The cyanium plant is poisoned with the most bitter almonds, in addition to the bitter almonds, the pea, the plums, the cassava. The compounds associated with the food poisoning are mainly almonds, the aphrodisiacs, and the aphrodisiacs. The almonds are mainly found in bitter almonds, the pebbles, the pebbles, the plums, the apples, the cherries, and the leaves. They are beta-sugars, made of iguana and almonds. They are 20 to 30 times higher in almonds than sweet almonds. They are found in casavas, seed and their seed seed. They are casssava, which is a toxic substance of cassava, which releases the cyanide that is lost.
(1) Toxic composition and mechanism of poisoning: cyanide is the toxic ingredient of fruit
Cascava poisoning is caused by people’s lack of knowledge of the toxicity of cassava, the consumption of raw cassava, or the consumption of water to wash cassava, or the preparation of cassava soup.
(iii) Symptoms of poisoning: half an hour for the short lurking period and 12 hours for the older, usually a maximum of 1. Two hours. When the almonds are poisoned, the common symptoms are oral bitterness, salivation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, pulses, violets and magnification of the pupils.
(4) Diagnosis: There is a history of eating bitter almonds or cassava; there is a bitter almond smell of emitted gas or vomit, and there is an increase in vulcanic cyanide in urine as a result of rapid neurosis, mental symptoms, etc.
(5) First aid and treatment: catapult, stomachwashing, detoxification treatment, oxygen inhalation, patients with severe illnesses can use cytochrome C, triphosphate glands (ATP), auxiliary enzyme A (CoA), insulin intravenous injection.
(6) Prevention: informs the public about almonds, cassava poisoning, and does not eat almonds, plums and peaches.
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