An overview of the different types of block chain agreements. We will explore in depth a common approach to understanding the differences between public blocks, consortium blocks and private block chains; their use and value propositions.
Welcome to the second week?
At this activity, you will study the application and use of different types of protocols used in the block chain.
2.3? Smart Contract? Video (06:17)
2.4? intelligent contract: Etheria platform? Video (04:58?)
2.6? >/strong > test your knowledge?
What are the most promising areas of the block chain?
2.8? > Glossary? >
At this event, you will understand the technical challenges facing the block chain and will analyse how businesses can benefit from this technology.
How can 2.10? companies benefit from block chain technology? Video (08:26)
How should the chain of blocks be regulated?
2.12? Weekly review? >
In the second week of the course, we will find three different types of block chains: public, financial and private.
We will also know how the company will approach these new systems and run tests to gain experience before implementing major changes. By the end of this weekend, you will learn the main features of the chain agreement between the main blocks of > : , Hyperledger and Tendermint.
In addition, in these modules you will learn how the blocks chain is used in the smart contracts of and the potential of these blocks in many areas, as well as the legal framework relevant to the implementation of these contracts.
Enjoy and share your impressions!
?EIT InnoEnergy
在本视频中,您将了解许多公司正在采取的渐进方法,通过在私有区块链中运行测试来获取经验,同时为其活动的主要迁移做准备,同时避免公共区块链的一些限制。 。
In this video, you will learn about the incremental approach being taken by many companies to gain experience by running tests in the private block chain, while preparing for the main migration of their activities, while avoiding some of the limitations of the public block chain.
来自BlockInfinity区块链开发人员Alexander Kaiser的一课。
A lesson from Alexander Kaiser, BlockInfinity Block Chain Developer.
?EIT InnoEnergy
0:12? Jump to 0:12? So far, every time we talk about a block chain, we usually refer to a public block chain. But, it's not the only block chain type. The block chain can be marked as a public, private or mixed chain based on its characteristics. It can be called a joint block chain. Let's start from scratch. What are the features behind the public chain? In the public chain, everyone can download a copy of the block chain, prepare a transaction and participate in consensus in the network. Secondly, reading and writing access is not limited to one group, and all users have the same authority. Bitcoin is a clear example of this public chain.
One minute? One minute? But, while granting other privileges to a particular node, there are restrictions for certain users. When this happens, we call it the private block chain. This limitation may affect access, write access or both. In these scenarios, only the central agency can be involved in the validation process behind the transaction. What is the added value behind this? The block chain contains a variety of technologies and processes. It includes data storage, data distribution, digital signatures, consensus mechanisms, encryption and digital identification.
1:50? Skipping a minute and 50 seconds of Blockchains consumes a great deal of energy every day, and the number of transactions currently supported may not be sufficient for all purposes. Private chains are a contextual solution to these problems.
2.40? Jump to 2 minutes 40 seconds. If we remove from the equation the difficult process of reaching consensus among all users, we speed up the creation time and increase the number of things that are most likely to happen.
252? Jump to 2 minutes and 52 seconds now you may wonder: If the private block chain requires central authority... then what is the difference with the old organizational system? There are many benefits. The most immediate ones are security increases and the non-variability of the ledgers, which makes the private block chain particularly suitable for internal accounting. Most importantly, companies can use the private block chain to run pilot tests and gain experience, and then move their activities mainly to the public block chain. This is a simple way to gain experience in a low-risk environment. Now, let's move to the third group, the so-called consortium chain.
3:39? Jumping to 3 minutes and 39 seconds of the chain also limits some of its users, but unlike private chains, governance is divided into two or more entities. Depending on the specific design of each case, the chain can be closer to public or private chains, but they share some common features. The most important of these is that the consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected set of nodes. The most common thing we can think of is a chain run by a group of companies with a common interest.
