PANews 4月25日消息,据金融时报报道,一名中国女子在英国被指控犯有两项非法持有加密货币罪。Yadi Zhang被指控从2017年10月1日到本周二在伦敦和英国其他地方获取、使用或持有犯罪财产,即加密货币。Yadi Zhang否认英国皇家检察署的指控,4月24日在威斯敏斯特地方法院首次出庭。
According to PANews, on 25 April, the Financial Times reported that a Chinese woman had been charged in the United Kingdom with two counts of illegal possession of encrypted currency. Yadi Zhang was charged with acquiring, using or possessing criminal property, i.e. encrypted currency, in London and elsewhere in the United Kingdom, from 1 October 2017 to Tuesday. Yadi Zhang denied the charges of the Crown Prosecution Service and appeared for the first time in the District Court of Westminster on 24 April.
Yadi Zhang表示自己将不认罪,也不申请保释。她的律师、伯克利广场律师事务所的Roger Sahota表示:“本案不应匆忙判决。Zhang女士声称自己完全无辜”。Yadi Zhang被地方法院法官特诺克(Sarah Turnock)还押候审。此案已移交伦敦萨瑟克刑事法院。
Yadi Zhang states that she will not plead guilty or apply for bail. Her lawyer, Roger Sahota of Berkeley Square's law firm, stated: “The case should not be decided in haste. Ms. Zhang claims she is completely innocent.” Yadi Zhang was remanded in custody by District Court Judge Sarah Turnock. The case was transferred to the Sutherk Criminal Court in London.
此前消息,英国警方从一起中国投资欺诈案中查获近18亿美元的比特币,在此案中,Yadi Zhang从超过128000名投资者那里盗取了大约50亿英镑,随后将其转换为比特币。
Previously, British police seized nearly $1.8 billion in bitcoin from an investment fraud in China, in which Yadi Zhang stole approximately £5 billion from more than 128,000 investors and converted it to bitcoin.
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