“我昨晚都睡不好”,加密对冲基Ikigai的创始人、前Point72的投资经理Travis Kling在接受彭博社采访时表示,市场已经无法预测,担心比特币市场的持续下跌,同时强调最近的比特币现金(BCH)硬分叉事件,给整个加密货币市场带来了负面影响。
& nbsp; “I didn't sleep well last night”, Travis Kling, founder of Ikigai and former investment manager of Point72, stated in an interview with Bloomberg that the market was unpredictable and concerned about the continued decline in the Bitcoin market, while emphasizing that the recent hard split of Bitcoin cash (BCH) had had a negative impact on the entire encrypted currency market.
According to the performance of Bitstamp, a Bitcoin trading platform, the market rebounded slightly after the new low of $4237.44 at 4 p.m. on 20 November, with a maximum value of $4761. But, only 12 hours later, the offer fell to a new low of $4048.58. At the time of issuance, the price of the Bitcoin deal was in the range of $4,300. Overall, Bitcoin fell by 11.3 per cent a day, by 25 per cent a week, and by almost 77 per cent a year.
11月16日发生的BCH硬分叉事件已经从加密货币市场吸走了数十亿美元。其中 Bitcoin ABC的支持者、全球最大的矿机生产商比特大陆,被报道曾在算力大战中,从比特币(Bitcoin)切走算力来提高Bitcoin ABC的胜出概率。这一做法降低了投资者和矿工对比特币的短期稳定性的信心。
The BCH hard-fork incident of 16 November has drawn billions of dollars away from the encrypted currency market. Among them, Bitcoin ABC’s supporters, the world’s largest miner producer, Bitcoin, were reported to have slashed from Bitcoin to improve Bitcoin ABC’s chances of winning.
彭博社分析师Mike McGlone认为,BCH硬分叉一事是加密货币市场大跌的导火索,熊市将会持续。更有持全面悲观态度的分析师称加密货币已经步入寒冬,比特币价格将继续下跌70%以上,直至1500美元。由于今年加密货币市场的暴跌,两家主流芯片制造商AMD、英伟达(Nvidia)以低回报为由,放弃了生产挖矿设备这一业务。但是,AMD 股价仍在周一重挫11%,英伟达股价出现17%跌幅。
As a result of this year’s collapse in the encrypt currency market, two mainstream chip manufacturers, AMD, and Nvidia, abandoned the production of mining equipment on the grounds of low returns. However, the AMD stock price continues to fall by 11% on Monday, and the stock price of Yvetteda has fallen by 17%.
“英伟达股价下跌,反映出加密货币推动需求的未来已经破灭,”Creative Planning公司总裁兼联席首席投资官彼得?马鲁克(Peter Mallouk)在一封电子邮件中表示。“当然,这对英伟达来说是个坏消息,但对于比特币和其他加密货币来说,这确实是煤矿里的金丝雀。”
“The decline in the stock price of British Weida reflects the collapse of the future of the demand for encryption money,” Peter Mallouk, President and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Creative Planning, wrote in an e-mail. “This, of course, is bad news for British Weida, but for Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies, it is indeed a canary in a coal mine.”
此外,比特币价格崩盘疑与全球市场大跌有关。摩根士丹利首席美股策略师Michael Wilson表示,美股已经处于“熊市”中,尽管2018年没有经历经济衰退,市场却已经嗅出企业盈利衰退和经济增长急剧减速的味道。昨夜(11月20日)美股、原油期货再次走低。美元指数纽约尾盘涨0.64%,报96.8197,创两周来最大单日百分比涨幅,因全球股市遭遇抛售引发避险买盘。国际油价或维持区间震荡,变化率负向区间窄幅波动,下调预期仍存,消息面利空难以消除。美国大型科技股收盘多数走低,苹果跌4.78%,亚马逊跌1.11%,奈飞跌1.34%,谷歌涨0.29%,Facebook涨0.67%,微软跌2.78%。
Last night (20 November) the US shares and crude oil futures went down again. The dollar index rose by 0.64% in New York, reporting 96.8197, the largest single-day percentage increase in two weeks, triggered by risk avoidance as a result of a global stock market sale.
"The Apple Company fell by 5 billion dollars, lost 50 billion dollars, lost half a currency circle, and the United States stock and currency markets were double crashes," says EOS.
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