4:22? Jumping to 4 minutes and 22 seconds, they get used to the old way of doing things, so every time they do business, they contact the brokers who are in charge of matching and clearing operations. Finally, the broker cuts the pies sharply. However, these companies want to explore new and more efficient ways of doing business, so they decide to build a chain of assets together. In this new scenario, each of them will have the same vote in order to reach a consensus on the ledger, and they can do it without any middlemen. They have just created an automated and secure way to trade with each other, all of which is brought about by the chain of blocks.
5:05? The rule set of five minutes to match and clear is no longer dependent on agents. They are coded in the form of smart contracts. But what is smart contracts? This and more questions will be answered in the next lesson, please contact us!
Smart contracts are a good example of how block chains are used for many other purposes, not just for economic transactions.
In this video, you will learn what a smart contract is, how it works and what different applications it has.
来自Fle****O联合创始人,首席技术官Grzegorz Bytniewski的一课。
A course by Grzegorz Bytniewski, Co-founder of Fle****O, Chief Technical Officer.
?EIT InnoEnergy
0:12? The real leap to 0:12 seconds of block chains as a destructive force capable of integrating the world at a multi-sectoral level is made by smart contracts. But what is smart contracts? It realizes that a decentralized ledger that can serve as a platform for electronic cash transactions can be used perfectly for other types of data, such as complex programs or non-financial records. Smart contracts can be stored to perform complex operating code segments in blocks chains. When one or more conditions match, it is self-executing software.
0:46?跳至0分46秒智能合约是一个术语,用于描述能够使用区块链技术促进,执行和执行协议的协商或执行的计算机程序。整个过程是自动化的,可以作为法律合同的补充或替代,其中合同条款以代码行的形式记录,作为一组指令。为了更好地理解这个概念,请参阅引用以太坊的创造者Vitalik Buterin用于描述概念的例子。
0:46? A smart contract to 0:46 seconds is a term used to describe computer programs that can be negotiated or executed using block chain technology to facilitate, execute and enforce agreements. The process is automated and can be supplemented or replaced by a legal contract in which the terms of the contract are recorded in code lines as a set of instructions. For a better understanding of the concept, see the example of Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the Taipan, used to describe the concept.
1:17? Jump to 1:17, "Supposing that you rented an apartment from me." You can do this by paying a block chain with an encrypted currency. You receive a receipt from our virtual contract; I give you a digital input key from a specified date. If the key does not arrive on time, the block chain will release a refund. If I send the key before the lease date, the key will be cancelled. The function will be: each of us will issue the cost and the key separately when the date comes. The system works under If-Then and has hundreds of witnesses, so you can expect the perfect delivery. If I give you the key, I will certainly get the payment. If you send a certain amount in Bitcoin, the key will be paid. The document will be cancelled automatically after that time.
2:09? Jump to 2 minutes 9 seconds, but how do they really work? What are the steps to effectively design and post smart contracts on block chains in order to start performing their functions?
The next process to jump to 2 minutes and 20 seconds is, first, that the contract must be coded. The programmer must define the outcome that will trigger the contract once it is executed, and, more importantly, the conditions that must be matched to achieve this.
2.35? Jump to 2 minutes 35 seconds in the previous example: if the contract receives sufficient funds, the key to the apartment is sent to the buyer. Second, it must be deployed to the distributed ledger. Once the contract is validly issued, it will be assigned to the public ledger, which will be accessible to all users of the system. Therefore, it will be prepared to start sending/receipt the funds. Finally, following the block chain rule, once the contract is published, each execution will result in a separate agreement of its results for each node in the system.
3:14? The results will be written and stored in the block chain in 3 minutes and 14 seconds, and it will not be possible to operate unilaterally from then on. All centralized systems are easily dispersed through the use of smart contracts. Loans from banks, title registrations, voting systems, regulatory compliance, and royalties from artists. In practice, anything that requires strong security, recognition and privacy can be optimized by switching to platforms using smart contracts.
