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The four core techniques of the block chain are: (a) distributed books, which serve as data storage in the block chain; (b) consensus mechanisms, which act as integrated nodes in the block chain and clarify data processing; (c) cryptology, which ensures data security and validates data attribution; and (d) smart contracts, which function as data execution and application in the block chain.

本教程操作环境:windows10系统、Dell G3电脑。

The school operating environment: Windows10 system, Dell G3 computer.


In fact, over the past decade has changed and progressed considerably on its original basis, with four core technologies — distributed books, consensus mechanisms, cryptography and smart contracts — which have served as data storage, data processing, data security, and data application in the block chain. In general, each of the four core technology blocks has its own role in building the base of the block chain together.


In the first place, distributed accounts construct the framework of the block chain, which is essentially a distributed database in which, when a data is generated and processed, it is stored, so distributed accounts serve as data storage in the block chain;


The block chain consists of multiple nodes forming an end-to-end network, there is no centralized equipment or regulatory body, and nodal data exchange is validated by digital signature technology without artificial mutual trust, as long as it is done in accordance with established rules. Nodes are not able to deceive other nodes. Because the entire network is decentralized, everyone is a participant and everyone has the right to speak.


Secondly, because of the centralization of distributed accounts, the network of blocks is a distributed structure in which everyone can freely join and participate in the recording of data, but at the same time the painful problem of “General Byzantine”, the greater the number of people involved in the network, the more difficult it is for the whole network to achieve uniformity, and the need for another mechanism to coordinate the consistency of the entire node accounts, the mechanism of consensus establishes a set of rules that clarify the way in which each person handles the data and achieves the convergence of views among the nodes by competing for the right to account and, finally, who gets the right to account, the data that the whole network uses. The mechanism of consensus thus acts as an integrated node in the chain, clarifying the role of data processing.


Anyone can participate in the block chain network, each device can be used as a node, each node allows access to a complete database, and there is a mechanism of consensus between nodes, through competition, calculation, joint maintenance of the entire block chain, with any one section failing, and the rest of the node still working normally. It is equivalent to accepting your rules of the game, with Bitcoin having a consensus mechanism of bitcoin, that global recognition can participate in bitcoin mining, because you have its consensus mechanism, and it can be understood as the rules of the game. Bitcoin’s rules are huge calculations, and anyone who calculates the Pow first.


Note: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a consensus mechanism compared to PoW, PoS, DPS?


PoW, the workload, has proved to be a very clever approach, with the following advantages:


Its shortcomings are also evident:


PoS is an entitlement proof that it transforms the arithmetic in the PoW into a system interest, and that the greater the chances of having an interest, the greater the chances of becoming the next account keeper. The advantage of this mechanism is that it is not as expensive as Power, but there are also a number of shortcomings:


On the basis of PoS, the DPoS professionalizes the role of the bookkeeper, first selects the bookkeeper through equity and then rotates between the bookkeepers. This does not solve the final problem.

DBFT(delegated BFT)是一种通用的共识机制模块,提出了一种改进的拜占庭容错算法,使其能够适用于区块链系统。

DBFT (dedicated BFT) is a generic consensus mechanism module that proposes an improved Byzantine tolerance error algorithm that can be applied to block chain systems.


DBFT is an agreement based on block-chain technology. Users can digitize the assets and interests of the real world, decentralize network protocols for financial operations such as book-to-point distribution, transfer transactions, liquidation, etc. Small ants can issue corporate shares recognized in China’s Contracts Act, Companies Act, not only in digital money circles, but also in mainstream Internet finance.

这种共识机制是在Castro 和 Liskov提出的“实用拜占庭容错算法”(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance)的基础上,经过改进后使其能够适用于 区块链系统。拜占庭容错技术被广泛应用在分布式系统中,比如分布式文件系统、分布式协作系统、云计算等。dBFT主要做了以下改进:

This consensus mechanism is based on the “Practical Byzantine Faulttolerance” proposed by Castro and Liskov and has been improved to enable it to apply to block chain systems. Byzantine tolerance techniques are widely applied in distributed systems, such as distributed file systems, distributed collaboration systems, cloud computing, etc. dBFT has made the following major improvements:


Why did eventually adopt such a formula?


