A lot of things happen every day, but representative and typical examples are getting smaller, and we are digging, and there is a lot of real and representative stories about the currency. Today we share a bitcoin story: Seven Years of Bronze, A Real Experience to Make My Assets Rich!
Remembering my seven-year-old Bitcoin career, it's like the money market, it's got a lot of confusion and helplessness, it's hard not to crush me, it's making me more and more brave. I don't get paid, I make millions, I buy two rooms in Beijing, but I used to have to go to a psychologist because I'm not able to sleep.
Because of my work in a more well-known Internet company, access to the Internet is a natural advantage, especially because some of them are technocrats, who come into contact with the frontlines earlier. There's a tech bull who's got the name Wang, he's nice, and we call him the old man, and he's a dirty guy, but he's a really first-class technology.
At the end of 2010, when I went to eat at his house, I was shocked by the noise and the smell of the scandal, thinking that, although the programmer's life was not so thorough, it wasn't so messy, walking into it, several computers were running, fans were spinning around, and my curiosity was hanging up.
Two beverages of wine, the old king's face red and a little bit drunk, and I can't help wondering what black technology this is. The old king's secret mouth is close to my ears, whispering, brother, this is Bitcoin, and I'm digging mine all night and day.
I don't know what the hell bitcoin is when I look at my face. It's a computer to dig a mine. The king says, "Brother, you can do something else. You don't understand that, but he makes me look at the money, opens the accounts, a string of characters in the blinds. The king says he's dug hundreds of them.
Let him give me a few bits of bitcoin, which he refused to say was the first time I had an intimate relationship with Bitcoin when it appreciated and kept it for my son's wife.
What? Bitcoin's been drinking? Yeah, somebody else's bitcoin's been digging mines. Mine's drinking.
Ever since I met the king's bitcoin, I've been thinking about asking him many times and asking him to ask for nothing, and it's like asking him for his life. Once, the king came by with a smile, and said, "Dude, do me a favor, there's a big client who hasn't talked about it, and I've been blinded every time I see him, and this time you help him out." I heard that it was a good opportunity for me to give him 10 bitcoins for a bargain, and finally five for me if I took care of the big one.
And that night, I took advantage of what I could say, and I gave one of the guests a chance, and the king was there for a professional lecture. And finally, with hard technology and strength, the king took the list, and I traded two bottles of white wine for five bitcoins.
When $1,500 was born, I thought the Big Cows were all thrown out.
As the amount of bitcoins gets smaller and the amount of coins digs takes longer, and the king is in a hurry. In his words, this stuff has been in reserve for 20 years to buy a house for his son to marry her wife, so he buys a couple of visible cards, increases his horsepower, runs around the clock, and because the equipment is too heavy, the computer can't handle it, the bitcoin hasn't dug much, the equipment is paralyzed. To be exact, the old king's computer blew up and smoked.
Ever since the mine was blown up, the king realized that it was becoming increasingly difficult to dig and rely on transactions to obtain money, but there were few channels for circulation and it was not easy to buy them, most notably early-time players who appreciated by digging their own mines, and mine-mining equipment was an input.
The time came in March 2013, when the Bitcoin deal became increasingly hot, with prices rising rapidly from $100 to close to $500, while I followed the old king and bought a little, and the main market was informal at the time.
My main money was in the A, and then on April 10, Bitcoin entered a phase high of $1550, so fast, so big, in A's words, 15 times the stock of the cow, and I dropped it around 1,500, and the king threw it right away. In the old king's words, happiness was too sudden, and it was just a drop in the sky, and it was supposed to take 20 years to reach a small goal.
After falling back about $400 in a few days, and then in May, $100, the old king came back, and I had one bitcoin left and never came back.
Bitcoin makes money, and it's spread, and even the old rural relatives know about it, and they call about how to open an account. How to deal with it. They just don't listen, and it's all the old kings who do it for me.
During that period, I saw relatives buying from $100 to $600, and I looked envious and opened my own account, with a bitcoin in it, but then I started trading bitcoins with A-shares, and I found that technical indicators were useless, that there was only one mean system, that platforms were broken, that the sun was not broken, and that there were few success stories, leading to a return of the profits that had been made in the first place.
Since the A share is not the right idea, the short line is not the right one. After several months of overhauling, I sold part of the A unit in early 2015 and reinvested in the Bitcoin field.