3:46? Skipping 3 minutes and 46 seconds of smart contracts is used for the energy sector to pay between consumers and consumers in ecosystems, the first of which sells the remaining energy to the second group. Point pairs have great potential for decentralizing the energy sector, empowering consumers, and opening up competitive markets. Insurance, reducing management costs and reducing the time needed to issue payments. In addition, smart contracts are used to allow software to be linked to databases and sensors that measure parameters such as wind speed or seismic magnitude, record data in block chains, and trigger the results of smart contracts when they exceed established thresholds.
4:28 A little reading of patents and copyrights for 4 minutes and 28 seconds to demonstrate ownership of copyright protection smart contracts, such as music songs, will ensure that the owner receives royalties for business purposes every time he uses the content. This is also used to ensure ownership of the real state. In an era when everything moves to global connectivity, smart contracts are its key enablers. Each contract can extract data from multiple databases and trigger the execution of other contracts when needed.
5:03?跳到5分3秒例如,跟踪已发送的包,每个传感器在区块链上形成自己的节点,智能合约可以将设备的“拥有”记录到每个单独的传感器,然后地点。包裹上的条形码/ NFC芯片/其他跟踪设备将在前往您家的路上的每个传感器上读取。每次由新传感器读取时,其位置都被区块链上的所有物联网参与者广播并同意。由于包的位置的每个记录都按特定顺序加密到区块链中,因此没有用于跟踪包的安全系统。
5:03? Jump to 5 minutes and 3 seconds, for example, to track the package sent, each sensor forming its own nodes on the block chain, and the smart contract can record the equipment “own” to each individual sensor, and then the location. The bar code/NFC chip/other tracking device on the package will be read on each sensor on the way to your home. Each time read by the new sensor, its location is broadcast and agreed by all network participants in the block chain. Since each record of the location of the package is encrypted in a specific sequence into the block chain, there is no security system for tracking the package.
5:39? The five-minute-39-second smart contracts have since maintained the label of “possession”, consolidating confidence in the exact location. The huge potential has prompted numerous smart contracts to begin to be published in different ecosystems, most of them using different protocols and, of course, different encrypted currencies. Moreover, they are written in different programming languages, creating uneven quality.
is a platform for hosting smart contracts that help to generate an increasing number of encrypted currencies.
In this video, you will learn concepts such as too much gas, virtual computers, and how to define the value of encrypted currency based on supply and demand.
来自Fle****O首席执行官兼联合创始人Simone Accornnero的一课。
A lesson from Simone Accorrnero, CEO and co-founder of Fle****O.
?EIT InnoEnergy
0:12? Jump to 0:12 seconds Etheeum is an open-source platform based on block chain technology that allows developers to build and distribute decentralized applications. Before the Taiwan arrives, creating a block-chain-based application requires complex coding background and cryptography expertise. The Taiwan provides developers with tools to construct them in a more simplified way, speeds up the process and reduces the difficulty. It has common confusion between Bitcoin and Taicha, mainly because they are the two most notorious and repeated names for dealing with the topics associated with the block chain.
0:50? Jump to 0:50, while Bitcoin provides and enforces individual applications, i.e. point-to-point electronic payment systems, the Teethnet is designed to host and run any applications that are built on them. Of course, Bitcoin uses bitcoin as a currency and reward to motivate miners to verify transactions, while, on the other hand, it is too in the currency used by Taiwan. In the Etheraya ecosystem, application users use Tethnet to pay for transaction costs and services on the Taiyu network. But what makes the Tai Hoa special?
1:35? Skipping 1 minute and 35 seconds to effectively turn computers into the nodes of the Ether block chain, so being awarded the right to issue contracts or send them to a smart contract of their choice. That is why it is considered possible to carry the development of thousands of different applications. They provide the environment, but development depends on the user. That is why it is widely believed that Bitcoin is the only influence of Microsoft Office on Windows for Ether, and only the software of the entire operating system.
