As a new star in the sector , has received increasing attention and support in the past few years. As the world's largest intellectual contract development platform, the Taikum has been continuously upgrading and upgrading technology to meet market needs.
以太坊正在努力推进2.0版本的开发,以提高其安全性、可扩展性和支持新的智能合约开发。在最新的社区团队更新中,以太坊宣布新的Beacon Chain测试网络正在进行中,这是2.0版本的基础层,并且已经进入了广泛的测试阶段。
In the latest community team update, Ether announced that the new Beacon Chain testing network, the base layer of version 2.0, was in the process of being tested extensively.
For example, the team recently published a new DeFi test network, Kovan, to test new features of version 2.0.
For the price of Etherm, version 2.0 has been the focus of market attention. In the Etherm 2.0 expansion programme, with the help of sub-skill technology, the pace of trade in the Etherm will increase significantly, which will also have a positive impact on the price movement of the Etherms.
去年,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin曾表示,以太坊2.0的推出将为以太坊提供更好的扩展性,使其能够更好地适应市场需求,并且还将使以太坊的价格更具有可预见性。
Last year, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Etheria, said that the introduction of Etheria 2.0 would provide better expansion for Ether to better adapt to market demand, and would also make it more predictable at Taiteng’s price.
The 1.0 version of the Etherm ecosystem has been one of the most active and diverse in the area of block chains, but we can see some changes in the latest ecosystem update.
First, deFi applications have become one of the strongest areas in the Etherm ecosystem. In addition, projects such as CryptoKittys have continued to develop, bringing more innovation and dynamism to Etherm ecosystems.
As the Etherpany 2.0 progresses, and as the DeFi application continues to evolve in the Etherpane ecosystem, the Etherworld will continue to be a leader. At the same time, it will face many challenges, such as increasing safety and scalability.
We believe that, in the future development of Etheria, block-chain technology and smart contracts will be used more widely and will bring about changes in more industries and create more commercial value. In the near future, we hope to see the emergence of a more mature and stable Ether ecosystem.
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