一周速读 ▏国内外区块链最新资讯(第三十四期)

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:41 评论:0



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At least seven provincial and municipal courts throughout the country have built an electronic evidence platform for the block chain, which is at the forefront of the process in the north; a joint laboratory for the development of the block chain in Hong Kong, in conjunction with Jéré, has been launched; a Facebook white paper on digital currency has been published, with the Libra official online line; Microsoft will join the Hyperledger community participation technology project on open-source block chains.

国 内

1、全国至少7省市法院构建了区块链电子证据平台 北广杭走在前列

At least seven provincial and municipal courts across the country have built up an electronic evidence platform for block chains.


In recent days, documents have been issued in the province of Shandong, in order to promote digital government, including the construction of operations and platforms such as the “Justice of Justice + Block Chain” and the comprehensive development of the smoke station Legal Services “Sweepernet.” Currently, electronic data-repossession as an important application of block chain technology is gradually being recognized by the judicial system, and at least seven provincial and municipal courts throughout the country have applied block chain technology in their judicial records, including not only Internet courts but also local traditional courts.


In July 2018, in a decision on a copyright dispute, the Hangzhou Internet Court confirmed the legal validity of the block chain electronic record. This is considered to be the first time that the legal validity of the block chain has been confirmed in the judicial field.


The Beijing Internet Court has also been able to access the “silent chain” of electronic evidence platform based on block chain technology. According to the information received, the Beijing Internet Court has 58 cases involving “silence chain” evidence and, as a result of the application of block chain technology, electronic evidence disputes in related cases are minimal, and over 40 cases have been successfully mediated or withdrawn.


The Guangzhou Internet Court has also been able to access the electronic evidence-repossession platform, the Internet-based chain of law. Reports indicate that on 30 March 2019, the Internet-based chain had been operational and that more than 5.45 million electronic data had been recorded.


In addition to the three Internet courts, at least four provincial and municipal local courts, including Shandong, Jilin, Chengzhou, Chengdu and others, have applied block chain technology in their judicial records, such as the electronic evidence platform of the High People's Court of Jilin Province, the electronic evidence platform of the High People's Court of Shandong Province, the electronic evidence platform of the Intermediate People's Court of Chengzhou City, and the electronic evidence platform of the People's Court of Chengdu District of Chengzhou.

2、港科大与迅雷合建区块链联合实验室 共推应用落地

2 Joint Laboratory for the Construction of Block Chains by Hong Kong and Thunder Joint Application


On 17 June, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and the Thunder Group officially announced the establishment of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Quickfield Block Chain Joint Laboratory.


As the Vice-Chancellor of the Hong Kong Section said, “The Hong Kong Bureau is actively engaged in forward-looking new technologies, one of which is block-chain technology. This cooperation will combine the research advantages of universities and industry to promote technological innovation and development in block-chains and to promote breakthrough research and technology transfer.”


“We will work together to explore and develop block chain technologies and to translate the results of these studies into practical applications with real impact and to promote technology and economic development”.


According to the report, the Joint Laboratory for Block Chains, which is being built jointly with the Hong Kong SAR, will develop cutting-edge block chain technologies and applications that have an impact on and are applicable to all sectors and build high-performance block chain technical ecosystems in the Australasia Bay region of Hong Kong. In addition, research will be undertaken on other issues related to block chain technology to promote the application of block chains to a wider range of industry areas, including cloud computing, new retailing, supply chains, medical health and philanthropy.


3, web-based implementation model for the Hangzhou Internet Court “5G+ Block Chain” online


On June 20, the Hangzhou Internet Court launched a new version of the online 5G+ block chain implementation model, using 5G technology to implement signal millisecond-class error transmissions, allowing applicants and executors who are at various times to learn about the execution in real time via audio-visual video. At the same time, block-link technology synchronizes audio video to the judicial block chain, conducts on-site verifications and solidifies the original evidence, making the entire implementation process more credible.


At the implementation site, the executive judge carries out high-level millisecond-class forensics through the block chain enforcement recorder and efficiently interacts on site information to the command centre.