2:19?跳到2分19秒因此,通过作为托管智能合约的平台,我们可以说以太坊用例几乎是无限的,应用领域如此多样化,如能源,真实状态,银行业务或人群 -资金。比特币是第一个在名称和市值上获得的加密货币,但以太坊的以太网也有类似的进展。在今年年初(2017年1月),您可以在一些贸易场所购买1个以太网,大约8欧元。仅用了6个月,它的价格就超过了400欧元。这种气候带来了巨大的机会,让其他加密货币以其他类型资产前所未有的速度冲浪并获得市值。
2.19? So, by acting as a platform for hosting smart contracts in 2 minutes and 19 seconds, we can say that the Tai Yong case is almost unlimited, with such diversity of applications as energy, real state, banking, or crowd-money. Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency to be obtained on name and market value, but the Ethernet also makes similar progress. At the beginning of this year (January 2017), you can buy an Ethernet at some trading sites. In just six months, it costs more than Euro400. This climate offers a huge opportunity for other encrypted currencies to surf at an unprecedented speed and obtain market value for other types of assets.
3:04? Three minutes to four seconds. New models are common for start-up companies.
3.08 For the marketing of its products, jump to 3 minutes and 8 seconds: ICO. The ICO or initial coin product is an event accompanying the market with the issuance of new coins, and investors have the opportunity to obtain the required number of closed coins for the first time. The higher the demand, the faster the price of the medal. Why is it interesting?
3:46? Skip 3 minutes and 46 seconds before the ICO is confused with the traditional first-time public fund-raising (first-time public fund-raising) where you are buying real shares of the company. Whether in crowd finance or where you interact directly with private investors. The ICO is a relatively new phenomenon, the first one occurring in 2013. However, this form is gaining momentum, with 10 new ICOs occurring every day in August 2017. This number is expected to increase to more than 200 ICOs per week in the autumn of 2017. As of June 2017, the ICO raised more than $380 million.
4:23? Because of the high volatility of the market, it is hard to know which coins take off in a successful way, but that does not prevent people from wanting to invest a lot of money. Don’t miss the opportunity offered by this new market.
Read this video, understand what DAO and Dapp are and the great potential offered by decentralized systems, and share your thoughts in your comments.
来自Blockchain专家和首席教育家Oriol Pujoldevall的教训。
Lessons from Blockchain expert and lead educator Oriol Pujoldevall.
?EIT InnoEnergy
0:13? Jump to 0:13 in the past course, we talked a lot about the possibility of decentralization. But what labels applications as decentralized? Different developers may differ. Understanding decentralized applications and their real potential needs to be clearly defined. Any application must meet four criteria to achieve fragmentation. First, the application must be open-source and autonomous.
0:55? Jumping to 0:55 seconds in third, encrypt money or tokens to reward users supporting the network and pay access to applications. We found clear examples of bitcoin and Ether among miners. Finally, in fourth place, new tokens are created only after the algorithms that motivate users to contribute to the system. Failure to achieve all four guiding principles for the application of decentralized applications can be fatal. In addition, another classification can be used to understand the degree of fragmentation that the application has achieved, to analyse the structure of the application, the political and logical components.
1:36? To 1 minute 36 seconds in architecture, we have to determine how many nodes in the system, how many physical computers constitute a system, and how many computers the system can tolerate malfunctioning. On the political level, we have to determine how many individuals or organizations control the computers that make up the system. Finally, in logic, we have to distinguish between dates organized on a single structure and split into separate units. To answer these questions, we can determine to what extent each application has been decentralized.
