本文作者Jason Calacanis是Uber、Talla等150家初创企业的天使投资人,同时也是投资畅销书《ANGEL》的作者。
The author of this paper, Jason Calacanis, is an angel investor in 150 start-ups, such as Uber and Talla, as well as author of the investment best-selling book, ANGEL.
01 为什么我要警告大家?
Why should I warn you?
A good friend asked me, "What do you get from the public expression of your position if your view that '90% of the encoded money items are fraudulent and uncompetitive' is correct?"
It took me a while to think about it.
Why do I warn on social media and news sites of the need to be careful to invest irregular, anonymous, easily manipulated, hacked, encrypted money run by malicious players?
And I gave my answer: "It's about protecting people from loss of property."
02 虚拟货币的复杂情结
02 Complicated Trench of Virtual Currency
Having followed with keen interest the early development of projects such as Bitcoin, I have a complex relationship with virtual currencies.
Six years ago, I wrote an article called " The most dangerous project we've ever seen " to introduce bitcoin to people in the investment circle.
尽管我不进行数字货币的交易,我通过投资Robinhood, Abra和Talla.com这些明星创业公司与虚拟货币有了许多接触。
Although I do not trade in digital money, I have many contacts with virtual money by investing in Robinhood, Abra and Talla.com, which are star start-ups.
At the outset, I would like to state the following five points:
(1) Most players end up with tragedy.
(2) I have to write 10 articles in order to make clear all the risks and scams in this emerging field, and in order to give you an overview of the situation, I will describe the key issues — issues that will also be shared by most of the actors in the block chain, including those who are key in the area of crypto-currency.
(3) Billions of dollars of encrypted money have been stolen to date, and most of the ICOs I have seen are bad ideas run by people with no experience or ability to execute.
(4) BitConnect is a very instructive example.
(5) Take a look at the information that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on to the next batch of pickles.
Now, although most block chain projects will fail, most of the money invested in encrypted currencies may eventually go to a few higher-quality projects that will be successful in the long term, a situation that is clearly not guaranteed.
In fact, Bitcoin could end up being worthless.
03 疯狂投资的ICO
03 ICO
The ICO, i.e. the collection of currencies, is a black vortex in the crypto-currency industry because:
Most ICO projects are initiated by inexperienced teams, which does not mean that these teams will not succeed in the end, but it does mean that investors take high risks.
When you think about an ICO project, you need to understand that there are multiple and significant risks that overlap.
未经检验的团队 - 有些是诈骗艺术家,其他人只是很天真。
Untested teams -- some are fraud artists, others are just naive.
Top projects raised too much money before any milestone in operations, and over-financing was a very dangerous undertaking.
A whole bunch of projects are either rubbish ideas or derivatives with an “encrypted currency” cap (e.g. “Uber! with tokens” and “decentralized microblogging!”).
You are not buying the shares of these companies, you are buying tokens, even those that might happen in the future (i.e. SAFT: “Simple agreement for future tokens”).
In good words, you are investing in a white paper, and in fact you are investing in “a set of ideas described in PDF”.
There are few legal frameworks for these products, and national SECs have issued warnings. You can see why China is banning the ICO?
Because you have no right to hold tokens, they are not even assets.
04 ICO风险远高于天使投资
04 ICO risks much more than angels invest
If you compare the risks of ICO with the risks of investing in start-ups, then my work can be measured in this way:
When we invest in start-ups, these companies usually have built up their least viable products or products on the market with some early pull (rather than white papers, which are not usually more complicated than the idea of napkins).
We have acquired an equity interest in the company (rather than a token that has never actually been used).
We have protection clauses in investor agreements to protect our equity from dilution, which give us the right to know, scale, counter-reduce and other rights to prevent bad businesses from taking our money.
We have decades of legal regulation and stress testing systems.
We met many times with the founders of the project and conducted due diligence instead of putting bitcoin in their digital wallets.
