新华社北京8月17日电 (记者 吴雨)今年以来增长近4倍,半月飙升50%,到底是何种“投资品”有如此诱人的增长率?近年来,我国比特币交易活跃,价格涨多落少,并从年初的一枚1000美元左右一路飙升至4000美元。随着比特币正在成为部分投资者的套利工具,风险逐渐蔓延至金融领域。
Xinhua Society’s power supply from Beijing on August 17 (Reporter Wu Rain) has grown nearly fourfold since this year, rising by 50% in half a month. What kind of “investment” has been so attractively growing?
7%的持有量却占全球交易量的8成 投机心理推高比特币风险
7% of holdings account for 80% of global transactions, and speculatory pushes bitcoin risk
The price of domestic bitcoin has been rising steadily since August. According to data from several Bitcoin trading platforms in the country, the price of a bitcoin in early August was close to 18,000 yuan, and half a month later, the price of bitcoin had risen to around 28,000 yuan, or even more than 29,000 dollars at one time, an increase of more than 50 per cent.
As bitcoin prices rise, so does domestic bitcoin investors. According to data from the domestic Bitcoin trading platform, the balance of the domestic trading platform’s clients is now as high as billions of yuan, with over one million investors with assets larger than zero.
Professor Yang Yijin, Beijing Post and Telecommunications University, said that less than 14% of domestic investors in bitcoin intended to hold them for long periods in pursuit of short-term profits. “The development of bitcoin has gradually lost its identity as a virtual commodity and has become a means for investors to pursue short-term interests and be traded by investors to earn a price difference.”
“In China, Bitcoin held only 7 per cent of the global total, but traded several times abroad, with more than 80 per cent of the world's transactions, such a high turnover underscores the speculation of some of the people.” According to Zhao Xing, a fellow from the China Social Affairs Institute's pay clearing centre, Bitcoin has a small market capacity, has no upward and downward restrictions, exchange prices are easy to control by speculators, and the speculative risks associated with price booms and falls cannot be ignored.
At present, the rapid development of Bitcoin has attracted a high degree of international attention, with countries adopting positions and regulatory measures. In 2013, five ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, issued a Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, which defines Bitcoin as a specific virtual commodity and requires financial institutions and payment agencies to refrain from accepting bitcoin or using bitcoin as a tool for settlement of payments and from conducting currency exchange services such as currency and renminbi and foreign currency.
比特币交易平台乱象丛生 风险逐渐向金融领域渗透
Bitcoin, because of its anonymity, freedom from national borders, and lack of easy tracing, is often used by outlaws as a tool for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, distribution, smuggling, etc. With the development of the Bitcoin trading platform in recent years, the risk of bitcoin has changed and is gradually passing on to the financial sector.
“Parts of the Bitcoin trading platform packaged bitcoins into a `one million dollar' investment package that attracts investors to the trading platform, including financial institutions such as private fund-raising.” Zhao Jianxian described the risk of bitcoin spreading to the financial sector through cross-penetration of operations between financial institutions.
At the same time, a number of trading platforms encourage members to engage in highly leveraged futures transactions, operate the market in their own right and make false transactions that make it difficult for investors to secure their assets.
According to the People's Bank, at the beginning of this year, the People's Bank conducted several on-site inspections of the Bitcoin trading platform, which found that some of the platforms in Beijing did not operate without authorization and did not fully comply with their anti-money-laundering obligations, that the currency network had been prosecuted by investors before the courts on suspicion of market manipulation; and that BTC100 had inflated the scope of its platform's Bitcoin transactions.
In addition, there is currently a lack of third-party funds for customers with billions of dollars on the country’s Bitcoin platform, and there is a “runway” risk for clients’ funds. In a recent on-site inspection of major trading platforms in Beijing, the Central Bank found that both the currency network and the OKCoin line used investors’ deposit funds to purchase their property, amounting to about RMB 1 billion.
According to the relevant persons in the Monetary and Credit Department of the Beijing Department of the People's Bank, some of the Bitcoin trading platforms are able to hold investor transfers, payment keys and passwords. Once the platform operators decide to run, they can immediately transfer large amounts of bitcoins to other addresses. The platform operators have no technical barriers and are at greater risk of misappropriation or even misappropriation of the customer's bitcoin assets.
比特币监管面临挑战 违规平台应受重罚或关停
In the context of the growing risk of bitcoin, the regulatory authorities have taken a series of measures to clean up the bitcoin and its trading platform, conduct on-site inspections of the main bitcoin trading platform, interview the head of the trading platform and direct the trading platform to take initiatives to collect transaction fees, suspend bills and upgrade the anti-money-laundering system.
Regulatory efforts to clean up the mishaps of the Bitcoin market have yielded some results. By the end of 2016, major trading platforms in Beijing had seen a sharp drop of more than 99% in the volume and volume of transactions, the share of global renminbi-denominated bitcoin transactions had dropped from 95% to around 15% today, and the price changes in bitcoin had been dominated by the Chinese market to the international market.
Yang Yisin said that, although oversight of the Bitcoin market and platform was strengthened in the first half of the year, many regulatory gaps remain. “The regulatory framework for Bitcoin should be established as soon as possible, the subject matter should be identified, the rules of business clarified, and the bitcoin placed in a cage of institutions and oversight.”
“It follows that bitcoin cannot be converted into renminbi, nor can it be used for settlement, and that the volume of transactions should gradually shrink. But, in fact, the price of bitcoin in the country has been rising in large fluctuations over the years, and the stock of funds available to the clients of the trading platform has been increasing.” Zhao Jianxiang argues that some financial institutions and payment agencies have not strictly complied with the requirements of the five ministries, facilitating bitcoin transactions by violating them. “The supervision of financial institutions and payment agencies should be strengthened to prevent the risk of bitcoin speculation from being transmitted to the financial system.”
The experts recommended that the relevant authorities should establish a system of real name review of the investors of the Bitcoin trading platform in order to make the transaction and exchange process transparent; increase the penalties for violations of the Bitcoin trading platform and close down the Bitcoin trading platform, which is partially in breach of the law.
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