2:08略过2分8秒然而,正如以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin所指出的那样,?“对于每种情况,最高程度并不总是最方便的,?并且一些应用程序可能会因使用稍微集中的方法而受益。”权力下放为用户提供了大量的好处。它们的容错能力使攻击分散的网络变得不可行且昂贵。与集中式网络不同,对区块链进行成功攻击需要巨大的计算潜力,而且大多数时候,唯一的成本将在经济上对攻击者不利。最后,权力下放是共谋的障碍,传统上允许集中的公司和政府以不透明的方式开展业务和业务。
2:08 is less than two minutes and eight seconds, however, as Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Taiku, has pointed out, “The maximum is not always the most convenient for each case, and some applications may benefit from the use of a slightly centralized approach.” Decentralization offers a great deal of benefits to users. Their tolerance makes it unfeasible and expensive to attack decentralized networks. Unlike centralized networks, successful attacks on block chains require great computing potential, and most of the time the only cost will be economically unfavourable to the attackers. Finally, decentralization is a barrier to complicity that has traditionally allowed centralized companies and governments to operate and operate in a non-transparent manner.
2:51 A little less than 2 minutes and 51 seconds of decentralization is an endless possibility, one example being an initiative of the DAO in August 2016. DAO represents a decentralized self-governing organization. Its core values advocate the codification of the rules and decision-making bodies of a group of organizations, the elimination of the need for documentation and personnel management, and the creation of a decentralized structure.
3:15? Jumping to 3 minutes and 15 seconds is its working principle: a group of people write down smart contracts that will run the organization. These contracts are open, so all prospective investors can examine and understand the way the organization operates. There is an initial funding period in which people add money to DAO by buying a token of ownership. ICO? After the funding period is over, DAO becomes operational. One can advise DAO on how to raise funds.
3:55? The majority of DAOs do not belong to anyone in 3 minutes and 55 seconds, giving votes. As a venture capital company, investors earn profits from the organization's investments. The most notorious DAO is a 28-day funding window that was launched in April 2016. It spread rapidly, raising more than $150 million to become the most successful ICO in history.
4:35? Skipping a four-minute-35-second bug in the code, the DAO project was abandoned after a partial fund-raising invasion after the attack. However, the initial large-scale acceptance of the project validated the concept and willingness of the user to invest in the decentralized organization without more governance, rather than the purely code line that can be accessed at every moment. So far, we have learned the basics of block chain technology. It is time to move forward and find out what will happen next.
What's the story about the public block chain?
Certain nodes are granted special privileges.
They need a consensus mechanism.
They are controlled by individual entities.
In particular, they facilitate transactions between the two companies.
They're the ideal choice for the company to pilot the pilot.
?Oriol Pujoldevall?首席教育家
Because of their lack of central authority, the public block chain needs an alternative approach so that users can effectively agree on which transactions.
What is the correct statement about a smart contract? ? Choose all the answers you think are right.
These are segments of code that can be stored in the block chain.
They can solve ambiguities in the code.
They are always safer than legitimate paper contracts.
will be self-executed when one or more conditions match.
他们使用IF / THEN的前提。
they use the IF/THEN premise.
They can be applied in a variety of sectors and examples.
?Oriol Pujoldevall?首席教育家
Smart contracts are software that is self-executing when matching a set of predefined conditions. Their application lists are almost endless, and their results are recorded and protected in the block chain.
What's a talisman?
Digital currency such as bitcoin.
Platform created to carry out ICO.
Bitcoin runs the operating system.
?Oriol Pujoldevall?首席教育家
Ether is an open software platform based on block chain technology that allows developers to build and deploy decentralized applications. It should not be confused with certain applications, such as Bitcoin.
What's the story about the ICO?
Clients are more protected than traditional methods.
has become the most common method of raising funds for start-up firms in block chains.
After the initial peak, the number of ICOs decreased over time.
A medal buyer becomes a shareholder in the company.
?Oriol Pujoldevall?首席教育家
ICO is a financing mechanism that is increasingly popular among start-ups in block chains. They should not be confused with IPOs, because ICO buyers will get a token in exchange for their money.
What conditions do applications match to be considered dispersed? ? Select all the answers you think are correct.
It must be open-sourced.
All data and protocols need to be stored in a computer.
generates new tags automatically when certain conditions match.
Consensus must be reached before implementing the change.
