At this point in time, listing now undoubtedly increases the risk that the new fund will miss most of the bitcoin drops, and ProShares is concerned that making empty bitcoins easier and encouraging more investors to express their negative views on encrypted currencies.
The sharp fall in bitcoin is only a microcosm of the blood-washing of the entire market for encrypted money. According to TrackInsight, the total global assets managed by the encrypt-related ETF fell sharply from 54 to 8.9 billion dollars in November, a high of $19.5 billion.
管理着620亿美元资产的ProShares的首席执行官Michael Sapir说:
Michael Sapir, CEO of ProShares, who manages $62 billion in assets, says:
“We are optimistic that the fund will be of interest, especially in the light of what has happened in the past few months, especially the past week in the market. We believe that many investors are short- or long-term viewers of bitcoins and encrypted currencies, but they have not acted according to their own views, because it is too difficult or too expensive to do bitcoins. For now, these investors will be able to do bitcoins easily, like buying ETFs in traditional brokerage accounts.”
目前,美国投资者做空比特币的途径主要有两种,一是通过加密货币交易所提供的短期风险敞口,但这涉及开立账户、提供保证金,且费用很高;另一种方式是直接交易期货合约。VettaFi研究主管Todd Rosenbluth称:
At present, there are two main ways in which United States investors can make short-term risk exposures through encrypted currency transactions, but this involves opening accounts, providing bonds and being expensive; and directly trading futures contracts. According to Todd Rosenbluth, research director of VettaFi:
“The ability to take advantage of the advantages, liquidity and ease of use of ETFs will be an advantage over the direct use of empty bitcoins.”
ETF Store总裁Nate Geraci则表示,他预计做空比特币ETF的“市场将相当强劲”,因为它们提供了一种方便且相对划算的做空比特币价格的方式。他说:
ETF Store’s president, Nate Geraci, said that he expected that the “market” for ETF would be quite strong, because they offered a convenient and relatively cost-effective way to make TT prices. He said:
"I have no doubt that they will find their audience, especially given the current encryption market environment. There must be no shortage of investors who believe that bitcoin will fall to zero."
早在去年10月,ProShares还推出了美国首只与比特币相关的ETF——比特币策略ETF (Bitcoin Strategy ETF,简称BITO)。这是ETF历史上最大规模的发行之一,但它的首次亮相却标志着数字资产热潮的顶峰。
As early as last October, ProShares also launched the first United States-only bitcoin-related ETF-bitcoin Strategy ETF (Bitcoin Strategy ETF, or BITO). This was one of the largest launches in the history of ETF, but its first appearance marked the culmination of a boom in digital assets.
However, like most reverse ETFs, this newly introduced bitcoin is designed for short-term investment only and provides a reverse exposure to the daily return of the target index, which means that it will be reset every day. Thus, given its continuing costs, investors who hold the ETF for a long time are at risk of underperformance.
In addition, ProShares’ rivals, Direxion and AXS, are preparing applications for similar ETFs. Last October, when BITO was established, Direxion also wanted to apply for a similar fund, but withdrew the application at the request of the United States regulatory agencies.
责任编辑:于健 SF069