The question of General Byzantine is exactly how to reach a consensus among the participants, and the Byzantine tolerance technology is the way to solve such problems. Moreover, the network environment in the block chain is very complex, with problems of network delay, transmission errors, software errors, security gaps, hacking, and a variety of malicious nodes, and the Byzantine node is the solution to these mistakes.


The dBFT mechanism, which is an entitlement to select the account keeper and then to reach consensus among the book keeper through the Byzantine tolerance algorithm, has the advantage of:




In conclusion, the most central point of the dBFT mechanism is to maximize the ultimateity of the system so that the block chain can be applied to a true financial application. For example, our Columbus consensus mechanism, DPOS+DBFT, is a consensus mechanism. If one of our entire nodes or one of the devices is closed, the rest of the nodes is still working, and the entire network system is not affected. But if the tether's server is shut down, everyone's micro-letters cannot be opened, because you have no access to the data, which is a difference between a centralized network server and a block network server.


In addition, the data entered into the distributed database without being simply packaged. The bottom data structure is determined by block chain cryptography. The packaged data blocks are processed into a chain structure through the Hashi function in cryptography, which contains the Hashi values of the former block, because the Hashi algorithm is one-way, anti-false, etc., so that data can only be redacted and retraceable in the network of blocks, and your accounts are encrypted through asymmetric encryption, thereby ensuring the security of the data and verifying their attribution.

单个或多个数据库的修改无法影响其他数据库了。除了超过整个网络51%的数据同时修改,这几乎不可能发生。区块链中的每一笔交易都通过密码学方式与相邻两个区块串联,因此可以追溯到任何一笔交易的前世今生。这里就是区块链的数据结构,区块头和区块体。密码学 哈希值,时间戳,通过时间戳来决定它的顺序,不会打乱。

Individual or multiple database changes cannot affect other databases. This is almost impossible, except for more than 51% of the data in the network at the same time. Each transaction in the block chain is associated with two adjacent blocks by cryptography, so it can be traced back to the previous life of any transaction. This is the data structure of the block chain, the head and the block body.


This principle works in our commercial system, including the commodity system, where we refer to it as retrospective, where the goods are produced, what the raw materials are produced, and we find them step by step, because every step we do, we write the information data into the block chain system, through which I can find out whether the raw materials are being used, whether they are being produced by this process. By storing the structure of the data, we have come to a common belief that it is actually being produced, and believe that it is true.


It is also impossible to modify the data, if you want to modify 51 per cent of the population, understand from equity that 51 per cent of the company has a say in the company. This is only a possibility. Why is it more dangerous and safer to use block-chain technology than Internet technology, because it is spread out, if you want to modify the data in it, as hackers, to find all the computers that account for it, each computer to change it, perhaps one of them quickly, but it is difficult to change it all.


All transactions in the block chain are public, so every transaction is visible to all nodes, because nodes and nodes are decentralised, so there is no need to disclose identities between nodes and nodes, and each node is anonymous. For example, after each computer is activated, we don't know who started it, you can open it in your house.


Finally, an application-level smart contract can be built on a distributed account. When we want to solve some trust problems, we can use a smart contract, use a code for a user-to-user engagement, spell out the conditions and execute them through a program, and the data in the block chain can be called through a smart contract, so the intellectual contract functions data execution and application in the block chain.


Smart contracts can help you exchange money, property, shares, or any valuable items in a transparent and non-conflicted manner, while avoiding the services of intermediaries, even saying that smart contracts will replace lawyers in the future. Through smart contracts, assets or money are transferred to the process, the program runs the code and automatically verifies a condition at a certain point in time that automatically determines whether the asset should go to one person or return to another, or should be returned immediately to the person who sent it or to its combination.


Smart Contract Feature


The best way to describe an intelligent contract is to compare the technology with an automated machine. Usually, you go to a lawyer or notary, pay them, and wait for you to get the documents.


Smart Contract and Block Chain


The best part of the block chain is that, because it is a decentralized system that exists among all permitted parties, there is no need to pay intermediaries (intermediators), which can save you time and conflict. The block chain is problematic, but its ratings are undeniable, faster, cheaper, safer than traditional systems, and that is why banks and governments turn to them.


For more relevant knowledge, please visit frequently asked questions !




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