?Oriol Pujoldevall?首席教育家
The code for decentralized applications is open, so everyone can view the software on which they are based. They lack central access, and users need a token or coin to give them access to the application.
In the previous video, we saw many different applications of the block chain, from the energy sector to economic transactions.
On the basis of this statement, we request that you consider the sector that may benefit most from early block chain implementation .
The floor is yours! shares your views in the comment area.
?EIT InnoEnergy
Public Block Chain: The Public Block Chain is a chain of blocks that can be read by anyone in the world, that can be traded by anyone in the world, and that, if they are effective, is expected to be included, and that anyone in the world can participate in the consensus process. These blocks are usually considered to be “totally dispersed”. 加密货币:加密货币是一种数字资产,旨在作为交换媒介,使用加密技术保护其交易,控制其他单位的创建,以及验证资产的转移。
Encrypted Currency: Encrypted Currency is a digital asset designed to act as a clearing house, protect its transactions using encryption technology, control the creation of other units and verify the transfer of assets.
The right to read the block chain may be open or limited to the participants. These block chains may be considered to be “partially dispersed”.
Private Block Chain: A fully privately owned block chain is a block chain in which writing rights can be centrally preserved to individual organizations. Read permissions may be open or restricted to any extent.
Smart contracts : Smart contracts are computer protocols designed to facilitate the validation or execution of contract negotiations or performances.
Ether is an open source, a public, block-based distributed computing platform with smart contract functions. It provides a decentralized virtual machine, the Ethercom Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes.
ICO: It represents the initial coin for sale. It is an unregulated means of crowd-sourcing through the use of encrypted currency, which can be a source of funding for start-up companies.
DAO: an organization that runs rules coded as a computer program for smart contracts.
?EIT InnoEnergy
In this video, will understand the general perspective of the technical challenges to the block chain, as well as the main problems in some areas of block chain implementation.
We will discuss the shortcomings of the block chain, as some have pointed out, and the possibility of addressing them in the coming years.
UPC副教授Andreas Samper的一课
by Associate Professor Andreas Samper,
Share your views in the comment area!
?EIT InnoEnergy
0:13? Jumping to 0:13 seconds until now, we have heard of the applications and technologies of block chains. In this lecture, we will point out the shortcomings and future challenges that the technology will face. Let us start with the decentralized attributes. This is one of the greatest advantages, but so far it is a constraint. Decentralization is inherent in the equator network, but it requires that the actual computer network keep exchanging information and operating complex algorithms at high speeds.
1:09?跳到1分9秒目前,比特币网络正在以几分钟到几个小时的速度确认阻塞,每秒的交易量很少。在具有更高要求的行业中实施区块链解决方案需要扩大容量。我们在课程中已经看到的另一个挑战是Poof of Work算法所需的计算能力。这个问题将通过实施股权证明来解决。但是,我们可以强调两种解决方案之间的过渡是区块链发展的一个重要里程碑。关于区块链解决方案的安全性和隐私性,仍有很大的改进余地。正如我们在之前的课程中学到的,所有用户都拥有公钥和私钥。
1:09? Jump to 1:9 seconds now, the Bitcoin network is confirming blockages at speeds of minutes to hours, with very few transactions per second. Implementation of block-chain solutions in industries with higher requirements requires increased capacity. Another challenge we have seen in the course is the computing capacity required by the Poof of Work algorithms. This will be addressed through the implementation of equity certificates. But we can stress that the transition between the two solutions is an important milestone in the development of block chains.
2-05? Jump to 2 minutes and 5 seconds, for the sake of simplicity, we can interpret the public key as a bank account number, and the private key as the password to the account. If both are lost or made public, the account and the funds in it become very vulnerable. So it is necessary to come up with a better solution to securely store account data and protect it. Another factor to consider is that the system is not anonymous. Given that all transactions are disclosed in the ledger, anyone can track the transaction of an account, even if it is not linked to an official identity.