Ka Fai, Vice-President of the Hangzhou Internet Court, stated that the Hangzhou Internet Court had for the first time integrated 5G technology and block chain technology into the implementation process, making implementation more open and transparent by using the low-time communication technology provided by 5G and the preservation of electronic evidence by the judicial block chain.


This online “5G+ block chain” implementation model is described, allowing for full participation and real-time interaction between the applicant and the executor.


In addition, the 5G technology will enable the judicial block chain verification function. Chen Xiao, the head of the Hangzhou Internet Court Information Centre, stated that time credibility was an important element in the actual uploading of the entire enforcement process to the court block chain. “The video taken and uploaded prior to transmission of the signal via the ordinary network will be subject to two to three seconds of error, while the 5G technical millisecond level error can be ignored, guaranteeing the authenticity and integrity of the original evidence”.


4; Chongqing Point Block Chain Government Service Platform


In recent days, Chongqing’s online block chain of government service platform has been reduced from the last ten days to the fastest three days, with a five-fold increase in efficiency. This is the first time Chongqing has used payment block chain technology to solve real problems for ordinary people and businesses.


In the past, the registered company has had to fill out information and repeat information several times, and it will take more than 10 days to complete the process. Now, all steps such as applying for a business licence, sealing, applying for an invoice and opening of a bank can be completed in less than three working days, as long as the web site of Chongqing City's online office is accessed and the material submitted centrally.


The Officer-in-Charge of the Chongqing Municipal Office described the introduction of payment block chain technology by Chongqing Government Service, the achievement of “data multi-route and crowd-run” and the improvement of service efficiency and public satisfaction, as well as the effective improvement of the business environment, with a view to the future application of block-link technology to more areas of livelihood.


5, White Paper on the Application of the Block Chain to Judicial Documentation: The Chain of Blocks is useful for improving the application of electronic evidence


Under the guidance of the Information Centre of the Supreme People's Court, China's Institute of Information and Communication and Shanghai High People's Court led by Tianjin, Shandong and Jilin, six provincial and municipal high people's courts, three Internet courts, China's Judicial Big Data Institute and 25 China-China EQUAL units, the White Paper on the Application of the Block Chain for Judicial Documentation was officially published before the date of its publication.


The white paper shows that electronic data storage is an important field of potential block chain technology application. Block chain technology has features that prevent tampering, lingering marks, ex post audits, security protection, etc., and is conducive to enhancing the credibility and authenticity of electronic evidence.


The relevant head of the Information Centre of the Supreme People's Court stated that the use of new technologies to empower judicial operations is a necessary option for improving the efficiency of the judiciary and reducing its costs.

国 外


6、Facebook数字货币白皮书正式发布 Libra官网上线

6; Facebook digital currency white paper officially released on the Libra officer's online line


On the afternoon of 18 June, Beijing time news reported that Facebook's encrypted official website “Libra” was officially online. The company said that Libra would be managed by a global organization and was expected to be launched on a targeted basis in the first half of 2020. Facebook also published a white paper on the encrypted currency detailing the plan.

同时Facebook成立子公司“Calibra”,将建立一款新的电子钱包。这款电子钱包既可在Facebook Messenger和WhatsApp使用,也会有独立的iOS和Android应用。

A new electronic wallet can be used on Facebook and WhatsApp, as well as a stand-alone iOS and Android application.


Facebook, in its White Paper, claims that Libra was launched to create a new decentralized block chain, a low-volatility encrypted currency, and a smart contract platform. There are still 1.7 billion adults around the world who do not have access to the financial system and to the financial services provided by traditional banks, of which 1 billion have mobile phones and nearly 500 million have access to the Internet.


Therefore, Libra’s mission is to create a simple, borderless currency and financial infrastructure for billions of people. It will consist of three components: it will be based on a secure, scalable and reliable chain of blocks; it will be backed by an asset reserve of intrinsic value; and it will be governed by an independent, non-profit membership organization, the Libra Association, whose mission is to promote the development of this financial ecosystem, based in Geneva, Switzerland.


Facebook also states that Libra’s goal is to be a stable digital encrypted currency, secured by the full use of real asset reserves (known as the “Libra Reserve”) and supported by a network of trading platforms that buy and sell Libra and have competitive relationships. Libra does not “link” to a single currency, nor does it use gold as support, but will use a series of low-volatile assets (e.g. cash and government securities provided by stable and reputable central banks) as collateral.

