Libra Association 共獲得 29 家企業巨頭響應加入。(Source:
Libra Association was joined by 29 corporate giants. (Source: Libra
挑戰的其實不是「中心化 VS. 去中心化」的意識形態之爭,而是如同 iOS 與 Android 當年典型「封閉式生態系 VS. 開放式生態系」的路徑選擇,區塊鏈技術只是其中工具的一種。Mobile
Internet 這一段寶貴的歷史經驗,可以幫助我們反覆回顧思考,如何在新的生態系中順勢建立自身價值,避免重複台灣過去硬體代工思維,在整個網路產業價值鏈面臨「毛三到四」(毛利率
3% 到 4%) 的困境。
Of course, regardless of the initial VIP club, or Libra's declaration of 100 member nodes to be deployed before the official go-live, or the final plan to move to the "Permissions" (Permissions), the "A href =" =7Ctwtwtem =5E114018538514ref =url= 3A%2F2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2m2 m2 m2 m2m2 m2 m2 m2m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2
回頭看看 Android 生態系興起,至今不過十多年,已經為整個商業生態系、乃至於全體人類社會運作帶來莫大改變,而這樣的生態演化,在未來數十年的物聯網時代,仍將持續,直到下一次成功的物種突變,帶來新的方向。
Looking back at the rise of Android’s ethos, which has brought about significant changes in the whole business ethos, and indeed in human society as a whole, for more than a decade now, will continue for decades to come, until the next successful transformation of the species has taken a new direction.
同樣的,對於開發者或任何人來說,眼前橫空出世、野蠻生長的 Libra 生態系,無論你喜不喜歡,它都會稱霸好一陣子;而無論你的開發項目是社群、數位內容、金融科技,或是代幣經濟,都不可能不受到影響。以台灣最受歡迎的
LINE 平台為例,長期經營本地社群與 LINE TV 數位內容、正在申請純網銀執照、同時也建立 LINK 區塊鏈,期許帶動整個代幣經濟的蓬勃發展,卻也不得不面對
Facebook 這個擁有全台灣 1900 萬用戶數的巨人,以及站在巨人肩膀上的 Libra。
In the same way, for developers or anyone, the libra system, which is born out of thin air, wildly growing, will claim dominance for a while, whether you like it or not, and your development project is a community, digital content, financial technology, or a currency economy, is unlikely to be unaffected. In the case of Taiwan’s most popular LINE platform, long-term local communities and Line TV digital content, and in the process of applying for a pure Internet license, as well as setting up a link in the LinK sector at the same time, to allow for the prosperity of the entire currency economy, have to face Facebook, a giant with 19 million users in Taiwan, and Libra on the shoulders of giants.
Libra 生態系一份子的角色、能夠為這個生態系帶來何種價值,或許更為實際。
History has told us that if we can’t join it, the developers will think about how they will play the role of Libra in the next three, five, and 30 years, and what value they can bring to it, perhaps more effectively.
生態系中,硬體廠商彼此陷入規格戰,甚至補貼與削價競爭,無論頂級或廉價,只要能夠擴大 Android 安裝基礎,都是 Google 所樂見,也因此硬體廠商合作夥伴,隨時可能被另一個銷量更好的硬體廠商所取代。
However, developers do not easily fall into the illusion of living conditions. Since they stress co-creation and profit sharing, members tend to give up their words in their relations with their leaders. Android systems, where hard manufacturers are caught in a fight with each other, or even in competition for subsidies and price cuts, can expand the Android installation base, which Google would like to see, so that a partner in hard-worker may be replaced at any time by another, better-selling, hard-worker.
有鑑於此,開發者參與 Libra 生態系,應思考如何強化戰力佈署、與其他成員產生差異化。除了成為
Libra 的最佳戰友,也可同時建立自己的小生態系,與既有的大生態系形成相互依賴的關係,一旦終止關係,既有的大生態系必須付出高昂的代價。如此一來,才能避免淪為可有可無的成員,確保長期與生態系合作共生。
In addition to being Libra’s best comrades, it is possible to build up its own symbiosis at the same time, in a mutually reinforcing relationship with the existing symbiosis, which, once it has ended, has to come at a high cost. In this way, it is possible to avoid becoming a non-existent member and to ensure long-term symbiosis with the symbiosis of the symbiosis of the symbiosis.
