomings of the Poon-Dryja corridor, which are often overlooked (because they have been perfectly addressed).


You have to store all the revocation keys in this channel. You need to store one revocation key for every update of the channel, which means, for one channel alone, you need to store millions of keys in your lifetime, the size of which is a few trillions.


RustyReddit solves the problem, and we can start generating all the keys from a feed key. Each key is the feed key that repeats the SHA256.

比如,我告诉你我的第一个撤销密钥是SHA256(SHA256(seed))。你可以在O(1)中存储它。等到下一次撤销时,我告知你撤销密钥是SHA256(seed)。从SHA256(seed)开始,你自己就可以计算SHA256(SHA256(seed))(也就是之前的撤销密钥)。所以你只需要记住最近的撤销密钥就可以了,你可以通过计算得出之前的每一个密钥。当你开通一个通道时,你会在你的种子密钥上执行上百万次SHA256,然后把最终结果作为第一次使用的撤销密钥,每当你需要一个撤销密钥时你只需要去掉一层SHA256。RustyReddit还提出了一种效率很高的储存结构O(log n),shachain。如果出现状况,你能够很快的找到原来的撤销密钥。人们现在不再讨论这个储存问题了,因为它被非常完美的解决了。

For example, I told you my first retraction key was SHA256 (SHA256 (seed)). You can store it in O(1). By the time you open a channel, I told you to cancel the key is SHA256 (seed). Starting with SHA256 (seed), you can calculate the SHA256 (SHA256 (Seed) (the previous retraction key). So you just need to remember the most recent revocation key, and you can calculate every key you have before. When you open a channel, you execute a million times SHA256 on your seed key, and then use the final result as the first revocation key, and you just have to remove one layer of SHA256 when you need it. Rusty Reddit also proposes a highly efficient storage structure O (logn), shachain. If something happens, you can quickly find the previous one.

我想强调的另一件事是,当闪电网络的论文从老的 hub-spoke模型里被发展出来时,现代的闪电网络吸取了教训,不再区分"hubs"和"spokes"了。

The other thing I'd like to stress is that when the lightning network paper was developed from the old Hub-spoke model, the modern lightning network learned the lesson and no longer distinguished between "hubs" and "spokes".


Any node in the lightning network can be considered a hub for any other node. So, even if you only pay or simply forward the transaction in the execution process, at least in the end you will still be part of the forwarding node ("hub"). This significantly reduces the privacy problems caused by only a few hub nodes: the forwarding node only gets very little information through them, because the distance between the payer and the payee is too great, and the final payee and the payee can be anyone on the lightning network.


Here's a little bit of time to learn:

(1) 只要我们足够努力我们就可以做到去中心化!

(1) As long as we work hard enough, we can be decentralised!

(2) 只要我们都是hub,hub也可以变成一个好东西。

(2) As long as we are hub, hub can also be a good thing.

(3) 聪明的人能够解决问题,这也是他们聪明的原因。

(3) Smart people can solve problems, which is why they are smart.



the future >/strong

在闪电网络之后,有Decker-Wattenhofer 双工微支付通道(DMC)。它使用了一种奇妙的"nSequence递减通道",使用一种新型的nSequence(不是中本聪残破的那一款)相对时间锁语义(relative-timelock semantics)。它使用多个"递减nSequence"结构体,终止于一对Spilman通道中,两个方向各一个。

After the lightning network, there is the Decker-Wattenhofer Double-Technology and Micropayment Channel (DMC). It uses an amazing "nSequence Regressive Channel" and a new type of "nSequence" (not the one that has a deafness in China) relative to the time-lock synonyms. It uses multiple "reduced nSequence" structures and ends in one of the two directions in a pair of Spilman Channels.


The channel structure can actually be constructed with more channels (Decker-Wattenhofer puts a pair of Spilman passages into a series of "deflated nSequience" channels), which leads us to further develop the Burcher-Decker-Wattenhofer pipeline plant.


Basically, you can hold multiple dual-participating channel structures, which in turn are contained in a larger multi-partite "channel" (i.e., multiple channels in a factory).


Further, we have a Decker-Russell-Osuntokun or "eltoo" structure. This article is long enough for me to discuss it later.


Bitcoin chain extension is much more powerful than you think.


Author: almkglor


Translation: An empty island flight


Original address:


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