7、微软将加入Hyperledger社区 参与开源区块链技术项目

7. Microsoft will join the Hyperledger community in the Open Source Block Chain Technical Project


On 19 June, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft indicated that it would join the Hyperledger community and participate in open-source block chain technology projects. This is the latest step for large technology companies, such as Microsoft, to move towards real block chain products.

Hyperledger社区由Linux基金会(Linux Foundation)监督,目前在全球有100多个成员组织。

The Hyperledger community, overseen by the Linux Foundation, currently has over 100 member organizations worldwide.


Microsoft has joined a number of technology companies and financial institutions such as 100, Citi, IBM, Intel, Morgan Chase, Salesforce and SAP.

今年5月,微软推出了完全托管的Azure区块链服务(Azure Blockchain Service),并于2018年推出了区块链工作台和开发者工具包。

In May this year, Microsoft launched the fully hosted Azure Block Chain Service and, in 2018, the Block Chain Workstation and Developer Toolkit.


8, IBM announced an update of its block chain platform

6月18日,根据Ledger Insights的一份报告显示,IBM已经宣布升级其区块链平台。

On 18 June, according to a report by Ledger Insights, IBM had announced the upgrading of its block chain platform.


It was reported that the new IBM block chain platform would operate on multiple cloud networks, such as the Azure and Web Services (AWS) of Microsoft, a large technology company, and the Amazon.


This is clearly an upgrade of the IBM to the previous version of the block chain, the old version of which can only be obtained through IBM cloud computing. It is reported that the current cloud platform will be made available through Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a container program that allows users to expand their block chain network according to their needs.


IBM describes on its website one of the key features of the new cloud framework is the interoperability of the IBM block chain platform 2.0. According to the website, the platform allows block chain participants to manage their accounts on multiple cloud networks, even those with different privacy environments.


According to the report, the IBM platform is an update of the Hyperledger structure of the open-source block chain platform.

9、意大利银行利用区块链加快结算 提高透明度

9; Italian banks use block chains to expedite settlement; transparency


On 18 June, the financial science and technology news media Finextra reported that the Bank of Italy would deploy block chain technology to complete the reconciliation services from March 2020.


The Italian Banking Association (ABI) has announced that the Bank of Italy will integrate DLT technology into its internal processes to expedite settlement.

这个计划是ABI Lab名为“Spunta Project”的项目的一部分,一个基于区块链联盟R3的开源分布式账本平台的银行间区块链解决方案。

This scheme is part of ABI Lab's project entitled “Sponta Project”, an inter-bank block chain solution based on the open source distributed account platform R3 of the block chain alliance.


ABI’s block-based interbank system successfully passed the initial phase of last October, when 14 local banks were involved. The block-chain application is also expected to facilitate some banking operations involving a range of complex inconsistencies, such as the storage of data on multiple nodes shared between banks through the implementation of smart contracts.


In February this year, the Italian Chamber of Deputies adopted a bill defining the DLT and block chains, as well as the technical standards that smart contracts must meet in order to obtain legal recognition.


10; Brazilian financial regulators announced the launch of block chain custody sandbox


Four major Brazilian financial institutions will jointly regulate emerging technologies, including block chains.


Recently, the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Brazil, the Securities Commission and the heads of private insurance recently announced their intention to adopt new regulations to regulate the development of financial science and technology and crypto-currency. Regulators have indicated that these regulations will affect Brazilian securities, finance and capital markets.


These institutions also plan to create a regulatory sandbox, hoping to understand and allow concessions to be made to new financial technologies. Growing commercial activity around new technologies is the main reason behind the regulatory sandbox scheme.


Regulators have stated that “the use of innovative technologies such as distributed book technology, block chains, robotic consultants and artificial intelligence has contributed to the emergence of new business models that reflect a greater range of products and influences”.


The new regulatory plan was issued following the announcement earlier this year by the Brazilian Legal Adviser for Financial Supervision of encrypt currency regulation. As a result of regulatory efforts to establish restrictions on the commercial use of encrypt currency and block chain technology, an increasing number of Brazilian businesses using encrypted currency still lack proper financial market classification.






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