Author: 0x11
"You think you're a close friend, but you're just with a drink." This is a line from the recently-fired online show "The Women of Beijing". The recent launch of "The Women of Shanghai" created a new wave of enthusiasm to draw attention to the survival of women in one-line cities.
这也启发区块律动 BlockBeats(微信号 BlockBeats)去关注币圈女性的发展状态和生存境遇。除了站在人生巅峰的成功男性「李笑来」们,那些在币圈打拼、挣扎、沉浮的普通女性理所当然地成为了这个区块链初始纪元的「失语者」。
This also inspires BlockBeats to focus on the development and survival of women in the currency circle. Besides the successful men who are at the top of their lives, "Li laughs," ordinary women who fight, struggle, and sink in the currency have rightly become "speakers" in this initial era of the chain.
目前,在美国参与加密货币的男女比例为 7:3,在中国有人称还不到 9:1。在男人的欲望和暴富神话的侵袭下,我们又何曾关注过这个圈子里的女性。
At present, the ratio of men to women involved in encryption money in the United States is 7:3, and in China it is called less than 9:1. How much attention have we paid to women in this circle in the wake of men’s desires and myths of tyranny?
我们选择了当下币圈女性的 6 个故事,以下这 6 种币圈女性,或许会有你的身影。
We've chosen six stories of women in the current currency circle, the following six-currency women, and maybe you'll be there.
一个男 VC 投资人说:「我特别喜欢参加加密货币活动,因为里面全是女的!」
A man VC investor said, "I'm particularly fond of encryption money because it's full of women!"
「一币一嫩模」、「输了下海经商,赢了会所嫩模」「某某项目方在韩国参加大会花了 1 个比特币睡到了***著名女团」这些典型标语形成了币圈特有的口号。而的确有一批这样的女性,是真心诚意要靠脸和身材在币圈吃饭。
The typical slogans, "one dollar, one dollar, one dollar, one dollar, "lost business in the sea, and won the fair", "a bit of bitcoin fell asleep in South Korea ***" formed a currency ring-specific slogan. And there are such women who really want to eat in their face and body.
当你上 reddit 看帖子,你会发现比特币板隔壁有个导航,里面一个分类板块叫「GirlsGoneBitcoin」,而其后面跟了一个「NSFW」的提示(Not Safe From Work,工作场合最好不要点开)。
When you go to reddit and read the post, you find a navigation next to the Bitcoin board, with a classification plate called "GirlsGoneBitcoin", followed by a "NSFW" tip (Not Safe From Work, best not to open in the workplace).
When you open & Hellip; & Hellip;
警告:请未满 18 岁的到此为止,右上角关闭。
Warning: Do not reach the age of 18 and close the upper right corner.
当你打开,你会看到这样的 18 禁画面...
When you turn it on, you'll see such an 18-stop screen...
其中几条翻译过来的大致意思就是:「我今天就想整点儿小钱,BTC、BCH、ETH、LTH 这些都行,我可以先脱光给你,然后转账。」
A few of them have been translated along the following lines: "I want a little money today, BTC, BCH, ETH, LTH, and I can take it off and transfer it."
一个币圈女从业人员看到这时,心里一万只草泥马碾压过去... 她怒斥:「难道女孩和比特币的关联,只能是卖自己的裸照和小视频时接受加密货币支付?或者在身上纹上某个山寨币的 logo,穿着紧身的 LOGO Tshirt 在展会上兼职,吸引观众的注意力?」
When a woman working in the ring sees it, she crushes 10,000 women... and she is angry: "Does the girl's connection to Bitcoin have to be an encrypted money payment when she sells her naked picture and video? Or is it a logo tattooed on her, wearing a tight logo Tshirt, who works part-time at the show to attract attention?"
"I don't want the future to be like this," she said.
