& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; recently announced online time for the first block chain game, many friends expressed curiosity and wanted to know more about it. Then the Pronline Mercury Editor will introduce you to the release of the tether block chain, and hopefully it will help you.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; tweaking block link time presentation:
就在4月12日腾讯主办的2018年中国“互联网+”数字经济峰会上,腾讯区块链业务的总经理蔡弋戈表示:腾讯官方将于 4月23日 发布腾讯的第一款区块链游戏。
& nbsp; & nbsp; China 2018 & ldquo; Internet + & rdquo; at the Digital Economic Summit, Chai Jinggo, the managing director of the tether sector chain business, stated that the trong official would release the first block chain game on April 23, .
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & mpbsp; & also indicated that: block chains and financial clouds became the new growth level of smart finance, with the number of businesses registered in the open platform of the tether chain increased from 0 to over 800 in 2017, and financial cloud access to customers grew by 197 per cent to 944, with great potential.
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