252? Jumping to 2 minutes and 52 seconds of the account is a pseudonym, which means that no one can directly identify the owner of the account if they do not know the identity behind the key. However, some trading patterns may reveal the identity of the owner. This is particularly important for products that we consume on a regular or daily basis. Imagine a trade in energy, where two users sell their energy. One household has three times the capacity of its family, and one can observe that the energy of an account transaction is much higher in the ledger. It is easy to figure out that the key belongs to a user that produces more energy.
A cultural shift is necessary in terms of users and operators of such systems. Finally, one of the important milestones leading to the large-scale adoption of block chain technologies is the existence of regulation, a topic that has become highly controversial. Strong and clear regulatory measures are needed to avoid market failures and to ensure minimum product quality for consumers.
Five:01? Jump to five minutes, one second, because of the rapid development of this technology, it is very difficult to demarcate the circumstances in which the rules come into force. The question arises faster than the answer. Most importantly, before regulators establish a legal framework, they must be better informed about technology and its implications. I will give two examples of the complexity of regulation by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
5:40? A little over five minutes and 40 seconds later, in a report on distributed ledger technology, they said that “financial technology regulators may need to develop” highly automated “surveillance?” and engage technical experts if they want to closely monitor the risks associated with block chains...” Moreover, the report states that “the global nature of financial science and technology therefore poses a challenge for regulators? The challenge should be addressed through international cooperation and information exchange.” This means that global regulation is necessary to create a framework for the application of block chains. Global regulation of global technology.
This video shows which industries are most affected by block chain technology and why it should not be overlooked by any industry.
来自ESMT高级讲师Christoph Burger的一课
A lesson by Christoph Burger, Senior Lecturer, ESMT
?EIT InnoEnergy
跳至0分12秒本次会议旨在查看Blockchain的应用程序方面的业务。区块链技术如何帮助我们开展业务?Blockchain有哪些机会?在寻找应用领域时,我如何看待区块链?我们 - 柏林ESMT和德国能源机构Dena想知道区块链是否会在能源领域发挥重要作用,如果是的话,市场参与者正在考虑什么样的应用。我们开展了一项研究,向德国能源高管询问了这些主题。让我们尝试利用我们获得的洞察力来对不同行业的应用领域进行分类。
One minute? In our study, the respondents put forward 107 examples. In analysing them, we can identify two types of applications. The first type, there are fifty-five, which are process-related.
1:19? Jump to 1:19, so we can ask ourselves a simple question: Does block chain technology help us reduce the cost of the process? Let me give three examples of this type. Abra is providing remittance payments based on block chain solutions. So, when transferring funds from Europe to India, you do not have to pay the bank that sent the funds, or the bank that received the funds. Using block chain solutions, you can bypass these costs completely. Abra promotes a 2% price for its services, while traditional preferences charge 7% based on Abra. Moreover, the process is digital, not paper, and lasts one hour instead of a week. Abra also provides hedges to avoid currency risk.
2.13? As a competitor of Abra, banks do not want to leave these markets to new competitors. Many banks, such as Santander, UBS, UniCredit, have joined Ripple, which can provide a global financial settlement solution based on Blockchain’s encrypted currency, Ripple. According to Ripple, process costs are reduced from 23% in finance, 60% in reconciliation, to 81% in payment processing.
2-59? Jump to 2 minutes 59 seconds for the second type of application, with 57 examples related to the network.
3:06? The question we can ask in 3 minutes and 6 seconds is: How do we use block chain technology to create networks/platforms for services?
3:17? To 3 minutes and 17 seconds in ESMT Berlin, we organized the launch of the block chain business model.