Bitcoin, while earning a sum, watched Bitcoin's crossbow concussion, looked at A's big cow and, in early May 2015, threw Bitcoin and killed A's share, which was the craziest time in the cattle market and the end end of the bull market. As you all know, as the stock market plunged, direct losses amounted to close to 50 2f885fea6d4da36aec04ba9688a534e12581f1d9347b64c5ade80a62a3eb9c 股市暴跌的损失,让我痛定思痛,最后毅然决然的杀回比特币交易市场,随着这个市场越来越大,原来都是英文的交易系统,也出现了中 The loss of the stock market fell, and it was painful for me to think about it, and in the end, I decided to kill the bitcoin market, and as the market grew, the trading system, which used to be English, was in the middle. 文的交易系统,也不用老王的指导。在2015年8月13号,我再次介入了比特币,300枚比特币,这次我拿得住,期间虽然有波动,但一直拿着没动。 Wen's trading system doesn't need the King's guidance. On August 13, 2015, I intervened again in bitcoin, 300 bitcoins, and this time I can hold it, but it's not moving. 我赚钱了,却从此失眠到要去看心理医生 I've made money, and I've been insomnia to see a psychiatrist ever since. 自从股市暴跌后低位买了比特币,横盘那一段时间,倒也心安理得,也没过多的管过,平常上下班,好像把持有比特币这事儿忘记了,可随着行情的火热,尤其是等到涨到了一千元以上,天天是悲喜交织,只能看着一路往上涨,不能看回调,只要一回调,心里就开始胡思乱想,想是不是到顶了,是不是该卖出去了,赚钱了反而睡不着觉,这事儿不知道有多少人体验过。 Since the stock market collapsed, a bitcoin was bought at a low level, and the wheels were easy and easy to control, usually off duty, as though the possession of the bitcoin had been forgotten, but with the heat of passion, especially as it rose to more than $1,000, day by day, pessimistic and could not be seen back, and as soon as I got back, I began to think, whether or not it should be sold and made money and I couldn't sleep, and I don't know how many people have experienced it. 为此还专门看了心理医生,可效果不大,尤其是在网上看到比特币被盗的,我就更睡不着觉了,日夜煎熬,最终做了一个决定,300枚比特币全部卖出。 Specialized visits to psychiatrists were not very effective, especially when I saw bitcoin stolen on the Internet, and I couldn't sleep much longer. The day and night, I finally made a decision, and 300 bitcoins were sold in their entirety. 2017年11月26日,卖出比特币后,等把所有的资金都提回到卡上,我的心终于放下来了,睡了一个安稳觉。 On 26 November 2017, after selling Bitcoin, when all the money was brought back to the card, my heart finally fell down and slept in peace. 可接下来的三个月,比特币涨的那么疯狂,我是接近9000卖出的,但翻出后又快翻倍了,我想再次的冲进去,但是当我想到赚钱反而更痛苦的时候,我打住了贪念,选择不去关注。因为我明白了,金钱就像是海水,拥有的越多,反而越渴。错过子资产再次翻倍的机会,就像在北京丢了一套学区房似的,我不知道比特币以后还会不会有这种三个月从8000到16000的翻倍行情,但我知道,有些事儿,错过了,就是一辈子。 But for the next three months, when Bitcoin was so crazy that it went up, I was close to 9,000, but I was going to double it again, and I wanted to go in again, but when I thought it was more painful to make money, I hit greed and chose not to pay attention. Because I realized that money was like sea water, and the more money, the more it had, the more thirsty it was. It was like losing a school room in Beijing, and I didn't know that Bitcoin would double from 8,000 to 16,000 in the next three months, but I knew that something was missing, the more it would be for the rest of my life. 当年出来闯荡,想法很简单,即使不能在北京做个有钱人,也要回家当个有钱人,现在回家可以做个有钱人,但真的能回去么?多年在北京养成的生活习惯真的能改变么?想想老家的高考制度,真的是千军万马过独木桥,孩子也该上幼儿园了,是送回老家上幼儿园还是留在北京,成了摆在我们夫妻俩面前的一个难题。 The idea was simple: to go home if you can't be rich in Beijing, to be rich and now to be rich in Beijing, but can you really go back? Can you really change the habits of life that have been raised in Beijing for many years? Thinking about the high school system, it's really a long way to go to kindergarten, and it's time for the kids to go back to kindergarten or stay in Beijing, and it's a problem for both couples. “天才第一步,XX纸尿裤”,这句广告语多年了一直萦绕在我的心头,说的是为了让孩子从出生就赢在起跑线上,想到这里,和妻子商量过后,还是决定把孩子留在北京,不为别的,就是为了让孩子能享受更好的教育,尽自己最大能力,把孩子的起跑线往前挪挪,哪怕是就往前挪一点。 “The first step of a genius, XX-paper pants”, an ad that has been haunting my heart for many years, is whether to win a child on the starting line from birth, to think of it here, to discuss it with his wife, or to decide to keep the child in Beijing, otherwise, so that the child can enjoy a better education and, to the best of his or her abilities, move the child's starting line forward, if not just a little bit. 紧接着,妻子后面的话,让我再次付出了一套房子的代价,妻子说,北京最好的教育在海淀,刚好同事有个房子要转让,在海淀上学在海淀居住更方便一点,我无可奈何的点了点头,谁让自己要挪起跑线呢,自己下的决定,含着泪也的完成。 And then, in the words of my wife, who once again paid the price of a house, she said that the best education in Beijing was in Haidian, that it would be easier for colleagues to transfer a house, that it would be easier to study in Haidian to live in it, that I had no choice but to nod my head, that I would have to move my own running line, and that my own decision would have been done with tears. 这就是我,从月薪不过万的小人物,七年比特币生涯赚千万,到现在在北京有两套房,有一个幸福的家庭,可能我的经历,也是万千北漂的一个缩影吧。 That's what I've been through, from a few men who don't earn millions a month, seven years of a Bitcoin career, to two houses in Beijing now, with a happy family, probably a microcosm of what I've been through.有些事,错过了就是一辈子
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