(i) The steady advancement of technological innovation.................................................................................
(ii) Increased clarity of application paths. 3
(iii) Stable capital activity in industry 5
(iv) Accelerating the strategic layout in many ways 7
(i) Increased clarity in the layout of the policy opening of the “145” 8
(ii) Continuous upgrading of technological innovation in block chains 9
(iii) The depth of application of block chains is expanding 10
(iv) The ecological construction of the industry into a chain of blocks at the centre of gravity 15
(v) The evolution of the block chain infrastructure into a new network 19
(i) New demands for trust in a new era 23
(ii) Multi-technology integration to build trust technology 24
(iii) Trust in the technology enabling value of the Internet 26
图 1 区块链学术研究主题分布.......3
Figure 1 Distribution of topics for academic research in block chains 3
图 2 全球/中国区块链企业数量增长趋势 .....6
Figure 2 Trends in global/Chinese block chain growth. 6
图 3 科技巨头企业区块链投资事件数量.......7
Figure 3 Number of investment events in the technological mega-enterprise block chain 7
图 4 区块链信息服务前十批备案应用分类图..... 11
Figure 4 Classification of the top 10 batch filings of block chain information services 11
图 5 区块链基础设施发展路径演进趋势.....21
Figure 5 Evolution of the road to infrastructure development in the block chain 21
图 6 Web3.0 体系架构图 ....28
Figure 6. Web3.0 System architecture 28
表 1 我国代表区块链企业产品示例.....16
Table 1 Examples of business products on behalf of block chains in our country 16
表 2 区块链基础设施建设路径对比.....21
Table 2 Comparison of roadways for the construction of the block chain infrastructure 21
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