近日, 币圈突然出现了一个「499 区块链小姐姐群」,在圈内十分火爆。群中聚集了 499 位,用她们的话讲:区块链圈中最具影响力和颜值的女神,币安何一、丹华资本董事总经理 Dovey Wan、著名区块链投资人楼霁月和其她一众币圈女性从业者都在该群中。群的创办者为三点钟社群联合发起人&DAC 基金合伙人 sky。
In recent days, the currency circle has suddenly emerged as a "499 block chain sister group," which is very hot in the ring. In their words, 499 people have gathered in the group: the most influential and attractive goddess of the block chain, the director of the capital director of Gyanichi, Dovey Wan, the famous block chain investor building and her own ring of women's practitioners. The group was founded by the 3 o'clock community co-sponsors & DAC Fund partners.
这是一群喜欢搞事情的小姐姐,她们会不定期对话一位币圈男神大佬,群中平时 499 个人,空下的那个位子就是为此准备的。
This is a bunch of girls who like to do things, and they talk about a big guy in the ring on a regular basis, 499 people in the middle of the group, and that's what the empty seat is for.
Apart from doing things, there's no difference between communication in groups and dialogue with women on a day-to-day basis. From time to time, the subject is related to a friend-in-law, as is the case with the drawings:
群中的「小姐姐」们十分会搞事,群中 BIGTAL 合伙人陈大大曾发起过一个「渣男链」,一度火爆到不行,据说上线半小时访问人数突破 20W。
The group's “sisters” were very active, and BIGTAL partner Chen, who had launched a “slut-boy chain” that was hot at a time, said to have broken 20W by half an hour on the line.
But after the heat, they admitted that they were a marketing scheme for an event, “not really realized, but one day the scum will be chained up.”
So you men who want to enter the circle must be careful to make sure you're not scum.
有这样一类币圈女性创业者,曾是 TMT 行业的资深媒体人,区块链大潮到来之后,顺手做了个区块链垂直行业媒体。
There is this category of women entrepreneurs, who were senior media professionals in the TMT industry, and who, after the wave of block chains, followed the line of vertical industry media.
On the basis of years of investigative experience and familiarity with the Internet, they have published a book entitled “Cyber of Fights”, in which they despised coins, questioned exchange fraud, made their voices heard, made their achievements heard, and made them famous.
However, in a currency where wealth is growing rapidly in geometric terms, subterranean rules are also difficult to counter the benefits of the halo.
5 月 7 日晚北京的一条小胡同里,上演了一场顶级大佬夜宴,币圈「东兴局」。夜宴上,觥筹交错之间,监督媒体和被监督企业之间毫不避嫌地把先调查猛打、后握手言欢这种「相逢一笑泯恩仇」的戏码,堂而皇之地摆到台面上来。
On the night of May 7 in Beijing, a top-ranked big man's night dinner was staged, and the currency ring, "East Springs". At the night dinner, there was no doubt that the media and the supervised companies were playing the "joke-and-joke-and-joke-and-joke-and-joy" scene.
It's a sea-deep currency, and it's a roadwalker ever since.
In an article called "Denial Dinner" the Internet summed up precisely:
Media, capital, exchanges, intermediaries, complex networks of relationships;
Hurts, competitions, savings, toasts, hiding the interests of the power.
There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, and the same is true of currency circles.
It's probably not a pickle, it's what it's all about.
As a co-founder of one of the world’s largest exchanges, one of the world’s largest companies, one of the world’s largest, one of the world’s largest, one of the world’s largest, one of the world’s largest, one of the world’s largest, one of the world’s most privileged, one of the world’s greatest, one of the world’s most successful, one of the world’s most successful, one of the world’s most important, one of the world’s most varied, who has been busy in responding to questions.
她于 2017 年 8 月加盟币安,担任联合创始人、CMO,「Binance 首席客服」是何一的微信签名。
She joined the union in August 2017 as co-founder and co-founder of the CMO, what kind of "Binance's Chief Guest Service" is a microsign.
At the end of last year, when the rapidly rising currency was at the bottom of the media, who personally interviewed and responded to questions.
今年 3 月 7 日那场著名的黑客袭击事件,何一事后连发微博,在各种微信群里亲自下场负责危机公关。
The famous hacker attack of March 7 of this year, followed by a tweet about what happened, led to the crisis public relations in various microblogging groups.
