财联社(上海 编辑 刘蕊)讯,美东时间周二,全球首批以太坊ETF正式亮相加拿大多伦多证券交易所。
本次有三只以太坊ETF获准上市,分别为:Purpose Investment推出的Purpose Ether ETF(ETHH)、CI全球资本管理公司推出的CI Galaxy Ethereum ETF (ETHX)以及Evolve资本集团推出的的Evolve Ether ETF(ETHR)。 Three of them were allowed to be listed on the market, namely: Purpose Ether Ether EtF (ETH), launched by Purpose Investment, CI Global Capital Management Corporation (CI Galaxy Etheeum Etheum EtF (ETHX) and Evolve Capital Group (Evolve Ether EtF) launched by Evolve Capital Group (EtHR). 根据官网披露,上市首日,Purpose的ETHH已经吸引了2446万加元(约合人民币1.26亿元)的资金,Evolve的ETHR筹得了222万加元(约合人民币1144万元)的资金,CI的ETHX的资产规模为225万加元(约合1160万元)。 According to the official network, on the first day of listing, ETH in Purpose has attracted $2.446 million (approximately RMB 126 million), ETHR in Evolve has raised $2.22 million (approximately RMB 11.44 million) and ETHX in CI has an asset size of $2.25 million (approximately RMB 11.6 million). CI和Evolve分别收取0.40%和0.75%的管理费,不过两家公司分别在6月15日和5月31日之前免收管理费。Purpose公司收取1%的管理费。 CI and Evolve charged a management fee of 0.40 per cent and 0.75 per cent, respectively, although the two companies were exempt from the management fee until 15 June and 31 May, respectively. Purpose charged a management fee of 1 per cent. 上市首日,三支ETF均一度出现破发,破发幅度最大近2%,但最终拉升至发行价上方。ETHH上市首日收盘上涨7%,ETHX上市首日上涨8.1%,ETHR首日上涨6.2%。 On the first day of listing, all three ETFs showed a break, the largest of which was nearly 2%, but eventually increased to above the distribution price. The first day of listing for ETHH rose by 7%, the first day of listing for ETHX rose by 8.1%, and the first day of listing for ETHR by 6.2%. Purpose Investment官网表示,这将是全球首个用以太币结算、而非现金结算的以太币ETF,公司不需要数字钱包,而是用投资者购买ETF的资金去购买真正的以太币并离线冷存储。 According to the Purpose Investment Network, this would be the first ETA ETF to be used globally for too-currency settlements rather than cash settlements, and companies would not need digital wallets, but would use ETF funds from investors to purchase real e-money and cold storage offline. 以太币是市值仅次于比特币的第二大加密货币。据Bitfinex报价,以太坊日内上涨超10%至2300美元上方。过去一年,以太坊价格已经增长了超10倍。 The Ether is the second largest encrypted currency with a market value after Bitfinex. According to Bitfinex, it rose by more than 10 to 2300 dollars per day. In the past year, it has increased by more than 10 times. 本次参与发行以太坊ETF的三家公司此前都已经发行了比特币ETF。加拿大今年2月份批准上市的北美首只比特币ETF——the Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC)目前已经吸引了超过10亿美元的资金,显示了投资者对投资新兴资产的强烈需求。 Three companies that participated in the launch of the ETF in Taiyo have previously issued the ETF in Bitcoin. The first ETF-the Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC) in North America, approved by Canada in February of this year, has now attracted more than $1 billion in funding, indicating a strong demand from investors to invest in emerging assets.
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