Hey 现在,我并不是说我永远不会购买代币,但我很清楚,代币通常要么是产品众筹、捐赠,给不称职的人的礼物,要么就是一个骗局。
Hey, I am not saying now that I will never buy a token, but I am well aware that a token is usually either a gift from a crowd of products, a donation to an incompetent person, or a fraud.
According to my guess, about 10 percent of the projects will see the dawn, and there will be a chance for an angel-like investment. So maybe 10 to 20 percent will succeed.
This leads me to believe that 98% of the projects will cost investors money. This means that you have to earn 50 times as much from one of the 50 coins that you buy in order to achieve a balance of payments.
This may happen, at least as an angel investor, with an investment of 3,000 times the return and some 20-50 times the return.
05 比特币价值可能归零
05 Bitcoin may be worth zero
Convinced that the Bitcoin HDL (a game that uses the word "hold" as a virtual currency that never sells or spends them) thinks my statement is crazy, we have witnessed many times that many early projects seem promising but quickly die, until a project emerges, growing at a rocket-like rate and occupying most of the market share.
For example, before the iPhone appeared, many people used BlackBerry and Nokia, and before the new wave Weibo came to life, many were active in food and blogs.
Bitcoin faces significant challenges in terms of speed of transactions, size of block chains, transaction costs and governance.
In most cases, in my view, Bitcoin will be replaced by a better product, a sign of the birth of block chain technology, but it will be replaced by a better block chain, which may be another new virtual currency after a hard fork, or a brand-new, better product.
Over time, consumers become more sophisticated, meaning that they will identify better products and move faster. We see people moving from Hotmail to Gmail in a short time, replacing blackberries with iphones, from dial-up to broadband.
Consumers do not have loyalty to their e-mail accounts and Blackberry phones, because they actually only use bitcoins for speculation. Virtual currency conversion costs almost zero, which is not the same as switching phones, which requires backup of your data, moving your phone numbers, setting up your new iPhone and selling old phones.
It may take a few hours or days for this to happen in bitcoin, rather than a year or two, as RIM (the parent of BlackBerry) and the fall of the American Online (AOL).
06 区块链版的亚马逊和谷歌将会出现
Amazon and Google will appear at 06 block chain
I guess the block chain area might get out of companies like Amazon, Google, or Netflix. When this happens, it's gonna take ten years to buy their shares and get back.
So if you like to encrypt money or block chains, my advice is:
It takes 50% of the time to study.
Invest in a basket of items, but not more than 5 per cent of your net worth.
Ready to lose 100 percent of the investment in this basket.
If you do vote for a big winner, for example, 50 times the return, you must remember to buy some “dumb insurance”.
The last point is crucial. I had a frank exchange with a group of friends who bought bitcoin early in the morning and who were “encrypted asset rich and cash poor”.
If 90 per cent of your wealth is concentrated in a currency, it's a very bad idea — unless you control that currency.
If you're Jeff Bezos, it's not a big problem to have a large Amazon stock, because you control the company and have an in-depth understanding of it.
07 创始人们,当心ICO吧
If you trade other people's money for a token that you hope will work one day, you have to understand that the man who bought it believed — 99 per cent of the time — that it was a security or equity.
If people buy your tokens to make money, it is no longer a practical sign, even if those buyers sign a document that says, “I buy a useful sign, not a claim”.
Why? Because some of our legal systems and regulators support bulk investors. You'll be dragged into court and forced to explain why you're selling your tokens for a limited period of time, and why you hire people to sell around the world.
Even if you win, it'll be a terrible victory. Ask those indicted after the burst of the Internet bubble. It took them 10 years to name themselves. Even if they're right, everyone else has a lifetime ban.
而且,正如Talla的创始人Rob May所说的,创始人可能没考虑到ICO会有额外的成本。
Moreover, as Talla's founder, Rob May, said, the founders may not have taken into account the additional costs that ICO would have.
I don't hate virtual money, but I hate to see people being robbed of their money.
This area is driven by fraud and fear of realization, which means that for many people the outcome will be bad.
If you want, you can spend a lot of time investing, but be very careful.
本文来自三言财经(Sanyan Blockchain)
This post is from Sanyan Blockchain.
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