最近这段日子的币安更是屡上币圈头条,撕逼红杉、买岛建国等事端、留言频发,「一姐」真是忍不住了,于 5 月 18 日举行了币安首次媒体线上直播交流会,对上币、监管合规、红杉纠纷、黑客做空币安等一系列问题做了一次洗屁股式解答。
In May 18, a first-ever live-to-visit exchange took place, which provided an ass-washing answer to a series of questions, such as currency, regulatory compliance, redwood disputes, and hackers doing air currency security.
只要在这币安媒体群里待上几天,便能领略「币圈一姐」的光环与号召力,恰逢 520 这几天,每天都有数以百计的币圈男士向何一表达「爱意」。
As long as you stay in the press for a few days, you will be able to appreciate the ring and appeal of the "Sister of the Currency Circle", which coincides with 520 days, when hundreds of men of the Currency Circle express their "love" to each other every day.
There's a lot of "gods" in the same coins that can eat with their faces, but with their talent.
Cindy 有两个朋友,每天在外推广 BCH。朋友圈、推特都是跟币相关的,要么是在搞线下聚会,要么就是在搞线上直播。有人实在受不了了,就说他俩:「你俩没有性生活的吗?一天到晚币币币的。」
Cindy has two friends who promote the BCH every day. The circle of friends and Twitter are all about money, either going under the line, or going live on the line. Some people can't stand it. They say, "Did you two not have sex?
然后一天晚上,这两位朋友晒出来他们在酒吧跟俩姑娘卿卿我我的视频,还专门 @ 那个说他俩没性生活的哥们。
And then one night, these two friends went out in the bar and they had a video of me with the girls, and they were special about the guy who said he didn't have sex.
这视频被币圈一女性看到了,公开质疑 Cindy 的这两个朋友,说他们动机不纯,借女性为工具炫耀自己。她觉得自己也受到了侮辱。
The video was seen by a woman in the currency circle, who openly questioned two of Cindy's friends, saying that they were not motivated, using a woman as a tool to brag about themselves. She felt humiliated.
CIndy 觉得自己同样是币圈的,同样是女性,有义务站到她这边,一起骂这俩男的。但是她看了好几遍他们发的视频,怎么都看不出来女性被利用,被工具,看到的是她们灿烂的笑容。
Cindy felt that she was also in the currency circle, that she was also a woman and had a duty to stand on her side and scold the two men together. But she looked at the videos they sent several times and couldn't see that women were being used, that tools were being used and that they were smiling.
"Does it seem a little arrogant that you judge women in the video as being "tooled" from the perspective of a bystander? Does this reflect the feeling in your heart that women should not enjoy themselves and should not kiss me in a bar with a man? Isn't it true that you consider women weak to mean that you discriminate against women?"
In fact, the two girls in the video were young and productive women entrepreneurs, commonly known as rich women.
"Assimilate is a good thing, but do not abuse it, and put the woman's rights to your mouth if you do not move. Perhaps the weak woman of your compassion is a superwoman. There are good words to say, to fuck as much as you like, and to work less than you can."
"Femaleism? I'm sorry, you're sick again."
In fact, most of the women in the currency circle are product managers, engineers, entrepreneurs operating the block chain project, journalists from the financial media, and people from non-financial backgrounds.
It was not because they wanted to catch a "bill" that they had been in the currency together ever since.
The reason is simple: they want to learn, to invest, and eventually to make themselves richer. There are also people who want to use this new technology to achieve something within themselves.
据说,目前在美国参与加密货币的男女比例为 7:3,在中国还不到 9:1。
The proportion of men and women currently involved in encryption money in the United States is said to be 7:3 and in China it is less than 9:1.
Women with coins say, "The block chain is something that will change the world financial system and the mainstream system, and in this area it is more equal, and the block chain is our opportunity. The industry is still struggling to enter the mainstream of society in the years of male, polar, and computer-thinking. The time is right for women to think and to accelerate the process of bringing the block chain into mainstream society in terms of social communication, humanistic rule-making, and the production of more valuable products."
Standing in the currency circle, a woman is strong.
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