3:22?跳至3分22秒该奖项的获胜者是Arcade City提出的问题:如果车手和司机可以自由连接点对点而没有中间人怎么办?这个商业应用程序给优步带来压力,优步的公司估值约为700亿美元,而且 - 可以说 - 提供了对驾驶员和骑手产生的价值的再分配。当然,努力的成功取决于骑手和司机有足够的动力加入网络。但至少在原则上,互联网信息聚合器的这种替代方案已经存在。
3:22? The winner of the award in 3 minutes and 22 seconds was Arcade City: what if drivers and drivers were free to connect to each other without intermediaries? This commercial application puts pressure on the valor, with a company valued at about $70 billion, and - it can be said – provides a redistribution of the value generated by drivers and riders.
4:06?跳至4分6秒在能源市场,落基山研究所和Grid Singularity的能源网络基金会旨在为基于区块链的能源服务建立一个平台。通过智能网关连接发电资产和能源消费者时,您可以创建一个可以像应用程序一样预订服务的平台。一项服务可能是尽职调查,根据区块链记录数据的透明度,可以节省审计费用。此外,人们可以设想ICO为再生资产再融资,使投资者能够获得有关资产利用的实时信息。其他服务可能是P2P交易或平衡需求和供应。在这些平台中,区块链技术提供了拥有数据并释放部分数据的机会。
4:06? Jumping to 4 minutes and 6 seconds in the energy market, the Rocky Mountain Institute and the Gold Singularity Energy Network Foundation aim to create a platform for block-based energy services. When you connect power-generating assets to energy consumers through smart gateways, you can create a platform where you can book services like an application. A service may be due diligence, where transparency in recording data on block chains can save audit costs. In addition, one can imagine that ICO refinances renewable assets to enable investors to access real-time information about asset use.
5:05? Jump to 5 minutes and 5 seconds, so new business models can be developed to consider providing incentives for information. While platforms can be more easily disseminated in a coalition that allows for greater momentum, they can also be seen as a means of reducing the cost of services to small clients in individual companies.
5:29? Jump to 5 minutes and 29 seconds to exceed both types, with an additional dimension for block chain applications. We can see block chains as a means of demonstrating industry’s potential of 4.0. Block chains are transparent and data-retroactivity, providing platforms, including artificial intelligence in smart contracts, to optimize the value of physical assets.
6:08? The question we can ask in 6 minutes and 8 seconds is: How can a block chain be combined with artificial intelligence through the use of big data to gain more value from assets?
6:22? Jumping to 6 minutes and 22 seconds to Blockchain affects which sectors? The sectors that can benefit most from the above.
6:45? Jumping to 6 minutes and 45 seconds provides more value, more physical connections, and more customer-centred applications. Industry 4.0, block chains, the potential for combining artificial intelligence with big data can help reduce risks and customize, for example, insurance or maintenance contracts.
7:11? Jumping to 7 minutes and 11 seconds to discuss the speed of dissemination of block chain applications, three major barriers enter the picture. First, it is possible to assume the scalability and security of solutions that will be resolved in the near future, as many participants are working to address the problem. Second, and more importantly, the adaptability of participants to the testing and expansion of block chain solutions, which may offset current employees, products and services.
The lack or low quality of public notaries and banking services in developed countries increases the willingness to test and build block-chain applications. In the future, block-chain applications will gain prominence, and it will be important for the entire Governing Council (not only for financial and IT functions) to understand their potential benefits.
finds out more about Ethio.
Ethereum的联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在2013年底的白皮书中描述了这个开源的,公共的,基于区块链的平台。
Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Etheum, described this open-source, public and block-based platform in a white paper at the end of 2013.
So far, we have learned about the challenges that block chain technology may face in the coming years.
These challenges include a wide range of themes: some are technology-related, others are business model-related, and one key is regulation.
In this discussion, we will focus on the latter, and we ask how close you are to the standardized rules for block chain applications. Do you think that the current lack of regulation is sustainable in the long term?
The floor is yours!
?EIT InnoEnergy
The following is the main idea that you must start this week:
This flexibility makes block chains a very attractive option for companies and entities.
There are still issues of scalability, identification and privacy in
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?EIT InnoEnergy
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Translator: https://www.futureearn.com/courses/blockchain-energy-secretor
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