The heavy use of lambs, after the Senate, was the best in Zhejiang and Lake State, where the legends were that the silk-weaving industry had reached and raised goats and consumed much of the local seed leaves, so that the sheep were longer, soft and hard, and the famous painter Zhao Meng-chung was known for his good use of sheep.
At the top of the top, there is a white-white, transparent and sharp lamb, commonly referred to as the “black” and used only as a “black” material, which is processed in order to produce a pen with a “round-tightness” of the four virtues. The fresh sheep are rich in fat and are inhaled with ink, so that they tend to be treated with “pure sheep”, “pure sheep”, “pure sheep” and “pure goats” for a period of time. “pure sheep” are usually measured and marked with “pure sleep”, “pure” means white, “pure” means lack of shroud, “bed” means natural lipation, and according to the mass, are “pure sheep”, “pure sheep”, “pure sheep” and “pure sheep”.
Pure lamb pens are less elastic than wolf pens, but they are not soft and weak. They contain more water than wolves, they are easier to write, especially in the form of pseudo-stones, and the sheep are declared to be a symbol of the time, because of the amount of water they hold, the amount of life they make, the weight of the line they write, the weight of the line, the strength of the paper, and the taste of the stone. For example, the stone, the kang, the Li Ri Qing, the former, etc., are the best hands who used the spears. The sheep are used in painting, usually in design or writing.
對於具體應用,要考慮到所學內容來選擇筆,書法方面,如果走“帖學”一路,即王羲之、王獻之及其追隨者,狼毫這樣稍微偏硬些的筆是首選,可以得瀟洒流逸之氣﹔走“碑學”一路,如魏碑的龍門二十品,秦漢時期的各種篆隸刻石,羊毫筆是不錯的選擇,濡墨性能好,下筆有金石氣。繪畫方面,如果學齊白石、吳昌碩等人的寫意花鳥畫,筆觸大,墨色變化豐富,可以選擇羊毫﹔工筆繪畫,狼毫紫毫這樣的硬毫筆用來勾線效果最佳,設色用羊毫是最好的搭配﹔山水畫一般偏重於硬毫,當然,羊毫用得好也有意外之趣,但用的不好也容易染上濁氣的毛病。 (方圓)
In terms of practical applications, consideration should be given to the choice of pens, book law, and, if you go a “post” journey, that is to say, the King, the King, and his followers, a pen that is slightly harder than the pen is the first to be chosen, which can be eschewed; if you go a “stone” journey, like the twenty dragons of Weihua, all kinds of gravel from Qin Han, which is a good choice, good ink, and gold in the bottom. In terms of paintings, if you learn Qi whites, Ng Chang-sung, etc., that is, bird paintings, brushes, heavy ink and inflamed ink, you can choose sheep.
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