當然,生態系的長治久安,除了安內,還必須攘外。Libra 只是開了第一槍,這個盟主的位置可以坐多久,還取決於市場上有沒有同樣量級的競爭者出現。許多人觀察到,Libra
現有成員當中沒有銀行,因此合理判斷銀行會是 Libra 主要競爭者。事實上,銀行體系雖然是 Libra 平台結合 Calibra 虛擬錢包打算聯手顛覆的對象,卻恐怕不是
Libra 心中真正的對手。
Of course, there is a lasting peace in the ecosystem, except for Anne. Libra just fired the first shot, and the seating of this alliance would be long, depending on whether the same level of competitors appeared in the market. Many people observed that Libra now has no bank, so it would be reasonable to judge that the bank is Libra’s main competitor. In fact, the bank is not the true opponent in Libra’s mind, though it is the Libra platform that unites Calibra’s virtual wallet.
Calibra 團隊負責人 (同時也是 PayPal 前總裁) David
Marcus 在接受專訪時便雲淡風輕地表示,接下來必定會展開與銀行的合作
(白話文:收服銀行,納入 Libra 體系)。至於誰才是真正可能跟 Libra 平起平坐的對手呢?想必是同樣具有「生態系」眼界的領導者。例如,同樣懷著穩定幣一統天下的初衷,從金流切入資訊流仍待一番苦戰的
USDT 和 JPM Coin;或是同樣擁有高忠誠度的使用者基礎,從資訊流跨足金流等於打通任督二脈的 Google;又或者是掌握雲端運算基礎設施與大數據,什麼都賣、什麼都不奇怪的電商龍頭
Android 與 iOS 生態系彼此維持動態競合一樣,或許也是符合生態系運作的現實,值得開發者持續密切關注。
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和 Ether 挑戰我們既有認知,最終美國 SEC 傾向認為它們是商品,不是證券 (因為不具投資性),是貨幣的替代品,不是貨幣 (因為價格波動與去中心化)。
Bitcoin and Ether challenged what we already know, and ultimately the US SEC prefers to think that they are commodities, not certificates (because they are non-inputable), substitutes for currencies, not currency (because they are priced and decentralized).
然而,比起 Bitcoin 和 Ether 給證券監管機構出的考卷,Libra
這一題對各國央行的啟發,顯然已不只是在商品、證券、貨幣的傳統分類之間對號入座而已。各國央行面對這位量體更大的對手,也應該重新思考本身的定位,包括將發行官方數位法幣 (Central Bank Issued Digital Currency;
CBDC) 作為自我疊代的一種可能的選項。
However, Libra’s introduction to central banks is clearly more than just a cross-reference between commodities, securities, and currency traditions. In the face of this larger opponent, central banks should also rethink their own positioning, including by issuing as a possible self-introduction option.
至於傳統銀行體系或監理機關把 Libra 當作假想敵,執著於防洗錢、反資恐的議題,則可能無濟於事。的確,在點對點轉帳、跨國資金移動的運作上,
Libra 仍然堅持「數位現金交易」(Digital
Cash Transactions) 的本質,認為它的日常流動與現金沒有不同,在實體世界運用現金交易並沒有事前監管,現金交易確實也有販毒、賭博、洗錢的發生,而由於
Libra 是採用具名帳戶 (Pseudonymous Account) 而非匿名帳戶 (Anonymous Account),在司法必須介入的時候,數位貨幣的流動其實是比現金更容易查緝。
Libra still insists on
因此,人們對 Libra 被利用於洗錢或資恐的疑慮不應該大於對現金的疑慮,對政府可能侵犯隱私或濫用個資的監督,不應該亞於對
Libra 或 Facebook 的監督。也因此,針對數位現金在平台上的流動,不應該輕易接受政府的行政監管措施提早在司法措施之前介入,甚至對毫無犯罪嫌疑的日常交易增加不必要的障礙。
As a result, the suspicion that Libra is being used for money laundering or fear of money should not be greater than the suspicion of cash, and that the government may violate privacy or abuse supervision, and not as much as the monitoring of Libra or Facebook. As a result, the movement of digital cash on platforms should not easily accept government administrative oversight measures to intervene before justice measures take place, or even add unnecessary obstacles to routine transactions without criminal suspicion.
畢竟 Libra 心中想望的,是超級央行的貨幣大夢,而國際政經秩序是當中最重要的環節,理論上
Libra 要比各國政府更關心金融犯罪與恐怖主義的動向。至於既有規制中,在線上與線下交會的這個末端環節,必要踐行的 KYC (Know Your
Customer)、防洗錢、反資恐等法遵程序,要求合作夥伴的交易所、虛擬錢包或銀行遵循當地法令並配合執法,絕對是 Libra 給得起的承諾。Mark
Zuckerberg 被要求出席國會聽證不是第一次,並沒有因此打擊他繼續前進的信心。Libra
從最小可行性產品 (Minimum Viable Product; MVP) 開始,雖然已經是個相當霸氣的 MVP,但我們相信更多的對話,會促成更好的產品。這次即將跟
David Marcus 連袂出席國會聽證,我們可以更清楚看到
Facebook、Libra 和國會議員,各自懷著什麼心思。
一直以來,我們缺乏對區塊鏈應用大規模落地的具體想像。Facebook 身為網路巨擘,無懼於各國央行與銀行體系的龐大勢力,堅持開一條新路,相信在可預見的未來,Libra
會證明自己,不僅僅是一個新的支付工具選項,而是如同白皮書所說,將要創建一個實踐價值傳遞的「貨幣互聯網」(Internet of Money),啟動整個金融與商業生態系未來至少三十年的全面演化。
As an Internet giant, without fear of the power of central banks and the banking system, Facebook has maintained a new path, believing that, in the foreseeable future, Libra will prove itself to be more than just a new payment tool option, but rather, as the White Book says, an Internet of Money, which transmits real value, will be created to kick-start the full evolution of the entire financial and business life system for at least three decades.
In fact, when the tradition of "absolute centralization" is being questioned, and the perfect context of "absolute decentralization" is difficult to remove the inefficiency inherent in the transaction, Libra’s appearance is trying to construct an ethos between the two, emphasizing on the one hand the openness of decentralization and the diversity of its members and, on the other hand, maintaining "centralization" to ensure efficiency and accountability, perhaps more in line with the expectations of current users.
Scientists discovered that a duck-beast, a strange animal whose mouth is like a duck, whose body is a hairy animal, had to go through all kinds of research and argument, and even fake news plots. But a duckbite is a duckbite, and even if it is a breast-feeding type, it does not change the fact that it will lay its eggs (most of whom are breast-fed). In the face of a brand-new species, a thing that we don’t even know can only be identified by trying to determine whether it is an enemy or a good friend.
In particular, natural evolutionary theory has taught us: "The diversity of life in the living system is more abundant, and the chances of survival are greater in the face of challenges." When we engage in these discussions, we should always be in a far-reaching and ambitious position, looking at the spirits of hope, looking at the spirits of silence and motivation, and thinking about the possible coexistence of competing identities. Most importantly, neither the developers, nor the central banks, nor the supervisory authorities, can afford to look outside for one or more of these ubiquitous and unbridled systems, where they must find their best position and ways to make short, medium and long-term contributions, or where they will eventually rise to the edge.
【歡迎所有 AI / IoT、Blockchain / Crypto 的創業者,加入專為你們服務的 AppWorks Accelerator】
All creators of AI/ IOT, Blockchain/ Crypto are invited to join & nbsp; .
Photo by Libra on Twitter